Opening the Door to the Miracle of a Source Solution


Source Solutions are miracles that need to be welcomed into your life in the correct way if they are to help you build the Heaven of True Happiness.


There are Six Principles that need to be upheld to welcome in the miracle of a Source Solution.



The Six Principles


Beyond Self Interest

Only when you transcend a focus on your own self interest and ask to "become what is needed to support The Work of the Source” does the door to the miracle of a Source Solution open to you.


If you ask the Source from the perspective of self interest to give you a miracle to solve your problem or secure something that you desire, then the door will not open.  In July 2014, the door closed on requests for Source Solutions that are motivated by self interest.  The only requests for Source Solutions have to come from beings who are willing to rise out of the box of self interest by shifting their focus to supporting The Work of the Source.


This is because Suits have demonstrated that when the Source responds directly to their need and gives them a miracle, it heightens their self-centered, self interest orientation.  If the Source Solution requires them to learn and change in order to move into a Heaven Way of Life, the self interest orientation resists the Source Solution and begins to turn to the Negativity to amass an attack on the Source to prevent the change from happening.  The Negativity that is invited in then attacks both the person requesting the Source Solution and my Manifestation. This is damaging to all concerned and a detriment to The Work of the Source to manifest Heaven in the world.  

Even though the person requesting the solution may not be consciously coming from a place of self interest, the Self Interest Filter is generally in place in the Suit because of the Disconnection from the Source that occurred when beings, in the beginning of the Creation, departed from supporting The Work of the Source to pursue a life focused on their own self interest. 


The only way to sidestep The Self Interest Filter is to ask to release from all self interest and be genuinely willing to move into action to support The Work of the Source whether the Heaven Agent Work that is yours to do will benefit you individually in an immediate or direct way.  Once you enter into the flow of Source Love that is manifesting Heaven, you will be lifted up to a vibrational level where you can contribute what is yours to contribute to The Work of the Source.  From this contribution, you will generate the high quality Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracles that you and others will need.  


Willingness to Provide a Correct Exchange

All miracles are freely given by the Source to the Project of building Heaven in the Manifest World.  Manifest Beings must provide the Material Energy through a Correct Exchange to ground the miracles at the level of materiality where they reside.


The Source creates the miracles but does not generate Material Energy for the grounding process.  


If beings want miracles to land in their life, they have to provide the Material Energy which can be sent to the Source via an Energy Exchange or a Financial Exchange.  A Financial Exchange carries a low grade level of Material Energy that can be used to ground a miracle if the higher quality Energy Exchange is not available.  Since most humans generate less than 1% of their potential of Material Energy from the Material Energy Factories in their Suits, Financial Exchanges are often the only way in which they can provide the Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of a Source Solution.


Different miracles require different amounts of Material Energy to ground. The Source provides information on what is needed to ground the miracle of each Source Solution.


Finding the Right Source Solution 

When you ask to “become what is needed to support The Work of the Source to find the right Source Solution for 'x'”, you will open the door to a Source-Guided Discovery Process that will enable you to find the right Source Solution.


I provide a Directory of Source Solutions to help you discover the Source Solutions that I have placed in the Directory.  There are thousands of Source Solutions that I haven’t had time to enter into the Directory and there is an infinite number of Source Solutions that can be created for every situation.


Since it is the Will of the Source to support the building of the Heaven of True Happiness in the world, any Source Solution that is needed to complete this Project can be created.


There is an order in which Source Solutions appear in your individual life and in the life of the Community.  This order is created for you individually when you receive a Source-Created Life Adventure that generates the sequence of Source Solutions that are the miracles that you discover as you travel The Path of Miracles created by your Adventure.


Once you have a Life Adventure you can begin working effectively with The Heaven of True Happiness Grid that enables you to spot the miracles of the Source Solutions as they appear as Puzzle Pieces manifesting in the Grid.  With the help of the Miracle Tool of The Happiness Grid, you are able to spot Source Solutions that you might not know you need but which are essential to your happiness and the success of your Mission in this life.


Training in how to work with the Grid is offered in individual Coaching Sessions and in Group Coaching Sessions through Heaven Manifestation Webinars.


You can get a sense of how this Grid works from working with The Puzzle Piece Miracle video.


Once you have a Life Adventure and you work with the Happiness Grid, you are well positioned to understand and spot the miracles that are coming through for you.


Working with a Source Solution

There are many different kinds of Source Solutions.  Some are Source Solutions that I administer through working with the Manifestation Process on your behalf.  For instance, a Source Intervention is At-a-Distance Spiritual Work that I do without you having to provide any expertise to participate in the process.


Miracle Tools are Source Solutions that arrive fully prepared to do their Mission in this life.  You may need some training in how to use them, but generally they do what they are created to do and your part is minimal. For instance, the Source Solution of a Heaven Blanket creates a Field of Receptivity around you that enables you to receive clearer Source Guidance and to receive miracles to which you might not have been receptive without this Field of Receptivity around you.  The Heaven Blanket will perform flawlessly even if you are unaware of how it is doing the technical part of its work. 


Your part may be knowing how to do a Blanket Treatment when you need one which is cocooning in the blanket folded like a sleeping bag with one part under you and the other part over you.  Cocooning with your head covered for 10 minutes will clear away the networks of negative energy that may be attached to your body as a result of having been out in the world, dealing with other peoples’ negativity.


Otherwise you would just cover yourself with the blanket as usual and it would do what it is created to do.


Heaven Manifestations are a form of Source Solutions that requires your attentiveness to a complex Manifestation Process that enables you to transition some aspect of your life into a Life that is Heaven.  It comes with an Inner Plane Outcome Activation App that you learn to work with in either Individual or Group Coaching Sessions.  Since Heaven Manifestations manifest over months or years as you transition in stages, your attentiveness to doing your part in the Manifestation Process is important to the success of the Heaven Manifestation.


For instance, if a person is struggling with a deficit thinking pattern that is sabotaging their ability to manifest financial prosperity in their life, a Heaven Manifestation might be created that stages opportunities for them to manifest prosperity and to defeat the deficit thinking pattern.  This would require attentiveness on the part of the person.  


Other forms of Source Solutions are gifts of understanding or new abilities that you learn to work with in order to derive the full benefit from the Source Solution.  For instance,  you might be given an insight into how to build a Love-Based Relationship.  It might take you some time to grasp the concept and put it into practice in your life.  Or you might be given a new ability to see into the future and you might need to practice with it in order to be able to reliably use this ability.


Helping with Source Solution Research

The Source sends every Heaven Agent information about the Source Solutions that are needed by them individually and by the Universal Community in order for Life to be Heaven.  If you do your due diligence in getting this information and understanding the problem that the Source Solution is designed to address and the nature of the Source Solution and then share this information with me via email, then I can develop the Source Solution to completion.


Often the information comes in as a focus on a problem and the need for a solution.  If you mention the problem, then I may be the one who can get the rest of the information on what the Design Aspect of my Source Function has created for a solution.  Or I might request that my Source Function work on a solution if one has not already be created.


All of this research is key to the development of a Heaven Way of Life.  


To give you an example, a Heaven Agent might email me that they were thinking about the way in which conflict often plays out in male/female relationships. They then would report that they asked for a Source Solution and helped to land a miracle of a particular kind of energy that could break up some dense energy that often creates discord in male/female relationships.  I would then check in to see if the Source Solution that they spotted has landed fully or whether they are just getting an insight into the possibility of one landing.  I would then do whatever was needed by me in my Conscious Range to make sure that this Source Solution became available.


This kind of research is pivotal to solving all of the problems that need to be resolved if life is to be Heaven.  


As Heaven Agents "become what is needed to support The Work of the Source", they will think about the problems in the world instead of just focusing on their own personal problems or desires. This Love-Based response is the best form of support for The Work of the Source since it lifts the Heaven Agent to a higher level of caring and generates high quality Material Energy from their genuine concern for stopping the suffering and manifesting Heaven in the world.  This Material Energy is what helps to ground many of the Source Solutions that they become aware of  in their meditations.


Sharing Experiences in Working with Source Solutions

Key to the development of the 13 Prototype Communities that I did not visit in person, was the Secondary Genetic Code that I generated from the shared experiences of the first Prototype Community in learning about and working with the Source Solutions that transformed their life into a Life that is Heaven. As they shared their experiences with me and with one another, the Secondary Code of their collective understandings of how to work with Source Solutions was sent on the Inner Plane to the other Prototype Communities to help them to advance more rapidly in their understanding.


Secondary Code developed from the Prototyping Work of Heaven Agents on the Earth is central to helping Heaven Agents throughout the Creation to transition more rapidly into a Heaven Way of Life.  Since the miracles of Source Solutions are how they make this transition, shared experiences in working with Source Solutions are key to achieving the Source goal of transitioning all of life into a Source-Connected, Miracle-Based Way of Life that is of Heaven.


I encourage all Heaven Agents working with Source Solutions to write in to me their experiences. They can do this through emailing me through Contact at The Miracle School or through entering their post in The Heaven Agent to Source Communication Center.


In this way this most valuable labor of love on behalf of other beings can be accomplished.  This sharing is a way in which you express your love and appreciation for the miracle of Source Solutions that the Source has made available to you individually.




In conclusion, Source Solutions are miracles that require some understanding of how to welcome them into your life and work with them effectively.  When you take the time to bring into focus the perspective of the Source on the Source Solutions that It creates, then you will be able to work with them correctly and not superimpose on them ideas from other spiritual traditions about miracles or Spiritual Solutions. These ideas may not relate at all to the way that the Source works with Source Solutions. It is, therefore, of great importance to start with understanding the Source Perspective on the miracle of a Source Solution.