This section of The Source Plan provides you an opportunity to Become Love in Action by putting your shoulder to the wheel to move The Global and Universal Heaven Project forward at full speed. When you back the Work of the Source you build The Love Connection with the Source who only understands Love as Love in Action not just as a sentiment to be drawn out and experienced from time to time.
If you love the Source, support the Source. That is the bottom line.
Supporting the Work of the Source is the most vital part of your work of developing an Integrated Way of Life. As you Commune with the Source you will be in alignment with The Work of the Source and will be able to understand the importance of the Universal Heaven Projects that the Source is working on to Build Heaven in the lives of individuals and in the Universal Community.
There are Six Heaven Projects that are outlined in the article: Supporting the Work of the Source. It is important to acquaint yourself with these Projects and to get onboard with doing what the Source is asking you to do to help with this work.
The Global Miracle Link Campaign is a subset project that supports the work in all six of the Universal Heaven Projects.
Miracle Links are what link the miracles of the Source to either Inner or Outer Plane objects, food, educational materials, music, events, and places.
Through interacting with the Source through Miracle Links, people become resocialized to Live the Love rather than to stay in the Fragmented and hectic state of mind that breeds the loveless pursuit of their own self interests.
Just as they were socialized as children to live a Fragmented Way of Life through experiencing this Way of Life through all of their senses, so the resocialization process needs to provide the Suit with an equally powerful multi-sensory experience of an Integrated Way of Life and of the Source manifesting in their life in a very tangible way. Miracle Links makes this tangible way of experiencing possible.
The Source can help an individual anywhere to receive Direct Source Support through sending a Source Intervention through the music they might be listening to in a store, through the food they eat, through Source-Created educational materials such as a video, through a sequence of events that culminate in new understandings, and through the places where they go in their day.
The Source knows every being and what that individual being needs in order to attain the levels of Spiritual Integration needed to survive the upcoming Vibrational Shifts and the Transition into the Source Perfected World. Through Miracle Links the Source can reach them through their five senses while they are interacting with the physical world with which they are familiar. Since most beings lack the ability to pick up on what is happening in the Spiritual Level of Reality and only relate to what is happening in the Physical Level of Reality, it is important for the Source to communicate with them and supply them with Source Support through the objects and events of the Physical Level of Reality with which they are familiar.
We are now in Stage Four of The Global Miracle Link Campaign. You can read about the three Stages that have been completed successfully in the description below as well as more about Stage Four.
The first aspect is the Miracle Links that go out spontaneously to connect to objects, music, places, and events anywhere in the world. These can reach a person in a Third World country who has no access to the internet or to any other form of communication which would enable them to connect to The Work of the Source on the Outer Plane. These require Material Energy to ground at the level of materiality where people can relate to them. These Miracle Links are designed to help beings awaken, make the Source Connection, and receive Source Interventions that enable them to begin progressing in their lives.
I have set up a Training Facility on the Inner Plane that helps beings to learn in their Extended Range how to live an Integrated Way of Life. While this is building up a foundation of understanding in their Extended Range, which is generally outside of their conscious awareness, this knowledge is slow to perk up through the layers of their consciousness to their conscious mind.
What is needed are Educational Miracle Links that link to the books that they are reading, to the movies that they watch, to the conversations that they have with others, and the like. If they are engaged in their Conscious Range in learning, then a Miracle Link manifesting at that moment can give them an opportunity to learn directly from the Source as well. They can then begin to bring the Source Perspective into focus at some level of their semi-conscious mind.
While there is still time needed for what is given at this level to perk up to the conscious mind for the consideration of the conscious mind, this kind of Inner Plane Source Education is closer to the level of the conscious mind.
Each person who receives Educational Miracle Links will have the opportunity to think outside of the box of their Personal and Cultural Story. The information provided simply gives them a bigger picture that enables them to see that another way of life – a Heaven Way of Life is possible.
Because the Source only provides beings with opportunities and then leaves them to make the choice of whether they will make use of the opportunities or not, beings who receive Educational Miracle Links can either work constructively with them or put them aside. The decision is always theirs.
The proferring of the Educational Miracle Link is made only when the Soul and Suit of the being are asking on the Inner Plane for Source Direction. It may be only the Core Intelligence of the Suit that is seeking Source Direction while the conscious mind of the Suit is unreceptive, but some aspect of both the Suit and the Soul has to be actively requesting this kind of Source Support for the Source to be willing to send in an Educational Miracle Link.
In this way the Material Energy that Heaven Agents have provided to ground the miracle of a Miracle Link is only used in situations where some good is likely to come from the opportunity that is given.
The third aspect is importing Miracle Links into the lives of Heaven Agents so they build through them the Miracle-Based Way of Life that enables them to Live The Heaven Experience in their everyday lives. I speak to this in the description provided below.
The fourth is developing Joint Ventures to make Miracle Links available to the public as Outer Plane "products" for which they can exchange. Often the first substantial contact with the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life is contact with music or an object that has become Miracle Linked. This experience can be life altering, encouraging the person to join in The Work of the Source.
The fifth is campaigns to help specific populations that are in need. There are six Special Focus Campaigns that the Source is initiating.
I have established a First Layer Source Intelligence Network on the planet which has already given rise to an Energy Medium of Life that has created the Integrated Energy Field needed to land the miracle of Source Love. This amount of Source Love on the planet has made it possible for me to initiate The Global Miracle Link Campaign.
The Next Step is to import a Baseline Life Medium which will increase the Integration of the Energy Field on the Earth and provide a better foundation for more Source Love to come into the planet.
NOTE: As a result of the contribution of Material Energy from a Heaven Agent, the imported Baseline Life Medium was brought in. Now 40% more Source Love is manifesting in this Life Medium than was on the Earth prior to the Medium.
With this Baseline Life Medium as a foundation, it will be possible to begin constructing a Second Layer Source Intelligence Network which will become the Network that supports the Direct Source Work that is needed to resocialize beings to live an Integrated Way of Life. It is through this Second Layer that I can begin reaching Suits in the Conscious Range.
While the Baseline Life Medium can be imported very readily through using Miracle Link Technology as soon as the Material Energy for it is provided, the construction of the Second Layer Source Intelligence Network will require Seeding the World with Miracle Links.
Each Miracle Link will function like a spiritual neuron in the Second Layer Source Intelligence Network that is something like a Spiritual Central Nervous System on a planetary level. When enough Miracle Links are out in the world, strategically placed to build the Network, the Network will cohere and become a Miracle-Linked Inner Plane Object through which the Source can work. The Source can work through each Miracle Link and through the Miracle-Linked Network to land miracles that would otherwise not be able to arrive on the Earth.
NOTE: The Second Layer Source Intelligence Network has been created through the influx of Material Energy provided by a Heaven Agent for the Miracle Links that formed the neurons of the Network. Once this Network was created, it became The Universal Perfected Field of Consciousness for the Universal Community.
Although it is a grid that encompasses the Earth, it is the main Materialization Grid for the Creation as a whole. It is grounded here on the Earth, which is the most material level of the Creation, in order to produce materializations that will benefit beings from the most material level of the Creation to the least material level.
The more substantial the Second Layer Source Intelligence Network becomes, the more people will pick up on the need to change their way of life on the Outer Plane.
By Stage Three people will start thinking about their way of life and understanding what is needed to bring about the changes that enable it to become Integrated. At first it will be a very individual and often unspoken understanding, In time people will begin sharing their understandings with one another and eventually working with others to bring about the social changes that enable them to have an Integrated Way of Life.
In the 13 Prototype Communities that I did not visit in person, Stage Three was the time when they began sharing their vision with one another and starting to work together to bring about social change.
NOTE: As a result of the creation of The Universal Perfected Field of Consciousness, I was able to create the Spiritual Equipment needed to Live The Heaven Experience. This equipment is an upgraded version of the kind of equipment utilized by the Prototype Communities. They have been running their Materialization Economies off of a Regional Perfected Field of Consciousness Grid which supplied their individual equipment with what was needed to manifest the Heaven Happenings that structure the ongoing Heaven Experience of their daily lives.
Their Materialization Economy, which enables them to manifest from the Spiritual Level of Reality to the Physical Level of Reality all of the material resources that they need, requires the use of individual Field of Consciousness Grids which interface with the Regional Field of Consciousness Grid.
Now that I have successfully replicated the equipment used in the Prototype Communities to manifest Total Abundance, I am calling all beings to come forward to get equipped and trained to work with me to manifest the Total Abundance that will alleviate the suffering and manifest a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
In the Next Step Communications from the Source video entitled: The Source Plan for The Total Abundance Project: Getting Equipped & Trained to Live The Heaven Experience, I outline how this Spiritual Technology works and how it enables everyone individually and collectively to Live The Heaven Experience.
This video is available for members of Connecting – which offers free information and training. If you are not already a member of Connecting you can sign up to watch this and other Next Step Videos and Audios with full Source Support gifted to you from The Universal Heaven Agent Network.
Now that the Live The Heaven Experience Spiritual Equipment is available, this equipment will enable Heaven Agents to launch Heaven Happenings that offer beings in the Universal Community an experience of Heaven that can awaken them to the possibility of a life outside of the dog-eat-dog mentality of the world as they know it.
In this Stage of the Campaign, it will be important to provide the Global Community with many Contact Points where they can receive the information from the Source about how to live an Integrated Life. This will require considerable financial support to develop the books, movies, Prototype Projects, trainings, etc. that provide the Global Community with the leadership that is needed to see the Vision of an Integrated, Love-Based Global Community.
While I can provide many of the needed educational materials, Heaven Agents will have to lend their support by using their Source-Given abilities to develop the multiplicity of ways in which the Vision can be sent out into the world and people can gather together to understand how to incorporate this Vision into their daily lives.
Through the use of Webinars and Teleconferences a united Global Network of Heaven Agents can work together in a powerful way to provide training and support to incoming Heaven Agents who are dedicated to the changes that are needed on a personal and global scale.
Through a Grassroots Movement people from all over the world can rise above their old beliefs and traditions and work together to manifest The Culture of Heaven that the Source has gifted to them that will enable all the flavors of all of the world's cultures to be preserved without any of the Fragmenting elements that have made them quicksand to those trying to live an Integrated Life.
This part of the Campaign will require the training of professionals who can train others. Heaven Agents will need to support the education of their fellow Heaven Agents so that every Heaven Agent can contribute what is theirs to contribute.
The Source Plan contains a very precisely defined strategy for world change that every Heaven Agent needs to open to receiving. As they ask to receive this Strategy on the Inner Plane, they will become aware of it in their Extended Range and then it will begin to perk through to their Conscious Range. Through understanding the Strategy of the Source Plan, Heaven Agents worldwide can work together to end the suffering and bring through the Heaven that is not only possible but which is the only reality which will, in the end, be sustained. Who is there when the Source Perfected Universe has reached its full level of expression will depend on who steps forward to Live the Love that Makes Life Heaven.
NOTE: This is the Stage that we are now in. For more detailed information on what is needed for this stage, see the description below.
The Vibrational Shifts span a period between August 8, 2013 and September 16, 2014. Since most of the loss of lives will occur in the August 8th Shift which will take the Creation from a Level 3 Vibration to a Level 6 Vibration, most of the Miracle Links need to be seeded to the population prior to August 8th to give them time to prepare for this Shift.
The amount of Material Energy needed for a very minimal amount of Miracle Links for the Global Community prior to August 8th is US $400,000.
The basic Source Connection Miracle Links require about $6 million/year to sustain the re-education of the population to build a Love-Based Global Community. They have to have a Direct Contact with the Presence of the Source through Source Connection Miracle Links in order to fundamentally Reconnect and Realign with Source Love. This is what integrates their consciousness and enables them to begin developing The Love Connection with the Source which is the foundation for a Love-Based Community.
This project needs $15 million to send in Educational Miracle Links that can provide information that is more readily accessed in the Conscious Range.
If we are to build a Global Community that is united in building a Heaven Way of Life in the next 32 years, Educational Miracle Links will be the key element in this personal and social transformation. They were central to the success of the 13 Prototype Communities, that I did not visit in person, to transforming their way of life in 29 years.
It began with receiving information from the Source through Miracle Links that gave them a collective understanding of what a Heaven Way of Life would be like for them. They then began talking among themselves and sharing the similar information that all of them were getting through Educational Miracle Links.
In the end they decided that they were willing to give it a chance and work with the Source Guidance that was being sent to them. They welcomed in all of the Educational Miracle Links that they needed to rethink their way of life and to rebuild it so it could produce the Total Abundance that became their reality.
This same miracle can happen on the Earth if Heaven Agents provide the Material Energy for the Educational Miracle Links that will carry the information from the Source that the masses will need to awaken and transform their lives.
The amount of Material Energy you will need for the Miracle Links that build a Miracle-Based Life is determined on a very individual basis. You can consult your Plan for Ultimate Spiritual Healing to see what is Next on your path for building in the miracles that transform every aspect of your life into Heaven. It is a process that proceeds in a way that is in keeping with the Developmental Sequence of your Source Plan.
One way to conceptualize it is to go through every aspect of your current way of life and ask for Source Guidance about what it would look like if it was a Miracle-Based Way of Life that is of Heaven.
For instance, you can begin with your kitchen. Think about the food that you bring into your kitchen and how you prepare it. Then ask for Source Guidance to see what is possible if everything in your kitchen, the cooktop, oven, pots and pans, small appliances, and refrigerator were Miracle-Linked. What would it be like to cook in such a kitchen and what kind of food would be produced?
Then move onto your bedroom and think about what it would be like if you slept in a bed that was Miracle-Linked to give you a good night's sleep and what it would be like to wrap up in sheets and blankets that are miracles, helping you to receive the miracles of the Source as you rest and regenerate yourself for the next day.
Then think about what it would be like to have a living room where all of the furniture is Miracle-Linked, providing all kinds of different experiences of Heaven to those sitting on them. Imagine a family gathering in a Heaven Environment such as this.
Then think about your car, your computer, your cell phone, your stereo, and what it would be like if they were Miracle-Linked.
Thinks about your workplace and what it would be like to have a Miracle-Linked Workstation that could buffer you from the hectic energies of others and enable you to work more efficiently.
And what if the events of your life were Miracle-Linked so they flowed in a structured way to manifest an experience of Heaven.
And what if your house was Miracle-Linked to become a safe and comfortable environment for you and your family.
If you begin conceptualizing every aspect of your life systematically and then reading about what is available already online in the articles I have on Miracle Tools, then you will begin to emancipate yourself from the drabness of a world without miracles everywhere you turn.
While exchanging for all these miracles financially may not be possible, when you surround yourself with miracles, you become more Spiritually Integrated. You heal your Material Energy Factory and begin producing the Material Energy that enables me to ground the miracles that transform your life into a Miracle-Based Way of Life.
This is how the Prototype Communities did it. Their whole economy is based on an Energy Exchange with the Source.
Having a Miracle-Based Way of Life is not a luxury. It is a necessity if you are to achieve the levels of Spiritual Integration that enable you to survive in the Source Perfected Universe.
Being around the Miracle-Unfriendly Energies of objects that are not Miracle-Linked, drags you down vibrationally and prevents your Suit from healing completely from the Disease of Fragmentation. It is, therefore, important that you surround yourself with Miracle-Linked objects. They will help you to heal and to rise to the levels of Spiritual Integration that are necessary for you in the time ahead.
Building a Miracle-Linked World around you is also very fun. You will never want to go back to having inanimate objects surrounding you when the objects can be Landing Zones for Perfected Heaven Agents who become your closest friends and allies, helping you in every aspect of your personal life.
Life before Miracle Links will seem to you like the Stone Age as indeed it is compared to the joy and fulfillment that Miracle Links bring to everyone who has them.
The amount of Material Energy and funding needed to build a Joint Venture that seeds the world with Miracle Links depends on what kind of Made in Heaven Business is created.
If you wish to set up your own web site and draw people there to exchange for Miracle Links, then I back up your efforts by reviewing their requests and providing them with the Miracle Links in accordance with Source Guidance.
If you want to refer them to The Miracle School web site, then you receive a percentage of their Correct Exchange.
If you wish to market actual physical objects that are Miracle Linked, such as Heaven Blankets, children's toys, clothes, etc., then you will set up a more extensive Made in Heaven Business since you will be providing the object and not just access to the Miracle Link for an object.
There is a need to send Miracle Linked objects out into the world so that people pick them up, hold them, and become transformed by just touching them in the store even if they don't buy one for themselves. Miracle Links are the tangible message of the Source reaching out to all people in the world community.
Those Heaven Agents who help the Source disseminate the Miracle Links are providing an essential piece of the puzzle of Global Transformation.
There is a Correct Exchange percentage of each Miracle Link that is exchanged for that goes to The Work of the Source for the work that I do to bring through the Miracle Link itself and for the work that the Heaven Agent does to make the Miracle Link available to others.
This Project needs $20 million. Each Heaven Blanket is US $230 for the Miracle Link. With $20 million a pattern of rehabilitation will be created for those traumatized that will carry to those who do not receive Heaven Blankets. It is like a vaccination against the damage of trauma. It will take $20 million to create this vaccine, as it were.
This project will require $40 million to set up Spiritual Rhythms in the Global Community that free abusers from the Negative Spiritual Structures that imprison them in Sound Tunnels that reinforce their abusive behavioral sequences.
The Rehabilitation of Suits without Souls will require $4 million to help those who are most at risk of becoming instruments of the Negativity.
Most will have to work at The Construction Site of Heaven in their Extended Range to try to rehabilitate themselves. There won't be enough Direct Source Work that can be done to rehabilitate them without their very active and diligent involvement in the rehabilitative process. Fortunately, they are working at The Construction Site and are making progress but many will need more Source Support through Miracle Links than can be provided for at The Construction Site.
In order to protect the Spiritual Immune System of beings in the Global Community from those who are creating energy waves because their energies are disorganized and Fragmented, it will take $1.2 million. This will create a Spiritual Pathway on which they can travel until they can get their bearings and decide on a course of action. While they are traveling in this Spiritual Pathway, they will not be dangerous to others in the Community.
Most at risk are the elderly who have compromised Spiritual Immune Systems and young children who can be fundamentally thrown off course in their lives by being around a person who is this derailed.
People going through a life transition such as a graduation from school, a divorce, retirement and the like do not generally produce this kind of energy. This kind of energy is produced by someone who is mentally and emotionally disoriented and directionless. This often happens when a loved one dies breaking up a system of support that was basic to their life or there is a sudden loss of a source of income and the way of life that went with it or an illness or injury that changes a person's life fundamentally. It is whatever shakes the foundation of a person's life so fundamentally that they are temporarily without any direction. Their energies then back up and implode on them and explode outward into the energy field of the community, damaging the Spiritual Immune System of the members of this community that are most fragile.
This Project needs $14 million to build a Reconnection Center on the Inner Plane to which beings can go to get clear about who they are and what is happening in their lives and who the Source is and how to find the Source. Amidst the trickery of the Negativity, it is very difficult to have a Spiritual Space in which to sort things out. This Reconnection Center will provide an interim space which will be a necessary form of Source Support to many who have been lost enroute to find the Source.
Once The Reconnection Center is set up on the Inner Plane, it will draw to itself those most at risk. The power of the draw will free those who have been entrapped by the Negativity in Spiritual Dimensions that don't allow them to make the Connection. Rescuing the millions of Spiritual Seekers who have take a wrong turn in the road and are trapped in one of these kinds of Spiritual Traps is a project that only can be accomplished through the work of The Reconnection Center which links to them and pulls them out of captivity.
This Project needs $29 million to deal with the growing numbers of people who, because of the accelerating Disease of Fragmentation, are becoming dangerous to themselves and the Community if they stay in the Community Spiritual Electrical Field.
It will create the Spiritual Space where those most damaged can go to rehabilitate themselves so they can return to the Community Electrical Field once they are no longer arching energy in a dangerous manner.
The Total needed longterm for the Direct Source Support part of this project is $112 million. The short term amount needed is $400,000 prior to August 8th.
The educational materials that need to be developed to help people understand the importance of Miracle Links to building a Miracle-Based Way of Life include books, short stories, articles, movies, and the like.
Just as many people didn't grasp the revolution in our way of life that would happen with the advent of cell phones, so they haven't even begun to recognize the revolution in the quality of life that can occur when Miracle Links transform everything they own and every event and place into a miracle that brings the experience of Heaven into their lives.
There's a big difference when you cook food in ordinary pans from when you cook food in pans that suffuse the food with "Life" that your body immediately responds to by understanding how to rebuild your health.
Sitting on an ordinary sofa in your living room is no comparison from sitting on a Heaven Zone sofa that transports you into a Heaven Zone where you can relax, commune with the Source, and experience a quality of consciousness that is of Heaven.
Wearing ordinary clothes to an event where you must perform optimally is no comparison to wearing Source Connection Clothes that connect you to the Source and the miracles of the Source that enable you to attain peak performance levels.
It will take a considerable amount of education before people will realize that when they surround themselves with Miracle Links, they are building a Team of Fellow Heaven Agents who come through the type of Miracle Links that are Landing Zone Miracle Links. Investing in having Perfected Spiritual Intelligences helping you in your life is far better than handling your Heaven Agent Work without their help.
Investing in Source Connection Miracle Links through the Comprehensive At-a-Distance Work is investing in Time with the Source that is groundede by your Material Energy so the Source can manifest through the music, food, objects, places, and events of your everyday life to help you to stay centered in your Source Connection and stay on track with building an Integrated Way of Life.
The amount of Material Energy needed to educate the masses to the importance of working with Miracle Links is in the millions. One special effects movies is often $170 - $250 million. Basic work for this educational campaign can be accomplished for $50 million but more will be needed to provide more adequate educational support.
To contribute you can enter in the amount that you are contributing in the form for The World that Works Fund which you can access by clicking on the link below. If you are contributing more than US $4000, you can email me to receive instructions with regard to how to proceed.
As important as it is to seed the world with Miracle Links to help transform the consciousness of those who don't know what is happening on a Spiritual Level and who need your help to prepare for the Vibrational Shifts, it is also important to secure the Integrated Field of Energy around yourself and your loved ones in preparation for the Shifts.
I recommend working with the new Comprehensive At-a-Distance Work that provides you with both Direct Source Interventions and Inner Plane Session Work as well as Miracle-Linked music, objects, places, and events. This kind of comprehensive work provides your Suit with the kind of resocialization process that is needed to experience an Integrated Way of Life through all of its senses.
This is akin to your Suit's early experiences in childhood with learning how to live a Fragmented Way of Life through all of its senses. An equally comprehensive and continual re-education through mutlisensory input on a daily basis is what your Suit needs to re-experience life from an Integrated Perspective, understand the joys of an Integrated Way of Life, and develop its senses to experience this way of life.
Living an Integrated Way of Life requires drawing on all of your Seven Senses – the Five Senses that enable you to perceive the Outer Plan, the Sixth Sense that enables you to perceive the Inner Plane, and the Seventh Sense that enables you to perceive the Source. Without extensive training in how to perceive reality using all of your senses rather than only the Five Senses that are emphasized in a Fragmented Way of Life, it is difficult to ever fully see an Integrated Picture of Reality and, therefore, hard to build an Integrated Way of Life.
I, therefore, recommend working with the Comprehensive At-a-Distance Work to fill the gap in your Suit's education so it can learn what the Source means by Living the Love that Makes Life Heaven.
Miracle LInks:
Every Miracle Link becomes a Contact Point for Life and for the miracles that support Life.
The Field of Energy that a community lives in its its most important resource. In the Prototype Communities I first secured a very high vibrational field of energy that was replete with Source Love and then they began to evolve very rapidly toward working together peacefully to build a Love-Based Community.
This same law of physics applies to life on the Earth today. If humans live in a Fragmented Field of Energy they will behave in a Fragmented Way and seek their own well-being at the expense of the well-being of others. This leads to crime, war, exploitation, abuse and all of the other ills that have plagued the human population for countless generations.
If humans live in an Integrated Field of Energy they will behave in an Integrated Way, seeing how their own well-being is directly related to the well-being of all others in their community. Competition vanishes and cooperation to nurture every life becomes commonsense. The transformation in consciousness is not something that people have to wrestle with in order to achieve. It is an obvious conclusion that Living the Love makes Life Heaven.
In The Global Miracle Link Campaign it is of paramount importance that people rally behind the Direct Source Work that I can do to transform the Energy Field in which people live so that peace and not war and healing and not disease can become the reality of all beings on the Earth.
Some of the kinds of Miracle Links that I will be using will be miracles linked to objects, such as blankets and food and water, to music, to events, and places.
You can read about some of the kinds of Miracle Links that create Miracle Tools in The Directory of Miracle Tools. In the Directory I am describing a kind of Miracle Link that is a permanent link to an object. In The Global Miracle Link Campaign, the kind of Miracle Link that I will be using is one that links temporarily to music, objects, places, and events. Because it can link to the existing objects, places, music, etc. in any part of the world, there is no need to ship the objects, or play specific music in order to Seed the World with Miracle Links. Anything could become Miracle-Linked if it proved to be strategic to the Work of the Source in The Global Miracle Link Campaign. All that is required is a Team of Heaven Agents providing the necessary Material Energy that enables the Source to ground the Miracle Link.
This means that a person in a remote village in a Third World country could experience the Direct Work of the Source through a blanket that they own or a place that they frequent or music that they play. The Source sees everything and knows who needs what form of Source Support and can readily send it to them as long as the requisite Material Energy is available to ground the Miracle Link.
I will briefly describe here a few of the kinds of Miracle Links that can be used in The Global Miracle Link Campaign.
To give you some idea of how this would work, lets take a look at the Miracle Link for The Heaven Blanket. This Miracle Link can be attached to any blanket anywhere and can transform the blanket into a Miracle Tool that generates a Field of Receptivity to the miracles of the Source.
Since the issue of receptivity is key to beings receiving the Source Support that will enable them to transition into an Integrated Way of Life, seeding the world with Heaven Blankets is a very powerful way to help people to become more receptive.
To learn more about how this works, you can read the article entitled: The Heaven Blanket.
I have recently developed a new kind of Miracle Link to music. This Miracle Link enables me to transform any piece of music into a Point of Connection to Source Interventions and to the miracle of the Source manifesting and communicating and communing with a person directly.
These links, unlike the type of Miracle Link that manifests Heaven Music, are temporary. The link can manifest in a song heard in the grocery store and stop as soon as the needed Source Work has been accomplished. Because of the versatility of this kind of Miracle Link, there is no need for prior planning with regard to what music will be chosen or when the Link will activate.
In this way music played in a remote village can become Miracle-Linked as easily as music played from a recording downloaded from iTunes.
In The Global Miracle Link Campaign, Heaven Agents provide me with the Material Energy to link the music people around the world are listening to to the Source Interventions and Direct Source Contact that are needed. The music is chosen strategically and it is designed to amplify the Miracle Link Signal to help to build the Second Layer Source Intelligence Network. It is also designed to move individuals into action to preserve their own lives and to care for others.
Since music moves the world on very deep emotional levels, it is a very good medium for people to experience a Direct Connection to the Source and to receive the transformative energies that enable them to awaken and become Source-Connected.
It is also a fun way to experience music since the beauty of the Source Connection gives the music to which it is linked a quality that makes it very appealing and enjoyable even if the music is something that you might not even warm to ordinarily.
To read more about this kind of Miracle Link, you can read the article entitled: Source Connection Music.
There is also a new kind of Miracle Link that links events to Direct Source Connections. It is important to link key world events when millions are already attending or watching the event on TV to a Direct Source Connection that can suffuse the event with the kind of energies that enable consciousness to evolve. It is equally important to link seemingly simple events that can be the turning point in the life of a decision maker who can shape events in the social arena on a large scale as well as to assist all of the individual decision makers to open to the understanding of a need for an Integrated Way of Life.
To read more about this kind of Miracle Link you can read the article entitled: Source Connection Events.
Since Miracle Links can become Transmitting Stations for Life, it is important to link places where people go to Miracle Links so they have an opportunity to experience the Source Connection emanating from their environment.
Through creating Miracle Links to frequented places on the planet, many people can be reached that might not otherwise receive the benefit of the Source Connection.
Just as a place can be Miracle-Linked, an object can be Miracle-Linked to carry a Source Connection. Sitting in a chair that is transmitting Source Love can be a transformative experience that can change a life. Touching a pen that lights up the lights of a person's Spiritual Intelligence can also be a moment when that person begins to awaken to an Integrated Vision of Reality that was previously impossible given the few lights of their Intelligence that were lit up.
You can read more in the article entitled: Source Connection Objects & Places
It is most strategic to provide World that Works funds for Comprehensive At-a-Distance Work through Miracle Links. This will enable me to link through music, objects, places, and events as needed without restricting what is linked. I can use all of the different kinds of Miracle Links according to which ones are most appropriate in any given circumstance.