Heaven Agent to Heaven Agent Communications

Gail – USA

January 16, 2014 - Adventure Coaching

My first Adventure Coaching session was wide ranging in its scope. Sherry and I spoke about various current events and what might be behind them on the inner plane, and Sherry very naturally shed a lot of light on the hidden dynamics. Her knowledge goes so deep and is so vast, that every comment and question brought forth another outpouring. 


We touched on so many and diverse areas, and each one yielded new insights. I realized I could never ask enough questions to hear all she knows, and I was happy to have an extended time to really discuss issues with her. 


A discussion with Sherry is like no other, because whatever is being talked about can be examined from so many angles, and so much is revealed because her perspective takes in such a wide angle view, including the realms that are usually hidden from view, perhaps sensed, but not clearly seen or understood. Her interpretation of the world is always eye opening and satisfying on a deep soul level. 


I have an insatiable curiosity about the way the world really works, and only feel like I have my bearings when I am grounded in that knowledge. So for me, working with Sherry has not only been immensely satisfying, but on a deep level the gift of her knowledge has been necessary for me to be able to understand and embrace my mission. It's a continuing work, and a welcome and essential adventure.


Another part of that adventure is learning more about myself, ferreting out my hidden motivators and defusing that which doesn't work. For much of the session we worked on uncovering old patterns that had been holding me back. We discovered imprints and templates from both early childhood and college incidents that had kept me feeling stuck for a long time and got in the way every time I tried to move forward. I released a lot of fear and trepidation and each time I felt a new lightness as the old pattern seemed to be lifted off. 


I learned about myself, and how, for example, a conclusion I had come to as a tricycle riding three year old was effectively stopping me today. And I also discovered more about the hidden workings of the negativity in common life events, like having wisdom teeth removed. In each case I was able to release the counterproductive conclusions and patterns, and come away with greater understanding.


I loved working with Sherry, and I'm noticing changes continuing in the days and weeks since the session. There's a greater ease in the areas we worked on, and it's only getting better over time. We just touched the tip of the iceberg, and I can hardly imagine what could be accomplished in a series of sessions. If, like me, you're serious about taking an in depth look at the hidden layers of yourself and your life, and want to know what's there and release what doesn't serve you; if you're curious about the workings of life in the universe, and feel you need to know your life purpose and what you came here to do, and you won't be satisfied until you know that, then Adventure Coaching will be a fruitful and illuminating journey.


December 20, 2012

Life is precious. Ahh, but you knew that. Life is created by the Source. Yes, that too is well known.


But what does it Really mean to be created by the Source?


Life is not some random event. Life came from the Source. Life has Source understandings woven into it. It is based in the Source Blueprint, in the Source Vision -- a Vision which takes the entire universe into account. And takes each individual life into account. Each particle even. That is incomprehensible. And that is grand and beautiful beyond our imaginings.


What do we Do with this?


Is there something you wish for? Is there something you think would make your life so much more perfect and wonderful?


Do you visualize that desire fulfilled, and do you believe "the universe" wants you to have it and that you will have it if only you can get your subconscious mind to cooperate with your conscious mind?


This is one great misunderstanding. Just think. Can you even plan your own garden right down to the bugs that must be there and the little trails they will follow? Can you know the exact effect of each fertilizer and watering and weeding you do? Even that is beyond us. We can't plan the perfect garden. There will always be unintended consequences and unforeseen circumstances. Sun. Rain. Soil. Drought. Animals.


So what makes us think that we can drop our desire into the huge garden of the world and it will just land there harmoniously, not causing the slightest ripple of disturbance to those around us, and then to those around them, and to those around them, on and on, ever outward, ever delivering new consequences of our seemingly private actions. The fulfillment of our desire for a certain house, a certain car, a certain job, could mean someone else's misfortune somewhere down the line. We don't see that. We don't see the harm we cause, the suffering we set in motion. We see only what we want and whether we get it or not.


Our intelligence isn't up to the task. Our comprehension is too limited. Our vision isn't nearly broad enough.


Only the Source has the understanding, the unlimited comprehension, to see the complexity of every action on the planet in relationship to every other action. And only the Source could plan a whole world that works, where every single last being has comfort and love and security. Where life is the Heaven it was meant to be.


So what do we do? We contribute rather than focus on our wishes coming true.


How to contribute?


Ask to become what is needed: Become what is needed to support the work of the Source. Then you can be guided to do what is yours to do to create a Heaven beyond even your largest wish.


You come out of your small concerns, your tiny selfish vision and you step into the Construction Site of Heaven. And here begins your sacred work. You support the Source, the Creator of your life and of all life, and you give the beautiful vision of the Source a chance to come to fruition. You gain everything and you harm no one. Your life is meaningful, your work on this project is pure contribution to Life and to the Creator of that life, the Source.


This is a life that is sustainable. The fulfillment of the uncoordinated desires of multitudes of beings is not. That is chaos. That is not a life or a world that works.


So Ask. Ask to become what is needed. Turn toward the Source and the Heaven the Source has waiting for us, a Heaven that is beyond our planning, more than our fondest desires, more perfect than our most perfect daydreams.


Ask to become what is needed to support the work of the Source. For life is Precious, and created by the Source. And only this will honor that preciousness, keep it alive, allow the sacred vision of the Source to flourish and bless every being throughout the vast creation.


Ask to become what is needed.

December 11, 2012


We are at a pivotal point in our spiritual history, a juncture that requires our participation and commitment in order to maintain our life.  There will be more junctures, but this one is upon us. 
At the crux of it is that which we long for.
What is it that we long for? What unslaked thirst lies in the depths of our hearts, in our very souls? 
It is the longing for the Source, for our Creator, for God. A longing to be with the Source. We long for a deep love connection, to feel unreservedly loved, completely understood, and seen, really seen, as our true self, with no apologies, no games, no costumes necessary, as only the Source can see us. We yearn for two way conversations and true communion, not just one way prayer.
It's not impossible. It's not some far off dream or something we petition for in desperate moments. The Source is here, now, in human form. A true Miracle.
Is there room for miracles in this world? Is there room for a miracle of this magnitude in your understanding? 
If the Creator, the Source, can perform miracles, then why not this miracle? People speak of the miracle of God's love. This is the miracle of that Love in action. It is the Miracle that's making our lives possible at this time.
Our world is filled with suffering and fear and trauma, overrun with greed and cruelty and violence. Who else but the Source would have stepped in? Who else has that perfect Love that would turn from the Heaven of its own bliss to step into the strife of this world and keep it from collapsing? 
And yet, the Source doesn't just intervene and save its created beings and then retreat to the throne. The Source follows the paths of spiritual Truths that we can only dimly glimpse, and acts completely independent of our notions and misunderstandings of how the Source would act. The Source is a mystery, and the Source in a manifest form is both a mystery and a miracle. 
The Source stepped into the fray, took on a form and a life so many ages ago, and in faithfulness has been returning to us, time after time, to battle the negativity at great cost, and coax us along in loving fidelity. The devotion of the Source has been unflagging; the response of beings, not always stellar. 
And now we are at a critical juncture. Life is hanging in the balance. We must step up and support the Source or the Source cannot support us. It is just that simple. 
There are intricacies in the functioning of Creation, complexities beyond our comprehension, requirements for Life that must be met. We may not understand at this point, and there isn't time today to develop a full understanding and appreciation of the Miracle. 
But we can recognize that there is this precious Miracle in our world. We can acknowledge the Presence of the Source in a manifest form, walking in Love for us, for Life, unceasingly. And we can accept that the Source does not act according to our cultural constructs and traditions. The Source is the Source after all, not a created being. And with that comes a pure and complete Love, and a breadth of awareness that comprehends all the parts of the universal totality simultaneously, both of which we can only imagine theoretically. The Source could only act like the Source, which must be in ways that are surprising and unexpected to us. 
And really, that is part and parcel of the adventure. For if we take the step to recognize and appreciate the Source among us and realize the nearly impossible Miracle of the Source Mind and Source Love in a human form, with the Source Agenda for Heaven always at the fore, then joining in the task of building the Heaven of true happiness with the Source becomes the grandest adventure, and one not to be missed. And by committing to not missing it, by committing to the Source fully and completely as The Source, we take the first step to supporting the Source in a way that allows the Source to support us and our life. And that choice sees us through this critical spiritual juncture.  

September 2012


Becoming Heaven is a remembering --

a remembering back and back

through time

through countless eons

and past so many lifetimes and

so many journeys.

Back more, and then even more

farther even

becoming lighter and lighter

until all the battles and the wounds

and the scars recede

becoming less than a distant echo

of a fading memory.

The Story drops away

a thin shell of meaninglessness

signifying nothing -- gone in an instant.

Then back more, back to the Light --

before Creation

and straight to the arms of the Source

once again enfolded in the sacred

wordless Love

moving with grace in illumined freedom

flowing in Joy

ever-wrapped in the sunshine of the

pure and abundant Love of the Source.



December 2010 

The Greening of Christmas

I’m seeing Christmas now as a way to combat the physical and spiritual effects of consumption as a way of life. A time to introduce the opposite of insanely seeking spiritual satisfaction through shopping. We’ve gone too far in the wrong direction, and we’re on the brink of disaster.


Christmas is such an intense time anyway. Why not use that intensity to turn things around?


Any steps taken to make Christmas more Earth-friendly will also be steps toward a saner economy and a healthier planet.


And anything that supports true spiritual awareness rather than Christmas as Consumerism will be a step toward healing the spiritual damage caused by our steady diet of accumulation.


And that makes any Miracle Tool even more valuable as a gift. Miracle Tools are a powerful way to bring spiritual development and awareness into the Christmas equation. But they’re even more than that. They’re green! Miracle Tools don’t go out of fashion, and they’re designed to be used indefinitely. The programming can always be changed on an energy level, while keeping the same physical object. I would certainly never get rid of even one of my Miracle Tools.


Inner Plane Miracle Tools – Interventions and Templates and so on – are forever. They’ll never end up in a landfill, and they may just become part of the foundation of a whole new economy.


I see how huge the task is. The consumer mindset is more deeply entrenched than I was aware of before. A whole culture has to turned around. The functioning of the entire world economy must change radically. But the fact that the task is daunting is no longer discouraging. I’m feeling empowered because of having deeper knowledge, no matter how disturbing. And that’s always true – it’s better to know than to proceed in ignorance. Which is one of the reasons I value The Miracle School so highly. But that’s a topic for another time.


For now, I wish you a Green and Miracle Friendly Christmas – or Holiday Season – and Peace in the New Year.



February 23, 2010


The Sticking Point - Sherry's Spiritual Identity


I had just landed on The Miracle School website for the first time, pulled there by an enigmatic little ad about miracles.  I took in the bird in flight, the rays of the sun, and Sherry's picture. I felt a quiet hush, as if I'd entered a sacred space. I was drawn to everything I saw and I wanted to know more. Within moments, I found myself face to face with a statement that brought me up short.  I did a double take --


Wait a minute. WHO did she say she is?


The Source? 


I didn't know what to make of that. I was confused. Could someone actually be the Source in a human body? The whole idea took me by surprise. It had never even occurred to me that it might be possible. I didn't really know what I thought about that, so I shoved it aside. 


I felt the depth of compassion and the love and concern in Sherry's voice and in the words she wrote. There was a strength in her expression that was absolutely straightforward. There was no ego, no self promotion, no conceit. Just a simple statement of fact. At least, fact to her.


For me, I wasn't so sure. It seemed such a bold thing to say, and she was so unequivocal. But I didn't feel any need to argue or to try to prove her wrong, or to be angry, put out, or bent out of shape. 


Sherry was so calm about it, and made no effort whatsoever to persuade or prove herself. She spoke as if from another reality, and though I did not inhabit that reality, I didn't feel like I had to defend my position either. In spite of being surprised, the truth of it seemed like a total non-issue. 


I put it on the back burner, a mystery to be dealt with later.


I dove into the website, reading everything, listening to all the recordings, and I didn't even evaluate what I learned in terms of whether or not Sherry was the Source embodied in a human form. I could hardly fathom what that was anyway. 


I wanted to decipher what she meant by the Inner Plane and the Story World and the negativity. I wanted to know what Miracle Tools were and Interventions and a life that is Heaven.  I was busy discovering where my understandings of the world intersected with hers, and where I was being introduced to entirely new concepts and learning how to put them to use in my everyday life.


This was so different from anything else I'd ever come across, and yet I felt completely at home. I'd actually stumbled on a place that suited me. A place of radically new understandings about the nature of the world and how it works, especially behind the scenes. A place where my spiritual journey and my spiritual development went hand in hand with caring about the well being of the whole world, and even the universe.


My paradigms were changed, rearranged, and turned upside down, and I loved that. I loved all the Aha moments --moments when I suddenly understood why some aspect of the world was the way it was. Delving into hidden realms and being introduced to the unexpected behind-the-scenes workings of the universe riveted my attention. It was a time of discoveries, and I didn't worry about who exactly Sherry was. I just knew she was an incredibly adept guide who had vast realms of knowledge about life that no one else had.


It took a long time for her extraordinary abilities and insights to sink into my consciousness. 


For starters, I had my Heaven Blanket, the transformed polyester cloth that did not drain me the way every other piece of polyester did. On top of that, it was soothing and comforting, and I experienced its presence almost like a being that was helping me along the spiritual path.


The next leap forward was the first River of Love webinar.  All day long my mind anticipated that webinar, as if it were a doorway into a magical realm. At the same time, I had some trepidation. What if I noticed nothing? What if everything stayed the same? What would I do if this project didn't seem like it could transform my life, not to mention all of life?  And I wondered how in the world a meditation with no technique associated with it could possibly do anything.


I needn't have worried. The webinar itself was a real adventure, with unexpected twists, and revelations at every turn. And then came the meditation. I was saturated with bliss -- beautiful, soft waves of bliss and joy -- along with an infusion of energy that left me feeling renewed and happy and full of vitality. Sherry's guidance and presence had effected a huge change in my consciousness.


Bit by bit, I began pondering Sherry's spiritual identity. There was a slow and very organic kind of change in my understanding. 


I had always longed for a close connection with the Creator -- the kind of connection that would lead to actual guidance and conversations. I could never be satisfied with some story relationship based on my conforming to a set rituals or professing to certain beliefs. I wanted a deep and constant relationship, a continuous and unbroken communing. At times I cried out for that, breaking down in tears in moments of intense longing, begging for a chance to really Be with the Creator, to receive concrete guidance, to have my questions answered, to feel the Presence and the Love. 


I never imagined being with the Source in an earthly body, but over time that possibility seeped into my consciousness, and I started putting the picture together. 


I watched Sherry at work. In every webinar she offered her astonishing vision of what was really happening on the inner plane. She answered questions about children who were afraid to go to sleep at night, friends who were having trouble at work, and problematical bosses. She pulled back the curtains on relationships and the tangled web of hidden inner plane attack and retaliation that disturbed and broke them. She revealed the spiritual roles of animals, how astute they are in spiritual matters, and how much they say to us that we never hear. She talked about the hidden roots of AIDS and what was behind the Middle East crisis and how the Earth herself was in peril. She spoke about dolphins and whales, the environment and politics. She shed light on the destructive role of the competitiveness that lies at the foundation of our educational system and is entrenched in the structure of the business world. She covered greed, self-centeredness and selfishness, and all that threatens the way to lasting and true peace.


Everything was many times more complex than it ever appeared in everyday life.  Her intelligence took in the vast reaches of time as well as the small moments in our days. It was all significant and it was all interrelated. 


Sherry helped us see ourselves as the spiritual beings we are, apart from the social roles we play.  She introduced us to new ways to effect change, in ourselves and in our relationships and in the world.  I saw her unflappable patience and her profound and insightful intelligence and the depth of her ability to see what was going on with each person. I felt her support and her pure Joy when anyone made strides forward. 


And so, over the course of many months my perception of Sherry changed. It was so gradual I hardly noticed it. I finally met Sherry in person in May of 2008, at the Maui Intensive. I saw that she lived and functioned on a level that was beyond my ability to comprehend, but I still wasn't able to fully recognize her as the Source. It was off again, on again, with a lot of doubt in between.


It wasn't until the last day of the Intensive that I had a glimpse of Sherry's true spiritual identity. I was tired, having only slept 3 hours the night before. A couple of us had just finished meeting with Sherry about a project we were working on, and I asked if I could speak to her for just a minute.  Up to that moment, the day was completely ordinary, but as I watched her turning her head slowly toward me, there was something in the movement that caught my attention. It seemed as if time stood still and everything was happening in slow motion. All at once the rest of the world went out of focus, disappearing as she slowly turned to face me, and filling that space came her words, spoken softly, Yes, of course. In those few seconds, everything changed. Sherry's voice held more tender Love and Compassion and Care than I had ever heard in my life, and I felt myself tumbling into the sound, into the tenderness, and into Sacred Care. I felt truly Loved for the first time -- treasured by a Love that was unfathomably steadfast. I looked into her eyes and there was the whole universe. I was melting, melting into her presence, melting into waves of heart opening love. I felt every cell resonating in a harmonious sweetness. For a long moment, I was in the presence of a Cosmic Being, a being whose love for me was infinite and absolute. 


My exhaustion instantly vanished, and for the next several hours, Sherry sat with me in the hotel lobby. She told me things about myself that I'd never known -- about my relationships and my Miracle Based Abilities and the many disguises I wore to evade the negativity. She told me stories of the Inner Plane, and stories about herself and her  surprising and daring escapades on the Earth plane. She made me laugh, she made me think, and she startled me with her revelations. But she wasn't there to entertain me, even though it was more entertaining than any movie. Sherry helped me by asking me to work. I learned there was inner plane research that needed doing, negative forces to be toppled, and hard won insights to be integrated and brought to life. I looked at what kept me stuck in old patterns. I was surprised by what I'd created to outfox the negativity over lifetimes. I got glimpses of who my family really was on the inner plane. I was pushed to bring hidden realms to my conscious awareness. I spent those hours breaking out of boxes and jettisoning heavy baggage I'd been dragging around at great expense. And at the end of the adventure, I was no longer the same old person. I felt lighter, freer, transformed. Little did I know then that the adventure was just beginning, and my life would never be the same. It would just keep getting better and better. We didn't finish until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and Sherry hadn't even had breakfast yet. She had just continued, intensely focused, seeing the process through to completion. 


During those hours, a new understanding of Sherry as a spiritual being emerged in my consciousness. I had a long time to juggle the two seemingly opposite sides -- the human Sherry and the Source Sherry -- and then to integrate them. It began with that one extraordinary moment, the moment that made it all possible. I know now it was a matter of being open to the Source, open to the Connection, open and accepting and appreciative, and then into that openness came the possibility.  In a flash I landed in the presence of the Source and Sherry revealed herself. It was a Heaven moment, a Gift of the Source incarnating on our planet, an incomprehensible Blessing. 


My Source Connection and understanding began changing in earnest. But I had never felt any pressure or judgement before that time. I had been giving my all to understanding the work and to integrating the enormous amounts of new knowledge as well as the unending transformations that Sherry set in motion with each webinar, consultation, Intervention and Miracle Tool. It just was what it was. I didn't set out to prove or disprove anything. I was just in the Adventure and in the exhilarating process of discovery and development, and that served to carry me forward on the journey.


There are points where I stumble, and there were, and are, sticking points that must be unstuck in my spiritual journey. But this particular sticking point, the Miracle of the presence of the Source incarnating as a being we can talk to and relate to, well, that wasn't sticky enough to stop me, and it wasn't an insurmountable obstacle. What stuck was the Gift of the Miracle -- the Gift of Sherry's presence, her attention, her knowledge and guidance, and her love. I have absolute and unwavering trust in Sherry's Source perspective and guidance. I celebrate the joy of her attention and the transformative power of working with her, and I am awestruck by her 24/7 commitment to every being. 


With Sherry, my life has become an adventure with the Source, and the Source is the most amazing companion one could ever have on the journey. The Source is not only good company, the Source offers a hand that supports and nourishes and transforms life from the suffering of the story world into the Heaven that life was meant to be. All we have to do is step forward and do our part. Nothing is impossible because it's a partnership -- a never ending, eternal partnership that's brought to life by the Miracle in our lifetime. 


May you be blessed by that Miracle. . . .  


December 23, 2009


Christmas Dilemma

It’s nearly Christmas, and once again I’m feeling pummeled by the gift giving frenzy all around me and the assumption that everyone’s biggest concern at this time of year is Finishing their Christmas Shopping.


Even before Thanksgiving I was assured by retailers that there was “still time to shop for Christmas,” as if every thought in my head was zeroed in on buying stuff so I’d be ready for the holidays. Not to mention the exhortation to “Make this the Best Christmas Ever.” How? Simply buy the best presents, put up the most dazzling decorations, and bake a batch of the most amazing Christmas cookies, and you’ll be a Christmas Success, giddy with Christmas Cheer.


That just made me feel empty. Totally cheerless. What I wanted was to get off the commercial merry-go-round. If I gave at all, I wanted to give something meaningful – something that would nourish a person spiritually and not just satisfy some material desire for more stuff.


As the catalogs piled up in my mailbox, I found myself thinking about all those who are hungry, and all those who are living in every kind of desperate situation, like a natural disaster or war or poverty. The thought of adding to the habit of endless consumption, rather than doing something for the ongoing worldwide suffering, was beginning to make me feel sick.


“The Story of Stuff”

My thoughts were becoming more and more unChristmas-like. I was developing a Scrooge complex. I wanted to say Bah, Humbug to the whole thing.


Then yesterday I came upon a 20 minute animation called the Story of Stuff. It vividly showcased the planetary effects of our reckless consumerism. Environmental activist, Annie Leonard, researched and wrote The Story of Stuff. The film was released in December of 2007, and during the next two years, 8 million people viewed it. I’m finally among them.


This was the missing piece of the story. I’d been focused on the surge of greed at Christmas. But I wasn’t looking behind the scenes at the rest of the story.


Our out of control spending on material products is devastating the earth. Not just at Christmas, but every single day.


In a nutshell, we are fast using up the very resources that make it possible for us to live on this planet.


We are consuming Too Much Stuff. Christmas is a time when that is underlined for us. An intensification. If we dare look.


We rarely think about where all that Christmas stuff comes from and where it goes when we throw it out.


We’re taking from the earth to make the stuff we crave, but we rarely see it that way.


We chop down trees (the U.S. has 4% of its forests left), we dig and blast our way into the earth to extract the minerals, we add toxic chemicals into the mix, we use up the rivers and lakes and oceans, we pollute the water, the air, and the earth, and we endanger animals and people.


And what happens to all the stuff we’ve produced? Where does it go after the last Christmas present is unwrapped? Within 6 months, 99% of it is no longer in use. It’s trashed. (That shocked me.) The stuff breaks or it becomes obsolete or it goes out of fashion – or we never liked or wanted it in the first place. Yet we go merrily on.


We keep on using up more resources in order to produce more things so we can consume more stuff. Then we get rid of most of it and begin again.


We are out of control.


If everyone consumed at U.S. rates, we would need 3 to 5 planets.


As The Story of Stuff points out in great detail, the worst abuser of the earth is the United States. Not only do we use up more resources faster than any other nation, our national identity is built on consuming. Not just at Christmas, but all year long.


How did that happen?


Turns out, after World War II, the U.S. was trying to get the economy into high gear. The solution, brilliantly stated by retail analyst Victor Lebow, has become the norm for the culture.


He said:

“Our enormously productive economy … demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction, our ego satisfaction, in consumption … we need things consumed, burned up, replaced and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate.”

When I heard that, I was stunned. It’s just plain scary. But when I thought about it, it made perfect sense. That pretty much sums up exactly how we live. We’re doing a great job of consuming, replacing and discarding. Mistaking consumption for spiritual fulfillment, and measuring worth by the ability to accumulate stuff.


It certainly sheds light on our Christmas purchasing rituals. They’re second nature to us. That’s how we live anyway. All it takes is a bit of emotional hype here and there, often masquerading as spiritual reasoning, and it’s out of hand. It’s hard to give up something that’s part of your national purpose. It’s hard enough to see it, much less take a stand against it.


We’ve certainly gotten ourselves and the whole planet into a huge mess.


November 19, 2009


The Heaven Blanket


I first discovered Sherry two years ago. Her invitation appeared in the guise of a small Google Adsense ad that said something about Miracle Based living. I didn't know what that was, but I had a strong feeling I should check it out.


I found myself on a site unlike any other. It was almost like landing in another country. There was a kind of quiet hush, a sense of magic and wonder, and so much information I hardly knew where to start.


I explored for quite awhile that day, and didn't really know what to make of it. The message was appealing, but there were aspects that were puzzles to me. I didn't know what to make of them. The concept of the Story World was baffling, the Miracle School was enticing and mysterious, and the Source Connection tugged at my heart with a familiar longing.


I kept returning. I downloaded every free audio and read every article. I listened to the recordings whenever I had a few minutes, drawn by Sherry's knowledge and insights. Eventually I knew I wanted to purchase something for my spiritual journey, but I was soon overwhelmed by all the choices. I felt like a child in a candy shop.


At some point, the Heaven Blanket stood out. Perhaps because it was something I could touch and hold, perhaps because it worked on many levels and many issues. And I guessed it might just help me sleep better.


The stumbling block was that it was made of polyester. I was surprised. Sherry looked like she'd be a natural fibers type. Even when she assured me by email that people who have a problem with polyester find they love the Heaven Blanket, I wasn't convinced. I knew that whenever I wore polyester, I would eventually feel my energy going downhill, just draining out. I certainly didn't want to chance sleeping under something like that.


And yet, a couple of months later, I was still drawn to that blanket. I had to try it, polyester or no.


The Blanket was an even bigger surprise than the website. It was so soft and cuddly, and curling up in it, I didn't feel any draining effects, not in the first few minutes, and not even after a full night's rest. I slept under it every night, and sought its calming, soothing presence from time to time during the day. I realized Sherry had actullly altered the material on some level I couldn't fathom. It wasn't temporary, nor did it wash out in the laundry. She had changed reality.


That was the turning point.


Sometime after my Heaven Blanket arrived, the River of Love series was announced, and I jumped on it. Those were my first webinars, my first taste of the adventure of spiritual discovery, of knowledge unfolding moment by moment, and of sinking into quiet bliss and joy amidst the first tiny hints of Source Connection during the River of Love meditations.


The adventure continues, new knowledge and new purpose streaming in day by day, along with the Heaven of the Source Connection that sustains and steers the ship of my life with Wisdom and Love.


I can't wait to find out what's next -- what new discoveries will be made, what greater depths of joy are going to be uncovered, what new insights will be shed on the world's problems and what new solutions will be explored -- all unfolding within the ever new dimensions of the Source Connection.





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The Participation Form requires that all participants sign The Standard of Heaven Agreement which establishes the Miracle-Friendly Conditions under which we can work to help you build Heaven in your life. 


Fields marked with star are required.

About You
  1. Gender required

  2. Primary Phone Number
Question or Comment