Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to understand the experiences of a Heaven Agent who has been working with me for lifetimes and has been studying with me in this lifetime in The Miracle School in The Miracle-Based Coaching Program.
I generally do not post what Heaven Agents in training write unless they are able to create writings that enable Code from the Source to come through the writings. This Code provides Source Guidance to readers and upholds the Standard for website energies that preserves the high vibrational energies of the website. Hilde is one of the few Heaven Agents who has achieved this level of clarity in her writings.
I chose Hilde to represent the work of other Heaven Agents in The Miracle School because she is able to articulate her understandings very clearly, even though English is not her primary language. Through working with the recorded trainings in which she has participated, you can gain insight into her work as a Heaven Agent. Through reading her insights into what it means to be a Heaven Agent, you can understand what it is like to become a Heaven Agent working with the Source to Become a Steward of Life.
Hilde is a Technical Being. Her Suit is designed to understand Technical Processes that are too fast and complex for words to express. Her particular Technical Speciality is as a Sound Field Specialist. She can work to create or alter Sound Fields which are the Energy Fields that are needed to provide a context in which the consciousness of beings can come into focus and function with clarity.
Hilde was with me in the beginning of the Creation, working to establish many of the Universal Sound Fields that were essential to the establishment of Life in The Manifest World.
When the War against the Source broke out she had to go undercover but continued her resolve to reconnect with me so that she could continue to support the work of manifesting Life as Heaven in The Manifest World.
We reconnected in this lifetime in 2007 when she joined in the work and began to travel her Journey of Reconnection. She has worked with me extensively in Webinars and in Intensives in Seattle and Maui as well as in private Sessions and through email communications.
She is able to speak to many of the issues that Heaven Agents following in her footsteps may encounter as they travel their Journey of Reconnection. Her ability to express the need to understand and take action to support The Work of the Source can help others to move into action to respond to the Source Directives that guide their work as Heaven Agents.
Hilde has made essential contributions to the work on The Global Prototype and was very instrumental in the successful conclusion of Stage One of the Prototype. She is now working to help prototype Stage Two which has a focus on building a Total Abundance Way of Life.
One of the best ways to get to know how a Technical Being receives information and works in the Team Work of The Universal Heaven Project is to study Hilde’s contributions in the Recorded Trainings. In these recordings you will notice a marked difference in the kinds of information that she receives and the work that she does from the kind of information and work that is done by Gail, who is a Vision Being.
This is an important understanding in respecting the individualized way that the Source communicates to all beings and the path that they must carefully follow to learn how to honor their own unique process as a Heaven Agent. Through honoring their way of functioning, they are able to achieve the higher levels of skill that are unique to them given their Spiritual Function, Miracle-Based Abilities, and their Mission in this lifetime.
I have included here Hilde's Heaven Agent Work in some of the Recorded Trainings in which she has participated as well as the Shared Insights and Experiences which she has provided.
I would recommend starting with the Gifted Heaven Agents in Action Broadcasts and The Love Connection Mode Pathway Broadcast and then moving onto What It Takes to Become a Source-Directed Activist. Hilde's Heaven Agent Work as a Technical Being is best understood when you see her in action. Watching the flow of the work in a Webinar is the best way to understand how she receives information and takes action using her unique Miracle-Based Abilities.
Her Heaven Agent Reports are provided on a continuing basis but remain confidential as they reflect her personal work with me in The Miracle-Based Coaching Program.
Her Shared Insights and Experiences Communications reveal a different aspect of her understanding of this work and her commitment to it.
Understanding and living the Love for the Source develops in stages even though the strong and beautiful peak experiences I already had. Last days, I was listening more intensely to the videos Sherry made, I was reading through my notes, listening to parts of webinars which I attended when I seemed to focus more and more on the topic of the Love for the Source. The Love Connection with the Source is a primary condition to develop a Heaven way of life.
At a certain moment Sherry is talking about understanding the Intelligence in nature and of nature. Above a certain vibrational level it is easier to understand for us humans, that nature is intelligent, that plants and animals have Intelligence. Objects can be linked to pure Intelligence. Who are we? Why do we think that we are more intelligent than nature is? If everybody would try to understand this and start to have respect for nature and for all beings, that would be having respect for the whole creation and for the Source who created it. And having respect for the Source could be very natural, spontaneous, and passionate because of the understanding of the Intelligence of the Creation.
Understanding and living the Love for the Source develops in stages even though the strong and beautiful peak experiences I already had. Last days, I was listening more intensely to the videos Sherry made, I was reading through my notes, listening to parts of webinars which I attended when I seemed to focus more and more on the topic of the Love for the Source. The Love Connection with the Source is a primary condition to develop a Heaven way of life.
At a certain moment Sherry is talking about understanding the Intelligence in nature and of nature. Above a certain vibrational level it is easier to understand for us humans, that nature is intelligent, that plants and animals have Intelligence. Objects can be linked to pure Intelligence. Who are we? Why do we think that we are more intelligent than nature is? If everybody would try to understand this and start to have respect for nature and for all beings, that would be having respect for the whole creation and for the Source who created it. And having respect for the Source could be very natural, spontaneous, and passionate because of the understanding of the Intelligence of the Creation.
Spiritual equipment? Launching Heaven Happenings? In the recent videos and written Source communications, Sherry describes very precisely what this is all about (if you haven’t seen them yet, I should say, please take time for it, they are really worth it). I got the sense of how the Heaven Happenings work because in the videos there are very clear depictions of the technical aspects of them. Those depictions were helping me very profoundly to understand underlying mechanisms. But this time, understanding it all technically was one thing, but working with it? Would I be able to do so? And how should I get started? I had a lot of questions but was confident that I would do what was needed.
The first time I could work with my Heaven Experience Equipment, Sherry was guiding me through the different stages and I seemed to succeed in what I was supposed to do. Then the series of “Guided Heaven Experience webinar” started and until now, I could attend two of them.
First, we have to agree that we are building Heaven, we are building a World that Works where everyone and everything support each other and contribute to a real community. This sounds very idealistic and maybe naïve because the current turbulence of this hectic world, but sure there is a way out of this egocentric and manipulative world we are living in.
Second, we have to agree that we cannot figure out ourselves to get out of this world that does not works. An Intelligence that has the most wide perspective on the creation that is possible, is needed and is available, we call it the Source. We do need to listen to what the Source is telling us, to what it is explaining to us, to what it is asking us to do.
Next, we have to follow the Source Plan, that is already written. There is a plan of a Source Perfected Universe that we can read and understand. And if we do, we can follow the Plan precisely, and so we are building a World that Works, we are building Heaven.
We are so numerous, there are so many beings on the earth and even more in the universe and the creation.
Life in fact is simple, but we prefer to make it complicated for ourselves.
Give love to life - never do harm.
Nurture one another - take time to do so.
About two weeks ago, Sherry asked me to take part in Broadcasts, which I did. I was not sure if my English would be okay - it is not my native language – but at least, I could try it out. In fact, it was an honor to be allowed to participate, because working with Sherry is always a possibility to make progress for yourself and to be helpful for the evolution in general.
It brought me back to the first weeks and months, after my decision to work on a fundamental level on myself as a person and on ‘helping the world’. I participated in webinars and Heaven Team meetings of the Miracle School, trying to make progress and to understand how I had to do this, but when I heard other Heaven Agents sharing their experiences, most of the time I didn’t understand what was going on. I did not see what they did and I didn’t have the same feelings they did.
In this article, I want to share with you the information and the insights that I got when I started to listen to the Source, from the moment I realized that my ideas about life were not leading to the outcome I had expected and what people had told me to be. So, I was totally open for new conceptions that later seemed to change my life very thoroughly, like I finally started to understand a little piece of the complexity of the world.
What I first learned, was that there is a beautiful and rich life on the Inner plane that influences our life as we know it, in many facets, on the physical, mental as well as on the emotional level. This Inner Plane world makes 90 percent of our life and the other part, our Outer Plane Life, is only 10 percent of our whole life. Strange, because we mostly focus on what we as a human being learn to explore and to work with in what we call, our life. I used to focus mostly on my conscious range of life, while there is an extended range too. But I barely knew what that was and how this works.
This week, I had an insight about what a ‘Moment’ means for me.
It happened when I was at work writing a paper, assembling different pieces like a puzzle while I was asking for Source guidance. I had collected the pieces and had to put them in a coherent whole. When I finished it, I remembered a theory that explained what I just made myself. It was a theory that I knew already for a long time, but I never really understood how to integrate it in my work.
When I started to follow webinars with Sherry, I heard that she called people who were attending, Heaven Agents. I skipped that term because I was just Hilde who was trying to evolve and trying to do good in the world. It felt rather strange to be called otherwise. Maybe that was for other people but not for me. So it took a lot of time to find out what it really meant for me to be a Heaven Agent.
It was difficult for me to express for myself what it really is, to be a Heaven Agent. There are many topics to describe but I think that an important issue is the will to do no harm and I mean absolutely no harm, and to hold the line for Heaven. Of course, I dreamed of a world that is pure Heaven! The idea of doing no harm seems to be evident.
Since my first adolescent years, I noticed that a lot of people were not happy about their way of living. A discussion about the quality of their life, ended most of the time in: "Yes but who are we? We cannot change the society. It is the task of politicians to change the world."
This way of thinking haunted me and didn’t satisfy me, but I could think of no better answer myself. After some years, I answered to people who denied their own role in influencing society: "Well if we don’t start, who will?" I felt a certain responsibility to do something about it, but still didn’t find a way to convince others to think in the same way.
Since I am a Heaven Agent I know that by changing myself, I can sure help to change the world. The Dream Heaven Command is a very important tool to do this. When you are in a difficult situation, you can ask for it to Dream Heaven. When you are causing trouble yourself, you can ask it to Dream Heaven too. When a discussion gets out of control, just ask it to Dream Heaven to get it right. It really helps! I noticed this several times, always with a slight surprise that it is working.
Some time ago, I heard Sherry speaking about the Eject Button. At that moment it seemed to me that this would be the solution to solve all the negative interrelations that exist on our planet. So I read thoroughly the whole explanation about the Eject Button Miracle in the Miracle Watch Update. I didn’t hesitate to ask for this Miracle, so that I could try this out and work with it.
When you notice that someone else is producing negative thoughts about himself or about others, you just feel that something isn’t right and you can see that people get stuck in this way of thinking. It is quiet easy to see this about other people, because you keep a certain safe distance to them, and if you are not involved yourself. But even if you suggest to them to see things in another way, it is not simple to stop this negative spiral of thinking or either acting. It is even dangerous to get in the middle of the negative way of thinking, even if you don’t want it yourself.
I discovered the website of the Heaven Project while I was looking for a fundamental and comprehensive concept that could help me in my personal evolution. I had some problems I wanted to solve. I found so many topics on the website that I decided to listen to some free broadcasts to know more about all this. I was struck by the many-sidedness of what Sherry was talking about. And that was what I was looking for.
When I was listening to free broadcasts, Sherry was talking about the negativity. I didn’t want to hear this, because I wanted to make progress and I only wanted to focus on this progress. I had a friend with whom I could talk about this and she helped me to understand that this wouldn’t be such a problem. Sherry would help me to understand this. So Sherry taught me to recognize where and how the negativity blocked me in my personal evolution and I realized that I had to work with this and this would be an important opening in my evolution.
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