Miracle-Based Coaching Sessions




In the past I scheduled different kinds of Miracle-Based Sessions/Consultations. Some focused on the Next Step on your spiritual path, others focused on your Source Connection, others focused on recommendations for Source Support Miracles, and others focused on Joint Ventures with The Miracle School to build Heaven in the world.


At this point in time, given the challenges of The Transition, which is daily changing the nature of your Source Connection – your Link to Life –  all Miracle-Based Coaching Sessions are Source Connection Coaching Sessions.  This kind of Session focuses on strengthening your Source Connection through helping you to learn how to receive accurate Inner Source Guidance and to understand how to Steward the Miracle of your Life and The Miracle of Life in the Creation. This focus enables you to both learn how to protect and nurture your Source Connection while also learning how to work with Source Guidance and the miracles of the Source to deal with real life issues and transition into a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.

The essential structure of a Source Connection Coaching Session is that of the Miracle-Based Adventure that the Source creates to accomplish whatever is in The Source Plan for the Session. This structure ensures that our time is maximally productive and that the timing and conditions are right for the miracles of understanding and transformation that need to land in the Session. The Miracle-Based Adventure will take into account the issues that you raise and the help that you wish to receive from the Source in light of the overarching issues that the Source considers most urgently in need of being brought to your attention and worked on at the time of the Session.


By learning how to work within the structure of a Miracle-Based Adventure you learn how to follow the structure of the ongoing Miracle-Based Adventure that the Source has created for your life.  This learning is essential to being able to travel The Path of Miracles of your Life Adventure and receive the moment to moment Source Support that enables you to Live Heaven and fulfill your Mission.



Types of Source Connection Coaching Sessions

In-Person Sessions 

In-Person Source Connection Coaching Sessions are generally done by phone or web conferencing. They can also be held in The Source Connection Center in Seattle.  


Online Coaching Sessions

Online Coaching Sessions involve an Inner Plane Coaching Session where I work with your True Self and the aspects of your Suit Consciousness that need Source Support to heal and advance.  I find that Inner Plane Coaching is where major transformational changes occur because I am able to deal with the aspects of your Suit's Consciousness that are either the decision makers or are the ones blocking your Conscious Range decisions from prevailing over the way that your Suit performs.  


The Inner Plane Coaching is combined with the work with your Conscious Range that occurs when I post online my reports from my Inner Plane Sessions and we communicate back and forth about the issues that have been raised and the Next Steps that need to be taken. 


I report the results of my work online in your private, password protected Online Communication Center that is a subset of The Online Miracle-Based Coaching Center.  In this Communication Center you can utilize the secure SSL protected website form to communicate with me. The form emails me your responses. I email you when I have posted in The Communication Center and you enter the Communication Center in order to read my response. 


In this way our communications are given a greater measure of security. It is, however, your responsibility to determine if you wish to communicate online given the fact that no online communication method can be guaranteed 100% secure.  


At-a-Distance Source Support

The most comprehensive form of Source Support is At-a-Distance Source Support. This form of Source Support enables me to do whatever you need whenever you need it whether it is a Source Intervention or an Inner Plane Coaching Session.  


It is a preferred method of asynchronous Source Support by advanced Heaven Agents because it provides me with the Material Energy to intercede when you need the help the most whether it is in the middle of the night or in-between scheduled In-Person Sessions.  I respond in this kind of work with my Extended Range that is able to work outside of my Conscious Range.  Some Conscious Range work is also done when I track what I am working on in my Extended Range and provide you with periodic updates in your Communication Center.  


NOTE: If you have advanced in your work in Miracle-Based Coaching and have a Source Reality Station, then all Inner Plane Coaching and At-a-Distance work is reported to you in your Station rather than in a Communication Center.




How to Set Up a Source Connection Coaching Session 

To take a Next Step toward requesting a Source Connection Coaching Session, you can either:

  • request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment to determine if your Suit is ready to sustain the Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy required to land the miracles that are needed for this level of Miracle-Based Coaching. The Miracle-Friendly Field needed for an In-Person Coaching Session is much higher than one needed for work in an Online Communication Center.
  • or, you can initiate a Session by making a direct request.  If you are not spiritually ready to do the work, then I will not be able to provide this form of Source Support and your Financial Exchange will not be processed online. I recommend that you read the article on Miracle-Based Coaching to understand the spiritual conditions in which the miracles for Miracle-Based Coaching can be delivered to you.  This is an important foundational understanding for how to begin your work with the Source.



What follows are links that provide you with access to the methods mentioned above. 

The Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment

To learn more about Miracle-Based Coaching and the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed and to request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment, you can go to:


Online Miracle-Based Coaching

To request Online Miracle-Based Coaching, you can provide for the number of hours of coaching you would like by accessing the link provided below.  


The Correct Exchange is $285/hour. This covers my Inner Plane Session work and the time it takes for me to write my report and read your communications and respond to them.  If you would like to request more than one hour, you can do this as you process your Financial Exchange.


At-a-Distance Source Support

The recommended amount of At-a-Distance Source Support varies according to the issues that you are addressing.  You can either seek Inner Plane Source Guidance regarding what is needed or fill out a Gifted At-a-Distance Source Support Assessment form.  This should include any issues that you would like to address.  


Alternatively, you can provide whatever amount you feel Source-Guided to provide in your Life that Works Fund.  This Fund can be accessed by the form provided below.  I will work with what you provide.  If it is not enough to address what is Source Recommended for your Next Step, I will let you know in the Communication Center that I set up for you online.


The Life that Works Form 

Contribute to Your Life that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 for At-a-Distance Source Support for a Life that Works.




In-Person Session 

To request an In-Person Source Connection Coaching Session, you can fill out the form below and proceed to complete the Financial Exchange for the length of time that you would like for the Session.


It is recommended that at least a one hour Session be scheduled to enable the Miracle-Based Adventure time to reach fruition. Generally a one and one half hour to two hour Session is optimal.


Shorter Session times are for smaller issues such as a Source Recommendation for the form of Source Support that is best for you or a loved one.


Form to Request a Source Connection Coaching Session 

Fields marked with star are required.

About You

  1. Gender required

  2. Primary Phone Number
  3. Additional Phone Number
  4. Additional Phone Number
For the Source Connection Coaching Session
  1. What length of a Source Connection Coaching Session are you requesting?

  2. How would you like to do the Source Connection Coaching Session? required

    Please check all that would suit you.

  3. What is your timezone? required

    example: Pacific Time, Central European Time, Japan Standard Time

  4. What would be the best times for you to have the Source Connection Coaching Session?

  5. Do you have any questions or comments regarding the Source Connection Coaching Session?