Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
When you make the decision to leave behind the struggle, scarcity, and suffering and embark on The Adventure of Living Heaven – Heaven being the highest level of happiness that is possible for you – a miracle beyond any other miracle manifests in your life.
I call this miracle The Turning Point Miracle because once you sign onto The Adventure of Living Heaven you have reached a Turning Point in your life. You have left behind the struggle of trying to make the events of your life add up to true happiness and you have turned to the Source to take you on a Guided Adventure into The World of Miracle-Based Living where the path you travel leads to the Heaven of true happiness for you and for all others. On this Adventure the Source shows you how to work with The Spiritual Science of Manifestation to manifest the miracles of:
The Turning Point Miracle manifests:
Step One – Understanding What It Means to Live Heaven
Step Two – Signing On to The Adventure of Living Heaven
Step Three – Getting a New Start in Life
Step Four – Adventure Training Webinars
Step Five – Transitioning into The Love Connection Medium
Step Six – Working with Your Fellow Heaven Agents in Universal Community Meeting Webinars
Step Seven – Entering into The Heaven Reality
Step Nine – Deepening Your Experience of Living Heaven through Personal Live Heaven Intensives
Step Ten – Building Heaven and Personal Financial Abundance through The Heaven Economy
Step Eleven – Transitioning on the Inner Plane into The Source Perfected World
Step Twelve – Transitioning on the Outer Plane into The Source Perfected World
The first step is to understand the Source Perspective on what the Heaven of true happiness really is and what it would be like if you could attain this level of happiness in your life.
For an Overview
In essence, Living Heaven means that you join in The Work of the Source to end the suffering in your life and in the world and you follow a Source-Guided Path to a Life that is Heaven on every level.
You travel a Path of Miracles that make the impossible possible.
It is a journey into the heart of The Love Connection with the Source from which emanates the energies of Source Love that heal and transform your life on every level.
It is a Guided Path to building the Love-Based Relationships that bring joy into your personal life and build the foundation for a Love-Based Global and Universal Community.
It is an Adventure that awakens you to the potential for the Heaven of true happiness in every moment of your life.
It is the Path to Life Purpose Fulfillment, Perfect Health, and Total Abundance.
It is the Path traveled by the 14 Prototype Communities that I established thousands of years ago in different parts of the Creation. They embarked on The Adventure of Living Heaven and have never looked back. For thousands of years they have been living a Heaven Way of Life that is abundant, healthy, love-based, and deeply fulfilling. They have demonstrated that it is possible to turn a dog-eat-dog community with crime, domestic violence, war, discrimination, and lovelessness into a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own, giving every life a chance to achieve its full potential.
It is time for beings to Reconnect with the Source and follow the lead of the Source out of The World of Suffering that we live in today into the Heaven of a Miracle-Based Way of Life that is Source-Directed and Source-Connected. Such a way of life can be lived on the Earth today if beings do what the Prototype Communities did – which was to Sign on to The Adventure of Living Heaven in their everyday lives.
Once they signed on, a miracle beyond any other miracle happened. They became capable of transitioning out of the suffering, struggle, and scarcity of their lives into the joy, ease, and abundance of a Heaven Way of Life. Without their full commitment to the journey, they would not have had the full power of Source Support to enable them to be successful in their endeavor.
Just as you can’t set sail and remain tethered to the shore, so you can’t embark on The Adventure of Living Heaven while remaining tethered to the ways of thinking and living that are a part of your old way of life that has not yielded the Heaven of true happiness. You have to let go and go the distance.
When you let go and sign on to The Adventure, the Source is willing to bring through the miracles that enable you to be successful on your Adventure. These miracles enable you to become trained and equipped to live a Life that is Heaven. Such a life is itself a Source-Created Miracle that unfolds as you travel the Path of The Adventure.
Written Next Step Communications from the Source is the Hub of Source-Directed Spiritual Activism. You can go there to find out about the latest breakthroughs, miracles, Source Supported Causes, and to interact with the Source and with other Heaven Agents who are working with the Source to Build Lives that Work and a World that Works.
Sign up for Connecting to receive access to a wealth of free training materials supported by the gifts of The Universal Heaven Agent Network. Connecting gives you access to:
Find out about the experiences of others who have learned how to Live the Adventure at:
NOTE: You will need to sign up for Connecting in order to listen to the Broadcasts.
When you Sign On to The Adventure of Living Heaven:
Before you can embark on The Adventure of Living Heaven, you have to set up the conditions in which you can maintain the Miracle-Friendly Working Relationship with the Source that will enable the Source to be your Guide on The Adventure and for the miracles to manifest in your life that are essential to your success. This can be accomplished by completing The Six Step Process that enables you to enter into Source Care which is the loving connection with the Source that enables the Source to guide you on The Adventure. To enter into Source Care you need to request admission into The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program created by the Source which is what provides you with a protected Field of Energy for The Adventure and with the one-on-one Source Guidance that you need to progress on your Path to Ultimate Spiritual Healing. This profound healing is what enables you to have a Life that is Heaven.
To complete The Six Step Process, you can access the link provided below:
When you begin your Adventure in Living Heaven you begin your contribution to the pioneering work that will build a Prototype for Living Heaven that will help others like yourself to learn how to Live Heaven in their lives. Signing on to The Prototype Project is an essential element in The Adventure because it is your commitment to helping others as well as helping yourself. Since a Heaven Way of Life is a life that should be shared with others in the Global and Universal Community, it is essential that your vision of your Adventure expand to include the welfare of all beings rather than just your own individual welfare. Only in working with the Source to build a World that Works are you able ultimately to build a Life that Works.
It is Stage Two of the Sign On Process that activates The Turning Point Miracle.
To Sign the Agreement to Embark on The Adventure to Living Heaven, you can access the link below:
Provide your Suit with The New Start Intervention that begins The Purification Process that is a necessary first step toward the Perfection that is possible when you Live Heaven in your life. This Intervention removes the karmic layers of negative consciousness in your Suit that travel with it from life to life creating the conditions for the replication of negative experiences. It enables your Suit to have a New Start in life by replacing the mutated substance imprinted by the negative consciousness with Source-Connected Substance that easily flows with the energies of Heaven Consciousness. Since mutated substance is like melted plastic that can’t be fixed, the substance must be replaced in order to flow with the beauty of the Heaven Energies that create The Heaven Experience.
The New Start Intervention is the primary Intervention that is needed to start the work of learning how to Live Heaven.
The members of the Prototype Communities had an equivalent of this Intervention that launched them in their Adventure of Living Heaven. Thousands of years later these Communities are continuing in their Heaven Way of Life enjoying Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.
To find our more about The New Start Intervention and to request it you can to to:
When you embark on The Adventure of Living Heaven in your life, the Source creates a Miracle-Based Adventure that unfolds in every moment of your life. Once you learn how to follow the clues of this Adventure, you can uncover the miracles of Heaven that the Source provides for you along your Path. Living The Adventure is like being on a Treasure Hunt for the miracles that make Life Heaven.
The essential training in how to Live the Adventure is provided through Group Adventure Coaching Webinars and Individual Coaching Sessions. In these contexts I provide you with both information on what The Adventure is and how to follow it and practice with my personal feedback as you begin to follow The Adventure and learn how to flow with it and enjoy the miracles that you discover along the Path.
Group Coaching is provided in Adventure Training Webinars that give you practice reading the Community Message Board of The Adventure and traveling in the Adventure Traveler vehicle to explore the future and the past of The Adventure. These Adventures focus on working on issues common to many Heaven Agents and on developing skills for Adventures that involve Heaven Agent Team Work.
To find about more about Adventure Training Webinars and when they are scheduled, I refer you to The Schedule of Upcoming Events that you can access through the link below:
While Group Adventure Training is capable of teaching you the basic principles for working with the new high power Adventure of the Source Perfected Universe, it is only when you work in one-on-one coaching that you are able to receive the kind of individualized Source Support that enables you to learn how to Live The Adventure in every aspect of your life. Through Living The Adventure you are able to transition into a Heaven Way of Life having fully understood what Living Heaven would look like for you and receiving individual coaching as you make the transition.
For more information, you can read the article, The Living The Adventure Coaching Program, by accessing the link provided below:
To give you more background on what The Adventure is all about, I provide you with videos, articles, and Miracle Tools that provides you with information on The Miracle that makes it possible for you to enter into The Adventure in modern times.
To enter The Journey of Discovery you can access the link below.
NOTE: If you haven’t already signed up for Connecting which is the Email List of The Miracle School, you will need to do so to access these free training materials along with the gifted Material Energy support of The Universal Heaven Agent Network that makes it possible for you to experience these miracles. You can sign up at:
To go to The Journey of Discovery itself, you can access the link below:
Because you are living outside of the protected Spiritual Space of a Prototype Community, it is important that you begin to move into more protected Spiritual Spaces in order to Live Heaven. Living Heaven in the swamp of toxic energy that exists in the world today is not possible. It is necessary to do what the Prototype Communities did – which was to move into Miracle-Friendly Energy Fields in order to begin their Path to Living Heaven in their daily lives.
Your first step into a better Spiritual Space will take you out of The Lovelessness Medium into The Love Connection Medium that the Source has created for those who want to Live Heaven. Once you have arrived in The Love Connection Medium you will be better prepared to learn how to Live in the Love of the Source and how to help others who are still floundering in The Lovelessness Medium to enter into The Love Connection Medium.
The Living in the Love Intervention is the Source Support that you need to make the transition into The Love Connection Medium and to receive the ongoing coaching of the Perfected Intelligence that mans the Intervention. This Intelligence helps you to learn how to stay in The Love Connection Medium rather than drifting back out into The Lovelessness Medium which can happen if you don’t realize what kinds of thoughts and behaviors put you at risk.
Once in The Love Connection Medium, you become a conduit of Source Love to those who have yet to transition into The Love Connection Medium. As they experience the love that is being transmitted through you, they become attuned to it and begin moving into The Love Connection Medium themselves and learning from your example how to Live in the Love. Through helping your loved ones and those with whom you come into contact on the Inner and Outer Plane to pick up on the Love and decide to transition into The Love Connection Medium, you become a powerful catalyst for building a Love-Based Global Community. This is an important part of sharing the joy of Living Heaven with your loved ones and with others in your local and global community.
To learn more and request The Living in the Love Intervention you can go to:
Once you are in The Love Connection Medium, you are eligible to attend Universal Community Meetings via Webinar where you meet with Heaven Agents from the Universal Community which encompasses all of life in the Creation. In these Meetings, some of the Heaven Agents are attending online through the Webinar and most of the Heaven Agents are coming in through The Soul Talk Network that enables them to communicate with me and with one another through the Universal Language of Soul Talk. I translate their communications for the sake of those working online.
Together the Heaven Agents who have assembled talk about their experiences, questions and concerns with learning how to Live in the Love of the Source and to help others Live in the Love. Since Living in the Love is the foundation for Living Heaven, the work that gets done in these Meetings is of primary importance to helping all who are attending to understand more of the fundamentals of what it means to Live Heaven in their lives.
To find out when the next Universal Community Meeting is being held, you can consult:
Once you are in The Love Connection Medium, you have made your first important step out of the negative energies of the world around you that I call The Hell Reality – Hell being the Source term for suffering, scarcity, and struggle.
Your next most important move will be into The Heaven Reality which is a protected Spiritual Space where you are cut off from the direct attack from the Negativity, the criminal element that operates on the Inner Plane. Once in The Heaven Reality you are in a Perfected Life System that helps your Suit to adjust to an environment that supports the learning process for Living Heaven.
It takes The Heaven Launch Miracle with its host of Inner Plane Training Downloads and its Perfected Intelligence to enable you to transition into The Heaven Reality and to learn how to Live Heaven once you are there. The miracle of Training Downloads that provide your Suit with training at the Subconscious Range and the Conscious Range make it possible for your Suit to learn how to Live Heaven even when no one around it has mastered this task. Through Training Downloads, everyone can be re-socialized to Live Heaven and have an equal chance to enjoy the true happiness of a Heaven Way of Life. With the supervision of the Perfected Intelligence that mans the Heaven Launch Miracle and with the myriad of other forms of Source Support that accompany The Heaven Launch Miracle, a stable level of Source Support for your lifelong Adventure of Living Heaven is provided.
As you progress in your work in The Heaven Reality, you can also begin working with The Core Live Heaven Training Downloads that provide your Suit with the basic level of training in how to manifest Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and develop The Love Connection with the Source.
The Live Heaven Intensive
The work of entering into The Heaven Reality and learning how to Live Heaven is structured into The Live Heaven Intensive which provides the:
For more information you can watch The Next Step Video:
You can also read the articles:
One of the key miracles that enabled the Prototype Communities to manifest Total Abundance in their Communities is the miracle of Heaven Experience Equipment that gave them the power to Launch Heaven Happenings that transform ordinary events into experiences of Heaven. These transformational, life-altering experiences enable people who have never understood the possibility of Heaven to open to an experience of Living Heaven. From this experience comes an openness to working with the Source to Live Heaven.
Not only can Heaven Agents who are equipped with Heaven Experience Equipment launch Heaven Happenings for themselves and others, they can also bring forth Heaven Economy Miracles that are miracles that they are uniquely able to ground for the benefit of the Universal Community. These miracles offer a very materialized experience of Heaven to others in the Community that enable them to Live Heaven in ways that would not be possible without the contribution of these miracles. Through contributing Heaven Economy Miracles for the Global Community, Heaven Agents not only gain financial prosperity but help to build a Community that has the Total Abundance that can only come when all of the Heaven Agents in the Community are contributing the unique set of miracles that they alone can contribute to the well-being of the Community.
To learn more you can watch The Next Step Video:
You can also read the article:
Guided Heaven Experience Webinars provide the core training for how to work with The Heaven Experience Equipment to Launch Heaven Happenings to manifest Total Abundance. Heaven Happenings can eliminate obstacles, create optimal circumstances for personal healing and growth, and create the Miracle-Friendly Conditions in which Heaven can be experienced.
Those trained and equipped are eligible to participate in Universal Heaven Agent Network Summits where Heaven Agents in The Universal Network gather together to tackle the large scale issues of the Universal Community, adding the full power of their Heaven Experience Equipment launching Heaven Happenings to their Skill Sets as Heaven Agents working to Build Heaven in the world.
NOTE: To find out when Guided Heaven Experience Webinars and Universal Heaven Agent Network Summits are being held, you can consult:
At this stage in your work, it is time to bring your inner and outer life into sharper focus so you know exactly how to apply all that you have learned about Living Heaven to the specific circumstances of your life. Personal Intensives enable me to provide you with Private Consultations where I coach you on how to Live Heaven, with whatever Miracle Tools or Source Interventions you might need on your journey, and with time in the Stations of The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Centers online and in Seattle. Through Station Work you go into the direct presence of the Source in a very highly charged Heaven Environment to learn how to Live Heaven. There is nothing like the power of this level of immersion in a Heaven Environment combined with Direct Source Work.
To read more and request a Personal Live Heaven Intensive you can go to:
In this stage of your work you are ready to begin participating in The Heaven Economy that the Source is building on the Earth from a very mature and experienced level of understanding as a Heaven Agent. Those who participate in The Heaven Economy become eligible to advance into The Materialization Economy. When the conditions are right to begin manifesting the material possessions that are needed directly from the Spiritual Level of Reality into the Physical Level of Reality as do the Prototype Communities, they will be among those who will be able to benefit from this ultimate abundance.
Early involvement in handling economic matters in a Source-Guided and Love-Based Way while working in the existing Cash Economy prepares you to enter into The Materialization Economy which is reserved for those who demonstrate their ability to remain in a clear, neutral, and Source-Guided state while dealing with the issues of material resources.
In a world in which the dog-eat-dog mentality of The Hell Economy reigns supreme, this early training in how not to run the Greed Current that taints everything that is manufactured and exchanged in the Hell Economy, is basic to being able to run The Love Current that enables things of Heaven to come through from the Inner Plane into the Outer Plane. Materializations from the Spiritual Level of Reality eliminate the toxic and expensive manufacturing and farming practices of the Brute Force Economy that we know today.
The Materialization Economy is the Source Solution to environmental pollution and to the conflict over scarce resources that has spawned wars, crime, discrimination, and lovelessness.
You learn how to handle yourself in The Heaven Economy by working with me in:
Since the Source always thinks in terms of sustainable economic systems, Step Ten is the Step where you begin to earn back your investment in getting equipped and trained to Live Heaven. I provide you with training in how to launch yourself in these various economic ventures that provide you with income and also help to manifest Heaven in the world.
While Heaven Agents can start in the beginning stages of their Adventure with The Truth Campaign, it often takes an investment in learning how to be a Heaven Agent who can Hold the Line for Heaven to graduate into the more professional levels of The Truth Campaign, to handle a Joint Venture, a Made in Heaven Business, or to become a professional Miracle-Based Service Provider.
To request information on participating in The Heaven Economy, you can access the link below:
While The Heaven Reality is an ideal Inner Plane Reality for those living in the Original Creation, it is meant not as a final destination but only as a temporary Training Ground for an ultimate shift into The Source Perfected World which is the Perfected Outer Plane Heaven Reality created by the Source for those who have mastered the art and science of Living Heaven in the Original Creation.
When a Heaven Agent has mastered all of the facets of Living Heaven, particularly the economic aspect which is where many drop in vibration and return to The Hell Way of Life, then a transition of their Spiritual Energy Body to The Source Perfected World is possible.
When this transition occurs, the Source sends the Source Care Transformer to ferry the Spiritual Energy Body to The Source Perfected World where it can create Heaven on the Inner Plane at the highest level. The advantage of this is that the Heaven that the Spiritual Energy Body manifests in its Inner Plane work in The Source Perfected World is beamed into the Original Creation and becomes the Inner Plane reality of the Suit living in the Original Creation. Because conditions in The Source Perfected World are optimal for Living Heaven on both the Inner and Outer Planes, it is possible for a quality of Heaven to be manifested there that is not possible in the Original Creation. When it is beamed into the Original Creation, the rest of the Suit, which consists of the Physical Energy Body and the Physical Body, is able to enjoy this higher grade of Heaven imported from The Source Perfected World. This greatly enhances the experience of Living Heaven.
For information on The Source Perfected World and the transition, I recommend that you watch The Next Step Video entitled:
When a person has already homesteaded in The Source Perfected World in their Spiritual Energy Body and they have mastered Living Heaven in the Original Creation, they can elect to transition on the Outer Plane to The Source Perfected World to work with the other Heaven Agents who are already there, building a Heaven there that is of unparalleled beauty and perfection.
Some of the members of the Prototype Communities have arrived there and are working closely with me in my Extended Range to set up habitats very similar to their home habitats but without any of the negatives such as natural disasters, scarcity, etc.
While most Heaven Agents on the Earth may choose to transition into The Source Perfected World when they transition at death and are leaving behind their physical Suits for the next phase of their Adventure, some will elect to transition at an earlier time in order to take their Adventure to the next level and set up the homestead in The Source Perfected World into which others from the Earth Plane can come when they are ready.
For more information, you can watch The Next Step Video:
The Launch gets you started on your Adventure to Living Heaven in your life. It encompasses the first 6 Steps of the 12 Step Process.
It is important to provide enough momentum when you first begin The Adventure so you get to at least the first protected Spiritual Space from which you can more readily begin to learn how to Live Heaven. The Launch takes you there. It gets you trained and equipped enough to enter into The Love Connection Medium where you can begin joining in with the work on the Prototype Project of Living Heaven with other Heaven Agents in The Universal Community.
The amount of Material Energy needed for The Launch, translated into a Financial Exchange, is as follows:
STEP ONE | Video & eBook | $0 | |
STEP TWO | The Rhythm of The Love Connection Intervention | $75 | |
STEP THREE | The New Start Intervention | $1965 | |
STEP FOUR | Adventure Training Webinars – 5 Webinars at $75/2+ hour Webinar | $375 | |
STEP FIVE | The Living in the Love Intervention | $555 | |
STEP SIX | Universal Community Meeting Webinars – 7 at $95/2+hour Webinar | $665 | |
TOTAL | THE LAUNCH | $3635 | |
GIFT | From The Universal Heaven Agent Network | $615 | |
OPEN DOOR PRINCIPLE | Available for those making a single payment. Can be applied to any form of Source Support. | $250 | |
TOTAL VALUE | THE LAUNCH + Gift + Open Door Principle | $4500 | |
TOTAL SAVINGS | For Additional Source Support | $865 | |
YOUR TOTAL | $3635 | ||
While it is possible to exchange separately for each of the elements that launch you on the Adventure, more power is generated when you provide more Material Energy through a Financial Exchange in the beginning of your work through exchanging for more Steps in the Adventure at one time.
For those opting to provide the maximum amount of energy for their Launch through signing on to the first 6 Steps, The Universal Heaven Agent Network is offering a gift of the Material Energy for the Miracle Link for a Heaven Blanket ($230) and a one hour Consultation by phone, email, or in person ($385). This is a value of $615.
In addition, The Open Door Principle enables more miracles than those for which you have exchanged financially to come through the Open Door, as it were, from the Immaterial Level to the Material Level when the door is opened wider through a larger Financial Exchange. This will afford you an additional $250 that you can use toward any form of Source Support that you may desire. It can be used toward another Step in The Adventure Process.
So – the total savings to you is:
$615 – Gift
$250 – Open Door Principle
$865 – TOTAL
This is $865 in additional Source Support for which you do not have to offer a Financial Exchange.
The Open Door Principle only applies if the Financial Exchange is given in one payment.
The Gift from The Universal Heaven Agent Network is given regardless of whether you make a single payment or opt for a Payment Plan. As long as you sign up for The Launch, the Gift is given to you by The Universal Heaven Agent Network.
To exchange for The Launch in a single payment, you can access the link below:
To request a Payment Plan without interest for The Launch, email me regarding your financial situation and the amount of monthly payments you are able to make. I will respond by email with a recommendation. Payment Plans draw on the Material Energy available in The World that Works Fund. Depending on the funds available, I can take out a loan on your behalf. When you make your monthly payments, the Fund is replenished so that other Heaven Agents can be helped through the Fund.
For those who would like to launch themselves on The Adventure with Full Power and who are able to complete a Financial Exchange for more Steps or all of the Steps at a single time, The Open Door Principle provides additional savings that can be quite substantial depending on the amount given in a single Financial Exchange.
Since the amount needed for The Live Heaven Intensive and for Personal Live Heaven Intensives will have to be assessed on an individual basis, it is best to contact me regarding your intent and I will provide you with an estimate by email that will enable you to benefit from these additional savings.
You will receive the $615 Gift from The Universal Heaven Agent Network in addition to the Open Door Principle savings.
It is also of importance to note that when the Source creates The Adventure for you, this Adventure will play out in accordance with the type of Spiritual Genetic Code that you have procured for your Suit. All beings are given Basic Code which provides them with what is needed for the Source to create a simple structure for The Adventure. This is enough to transform an Ordinary Life into a Life that is Heaven but not to take the experience of Heaven to the depth and breadth that is possible if their Suits had Generic Code.
Generic Code provides all of the baseline Code needed to build a life of Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and The Love Connection with the Source. It is Generic Code because it is common to all who receive the Code.
To have the Source create the quintessential Adventure for you that fulfills your individual Life Purpose at the highest level, you will need to have Life Code which is the individualized Code that makes for all of the perfect Heaven Moments that add up to the ultimate experience of Heaven.
I recommend that you invest in supplying yourself with Life Code if at all possible. If you lack the means to do so at this time, you can start with Generic Code and work toward providing your Suit with Life Code when you are able. Life Code is what all Suits will need to attain Perfection in the Source Perfected Universe. It is a replacement of the Life Code that was lost in the crash of the Universal Source Connection Channel which used to sustain the Life Code for all beings.
To find out more about Spiritual Genetic Code you can read the article entitled: Code Work.