Integrated Comfort Adventures for Couples


Many couples lack the knowledge of how to work through their conflicts and doldrums and often try to escape the relationship in order to feel excitement in a relationship again.


Inner conflicts and an accumulation of conflicts in the relationship create the Distress Energies that come between them.  In their attempt to avoid bumping into these Distress Energies, they start to avoid one another.


An Integrated Comfort Adventure for Couples helps to release this wall of Distress Energies and to create a medium of Comfort Energies that enable the couple to re-experience Integrated Comfort when they are together.  This helps to end the standoff and give each one of them the emotional reserves of sustained Integrated Comfort to begin to tackle the problems that have led to the conflicts.


While an Integrated Comfort Adventure will not handle all of the work that is needed to deal with the problems that have led to the conflicts, it will take the edge off of the distress and create the experience of Integrated Comfort that enables them to relax and  have the energy to begin to problem solve and learn new ways of relating that enable them to rise above conflict.

Correct Exchange

A Baseline Comfort Adventure for Couples is US $600.  This will establish the Inner Plane foundation for Integrated Comfort in the relationship.  This Inner Plane level of Comfort will translate overtime to the Outer Plane.  This will, without support, take months and even years to manifest completely on the Outer Plane.


To accelerate the process, it is advisable to follow up with a series of Activation Adventures that help to manifest what has been built on the Inner Plane on the Outer Plane.  Each Activation Adventure is US $350.


A couple can add on additional Activation Adventures as needed and can supplement these Adventures with Couple Coaching either in person, via phone or Skype or by email, with learning how to read The Comfort Code in a Source Solution Code Webinar, and with training in how to work effectively with Miracle-Based Adventures in a Miracle-Based Adventure Training Webinar.  The webinars can be accessed through The Schedule for Upcoming Events.


If only one member of the couple is open to the concept of the Adventure, it is possible for them to work with me in a Coaching Session and track the evolution of the Adventure.  As long as the Soul of their partner is willing to participate in the Adventure, help through an Adventure process can be gifted to this person.


It is also possible to request an Assessment of what combination of Next Steps would be most advisable given your current circumstances. To request an Assessment you can access the form through the link provided below.




To request an Baseline Comfort Adventure for Couples you can access the link provided below.




To request an Activation Comfort Adventure for Couples you can access the link provided below.




Integrated Comfort Adventures for Couples in the Community

An adapted version of this kind of Adventure is available for couples in any community.  For instance, in communities where it is well known that domestic violence is high and women are being oppressed, it is possible to request a Miracle-Based Adventure that will help couples to begin to evolve beyond this level of conflict and abuse.  In the 14 Prototype Communities that I founded, there was a very high rate of domestic violence. With Code-Driven Miracle-Based Adventures, these couples evolved beyond this level of violence into the Love-Based Relationships that formed the foundation for a Love-Based Community.  It was a great miracle, one that can be replicated in our modern times in any community throughout the Creation.


What is needed is the Material Energy of those who want to help usher in a new era in which people live their lives in Love-Based Relationships instead of in conflict-ridden relationships.


To give funding to this work, you can make a contribution to The World that Works Fund through filling out the form that is provided below.  


You can provide and information you would like to give about the recipients you have in mind in the Comments Box that you will find as you process your contribution.


Note:  If you are giving a contribution that is greater than US $4500, you will need to email me for instructions on how to complete the financial exchange.



Contribute to The World that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 to The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Fund for a World that Works.





An Integrated Comfort Adventure for Couples is part of The Perfect Health Project and is a Perfect Health Source Intervention.

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