The Overview & Action Plan for
The Celebrating Source Truth Project 

Build the Foundation for Perfect Health

Celebrate Source Truth to build

The Source Truth Structure of Understanding

which you will need to build the Heaven of Perfect Health on

mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and environmental levels.




The Overview Directory

The Celebrating Source Truth Project

The Action Plan



The Celebrating Source Truth Project

Why It is Important to Build
The Source Truth Structure of Understanding

The Celebrating Source Truth Project was created to build The Source Truth Structure of Understanding that is needed if beings are to work with the Source to build the Heaven of Perfect Health in their lives and in their world.  


Structures of Understanding 

Suits require Structures of Understanding that are built in layers.  The foundation is formed from Essential Understandings. Other layers built on the foundation are formed from different levels of understanding that move from the most general understandings to the most specific understandings. It is not possible for the Suit – body/mind – to receive a specific understanding and know how to place it in its mind if there is no supporting Structure of Understanding already in existence.


For example, a person who has never heard of computers can't place a piece of information about software programs into an existing Structure of Understanding about computers. Instead, the piece of information will remain nonesensical to the person.


Similarly, if the Source sends a being a Source Truth Communication that references who they are as a unique spiritual being and their Mission in this life and the being has no Structure of Understanding of the Source or their spiritual identity and purpose, the particular Source Truth will not be understandable to the being.

Without a Structure of Understanding that is built from the Building Blocks of Source Truth, it is not possible to understand and integrate a particular Source Truth into a supporting Structure that enables the Suit to understand it and take action based on it. 


In the absence of a developed ability to receive and understand Source Truth Communications, beings have developed Story-Based Structures of Understanding. The Stories about the nature of reality have been created collectively and individually. These Cultural and Personal Stories create a Structure of Understanding that become a Story World.  Beings navigate in this Story World by referencing the Story Truths that define the Story Reality of this World.


While Stories about reality help to organize and give meaning to what might otherwise seem like a chaos of experiences, they do not reflect the way that the Creation was created by the Source to work and the essential Spiritual Physics of life that determine if Life in the Creation can survive. For this reason, Story Truths are dangerous distortions that separate beings from the Source Truths that enable them to navigate successfully in a Creation which is a Source Creation.  

The world of disease, scarcity, and suffering that beings live in today is the result of building a Story Structure of Understanding that does not enable beings to understand how to escape from the suffering that their erroneous beliefs about the nature of reality create. This Story Structure of Understanding is the foundation of The World of Suffering that exists throughout the Creation. Beings adhering to Story Truths have brought themselves and the Creation to the brink of Unsustainability on spiritual and physical levels.


The Most Essential Source Truths in The Source Truth Structure of Understanding

The only path out of this impending disaster is for beings to step out of their Story Worlds, stop listening to Story Truth, and enter into a close Working Relationship with the Source where they can learn how to receive Source Truth and build a Source Truth Structure of Understanding that will enable them to navigate successfully in the Creation.


What follows is a brief overview of the Source Truths most pertinent to establishing the Essential Understanding Foundation for achieving Perfect Health. For those new to The Work of the Source, I recommend exploring these Source Truths in greater depth through the Gifted Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist Training Materials available through Connecting.  Connecting is a gifted membership that gives you access to these materials and to emailed Source News Updates on what is happening in The Work of the Source.  You can sign up for Connecting by accessing this link.  



The Miracle of Life that sustains every individual life and the Creation itself was created by the Source/Creator.  Only the Source knows what it takes to sustain it. 


At this point in the history of the Creation, The Miracle of Life is in jeopardy.  


The Story Way of Life is making it increasingly difficult for the Source to continue to sustain The Miracle of Life. Now only those who are willing to learn from the Source how to Steward The Miracle of Life are sustaining their Source Connection which is essential to sustaining The Miracle of Life. Those who have refused to consider Source Truth, even in their Extended Range, which is outside of their conscious awareness, and have relied on Story Truth, have already lost their Spiritual Lives in the most massive Universal Change since the beginning of the Creation.  This massive change is The Transition.


The Transition is the time when the Implementation Aspect of the Source, which is the aspect of the Source who entered into The Manifest World to Steward The Miracle of Life until Manifest Beings could shoulder the Stewarding Work themselves, is leaving to return to its home at the Source Level.  


The Transition is a time when beings can learn how to Steward The Miracle of Life by receiving the Source Truth Communications sent by the Source that explain to them how to build a foundation of Total Abundance upon which Perfect Health can manifest for their bodies, minds, and spirits, their societies, and their environment. Central to the work of building the Heaven of Perfect Health is the work to achieve Ultimate Sustainability.


Ultimate Sustainability is the highest level of Perfect Health.  It is what beings will need to have achieved by the final stage of The Transition when the Implementation Aspect departs for the Source Level.


Ultimate Sustainability is based on achieving a 100% Source Connection by building a 100% Source-Connected Life that yields the Total Abundance that is needed to support Perfect Health.


The Sustainability Timeline marks the Transition Points when new Standards for Sustainability must be upheld if a being is to sustain his place in The Substratum. The Substratum is the Inner Plane Energy Platform on which the Suit – body/mind – of the being must reside if it is to sustain its Source Connection, its Link to Life. If a being fails to meet a Standard for Sustainability and loses his place in The Substratum, the Soul unlinks from the Suit, causing Spiritual Death.  


When Spiritual Death occurs the Soul loses its ability to have a Suit in the Creation for all eternity. The Empty Suit that remains behind enters into an accelerated downward spiral into premature Physical Death.  In some cases the Source can intercede to save the Physical Suit by linking it to another Soul. The Empty Suit then becomes a new person with a new identity and a new Mission in life.

While this repurposing of an Empty Suit saves the physical body from disease and death it does not reverse the ultimate loss to the original Soul who cannot be given another Suit because the negative energy produced by its original Suit would be re-activated in the Creation and would blight any new Suit that could be assigned to the Soul. The Soul has to move into a place of retirement at the Source Level with no ability to express itself at any level of The System of Life.  This is a great tragedy for the Soul and for the Source who grieves the loss of the Soul’s contribution to Life in the Creation.


Because the Soul is a perfected Spiritual Intelligence that has done no wrong, this is a tragedy that is the result of the bad decisions made by the Suit, which is a separate intelligence in its own right that can make decisions that differ from the choices made by the Soul or the Source.  


In order to prevent this tragedy from occurring as well as to give the Soul the chance to link to a Suit that is enjoying Total Abundance and Perfect Health, it is necessary for the True Self, who is the representative of the Soul in the Suit, to educate and discipline the Suit to make choices that preserve its life and the life of the Soul.


The work of the True Self is to get the Suit listening to and learning from the Source through receiving Source Truth Communications and spending time understanding them and implementing them in its life. A Suit that values Source Truth and builds a life based on Source Truth is a Suit that has the best chance of achieving the Ultimate Sustainability that will determine its longevity in the Creation at the end of The Transition.


Against the backdrop of The Transition, which is only a few decades from the final stage of The Transition, the work to achieve Perfect Health focuses, by necessity, on the work to achieve Ultimate Sustainability.  The True Self must take the time to educate its Suit to understand what the Source needs it to do in order for the Source to be able to sustain its Source Connection.  Ignorance of this is just as dangerous as refusing to understand Source Truth and holding onto erroneous Personal or Cultural Story about what it takes to live in The Manifest World.  


Because Manifest Beings have created such elaborate Stories about reality that are built from the Building Blocks of Story Untruths, it takes dedication to understanding Source Truth and a willingness to turn away from the Story Untruths that cause suffering and put the Suit in jeopardy of losing its place in the Creation, for a Suit to transition into a life that is founded on Source Truth.

Source Truth is the solid foundation upon which a life that is the Heaven it was meant to be can manifest for all beings.  Story Truth is the foundation upon which the illusion of a Self-Created Heaven floats like a mirage in a desert wasteland, forever drawing the thirsty traveler deeper into the desolation of the desert.

A clear choice to survive by learning what it takes to survive is necessary at this time in The Transition.  Only those who make this choice and work hard to transition out of the Story Structure of Understanding that is leading them to Unsustainability into The Source Truth Structure of Understanding that can safely lead them to Ultimate Sustainability, will retain their Source Connection, and with it their lives.



How to Build
The Source Truth Structure of Understanding 

Level One – Build the Foundation of Essential Source Truths

The first step in building a Source Truth Structure of Understanding is to build a foundation of Essential Source Truths upon which all other Source Truths can be placed. The structure of Essential Source Truths are truths about who the Source is, how the Source works in the world, what has happened historically since the beginning of the Creation, The Source Perspective on what is happening now, and what the Source is calling beings to do to Steward The Miracle of Life during this time of The Transition.


Level Two  – Build the Structure of Understanding for Perfect Health

The second step is to build on this basic Strucure of Understanding more specific Source Truths about what it takes to achieve Perfect Health.  These Source Truths reveal what it takes to eradicate disease, how to live in a physical body in a way that engenders Perfect Health, how to structure a society so that it supports the Perfect Health of its members, and how to care for the environment so that it sustains the society in a state of Perfect Health and is, itself, in a state of Perfect Health.


Level Three – Build the Structure for What Social Groups Need 

The third step is to build the Source Truths needed to understand the needs of particular groups within a society so that the Total Abundance of every part the society is understood and supported by the society.  Through understanding the Total Abundance needed by everyone and everything in a community, the Total Abundance needed for Perfect Health can be provided.  It is out of Total Abundance that Perfect Health becomes possible.


Level Four – Build the Structure for What Individuals Need

The fourth step is to discover the Source Truths needed for each individual.  Since every Suit is a unique creation, it will have unique needs. This requires that the Total Abundance that the community works together to achieve for all of its members is understood at the level of the individual not just at the level of social groups within the society.



Total Abundance Miracles

When these four levels of The Structure of Understanding have been built, then it is time to begin bringing in the Total Abundance Miracles that manifest all of the kinds of Total Abundance that Suits need to have Perfect Health.  Without Total Abundance Miracles it is not possible to heal the damage done to Suits from lifetimes of being subjected to disease, death, deprivation, and the depravity of war, crime, domestic violence, exploitation, sexual abuse and all of the others kinds of suffering engendered in The World of Suffering.


It is also not possible to provide what the Suit needs for Perfect Health which is a quality of love, intelligence, joy, and adventure that simply isn’t available in the world that exists today. These qualities come from miracles given by the Source that transform a dog-eat-dog society into a Love-Based Community that nurtures all of its own.


The Prototype for Perfect Health 

Perfect Health has been prototyped in 14 Prototype Communities established by the Source thousands of years ago in different parts of the Creation. These Communities have succeeded in establishing Love-Based Communities that have worked together to achieve the Total Abundance that has yielded Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, Life Purpose Fulfillment, and a strong Love Connection with the Source. These Communities have been enjoying a Miracle-Based Way of Life for thousands of years and are available to help mentor those seeking to follow in their footsteps.


What enabled them to achieve this Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life was their willingness to learn from the Source the Source Truths that enabled them to jettison from their way of life what created disease, scarcity, and suffering and to build the Heaven of a Source-Directed Way of Life that yielded Total Abundance for all.


The Celebrating Source Truth Practice 

What set them free was The Celebrating Source Truth Practice which they use to this day to ensure that they stay on track with what the Source can sustain and transform into the Heaven Way of Life  that they have come to treasure.


The Correct Exchange Relationship 

What they were taught first is that it is necessary to enter into a Correct Exchange Relationship with the Source.  A Correct Exchange Relationship is one in which they are doing their part to Steward The Miracle of Life so it is sustainable by building the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.  When they do their parts then the Source brings in the Total Abundance Miracles and the Source Truth Communications that enable them to live a Miracle-Based Way of Life that yields Perfect Health.


Correct Exchange Missions 

Every day they rise up in the day and go on the Correct Exchange Missions given to them by Inner Source Guidance and complete the Missions at the 100% Mark, never stopping short of achieving an Absolute Correct Exchange. This daily work includes seeking Source Truth about the nature of the Mission and whatever they need to learn in order to perform the Mission. This is where The Celebrating Source Truth Practice comes in.  It is what they use to perform the Mission.


Because the Correct Exchange Missions of each individual are coordinated with the Correct Exchange Missions of other individuals, social interactions are orchestrated that lead to the Heaven Moments that they experience with one another.  These enhance their ability to work together to bring in the miracles that are needed by the Community.  It is Source-Directed Team Work that evolves organically from The Source Plan for the Heaven that is being built moment by moment in their Community.


Because of their ability to work together in this flawless flow of Source-Directed activities, they have taken their economy from the Brute Force Economy that they had originally where they farmed and manufactured and fought over scarce resources to The Materialization Economy where they work together to produce the Material Energy that enables Total Abundance Miracles to land in their Community.  


In the Advanced Materialization Economy that they enjoy, all of their material needs manifest from the Spiritual Level into the Physical Level. This means that their food, clothing, shelter, and all other material objects arrive fully manifested and they just have to receive them and distribute them according to The Source Plan. This has alleviated their need to farm and manufacture and relieved them of the burden of the onerous jobs that they once had to endure in order to make a living. 


Their lives are gentle lives with time to enjoy the Heaven Moments that the Source manifests which they help to stage by doing their Correct Exchange Missions. They value their way of life and value the Source Truth Communications of the Source that keep them on track with sustaining it and with it their Source Connection.


What it took for these communities to transition from the hardcore criminal, warlike, exploitative, and abusive cultures that they were originally into Love-Based Communities working together for the Total Abundance of all, was a decision to work with the Source to implement The Source Plan for a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life. They engaged in doing their Correct Exchange Missions and employing The Celebrating Source Truth Practice. This resulted in a quality of life that is an inspiring Prototype for beings throughout the Creation.

Now that the Creation is in the midst of The Transition, all beings must learn from this Prototype if they are to retain their Source Connection and with it their place in the Creation.  


The Celebrating Source Truth Project has been created to help those seeking to sustain their lives in the Creation with training in how to work with The Celebrating Source Truth Practice to build the Source Truth Structure of Understanding that is essential to their survival.


The Action Plan for this Project outlines the Actions to Take to implement The Celebrating Source Truth Practice.  It includes Source Workflow Trainings that help the Suit to engage in the Practice.


By working with The Action Plan, a Source-Directed Activist will be able to build The Source Truth Structure of Understanding that will enable them to receive in-the-moment Source Truth Communications from the Source that are readily understandable and can guide their actions. It is these individualized Source Truth Communications that make the difference between a Suit that achieves Perfect Health and one that falls short of the mark. They are also essential to a Suit's ability to receive the Source Guidance that is critical to meeting the Standards for Sustainability in The Sustainability Timeline so that it can sustain its place in The Substratum.


Just as the members of the Prototype Communities had to learn the skills of working with The Celebrating Source Truth Practice and implement the Source Truths that they learned by making the changes in their way of life that were needed to achieve Perfect Health, so all beings will need to work in this manner.  


The path is a Path of Miracles guided by the moment to moment Source Truth Communications from the Source.  The will to travel this Path needs to be informed by the Essential Source Truths that achieving the Perfect Health of Ultimate Sustainability is not a nicety but a necessity and that there is very little time left before the Suit will have to achieved this.  Only then will the Suit be awakened from Story Untruths and be kept on track with its pursuit of Source Truth until it knows how things work in the Creation and what it has to do to become sustainable.



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The Action Plan

There are Four Actions that need to be taken
to implement this Action Plan



Action #1

Build The Source Truth Structure of Understanding

Build the Four Levels of the Structure of Understanding which are:

  • The Essential Source Truths that relate to the state of the Creation historically and currently
  • The Basic Source Truths about what it takes to achieve Perfect Health
  • Source Truths about what groups within the society need to achieve the Total Abundance that leads to Perfect Health
  • Source Truths about what individuals need to achieve Total Abundance and Perfect Health



The work on building the Structure of Understanding can be done at three levels of Source Support.

Level One Source Support

Build the Essential Source Truth Structure of Understanding by studying the gifted Source Truth Communications on The Miracle School website. The website is replete with information  that conveys Source Truth and provide answers to the basic questions about The Source Perspective on Reality and the Source Recommendations for the actions that are needed to achieve the Perfect Health of Ultimate Sustainability.

Each Source Truth Communication contains many levels of Spiritual Code that the Suit needs in order to understand the technical part of what it takes to integrate a Source Truth into its Structure of Understanding and be guided by the Source to take action on the basis of it. This Code can be received by careful studying of the materials.  Multiple readings enable different levels of the Code to be received by the Suit.


There are many Heaven Projects, Source Solution Miracles, and general articles that provide Source Truths needed to build the Structure of Understanding on many different levels.  Some of the Source Truths fill out the foundation level with Essential Source Truths. Other materials fill out the other levels of the Structure of Understanding.

These Training materials  can be found by referencing The Miracle School Directory.  A full version of the Directory occurs at: The Miracle School Directory.  An abbreviated reference Directory occurs at the bottom of every page.

The entire website is a Miracle Tool that can be used to receive Source Truth.  For information on how to work with this Miracle Tool, you can reference the article: Working with the Website as a Miracle Tool.


Level Two Source Support

In addition, are the Gifted Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist Training Materials that contain more powerful Spiritual Code that requires some Material Energy to ground. The Universal Heaven Agent Network has provided the Material Energy to ground the miracles for this level of Training.  Those who sign up for a gifted Connecting membership, gain access to the password protected parts of the website that contain this level of training.


Level Three Source Support

Level Three Source Support provides a more in-depth and personal access to what is essential to your own work to achieve Perfect Health.  These are Trainings that are accessible to those who have qualified to work in a Miracle-Based Coaching Program.  This Program requires that the Suit be producing a Miracle-Friendly Field of a certain level in order to ground the more high power miracles used in Miracle-Based Coaching.  


The miracle of Seed Code is available to those working with Level Three Trainings.  Those at Level Three can gain access to password protected Source Reality Stations where they can access powerful Miracle Tools only available in these Stations. There they receive individualized online coaching from me and send me their Reports on what they are experiencing.


Level Three Source Support is the most efficient way to fill out your Structure of Understanding because it enables me to provide you with the Source Truths about who you are as a unique Spiritual Being, what your Spiritual Function is, what your Mission is in this life, where you are on your Spiritual Path, and what Next Steps you need to take to achieve Perfect Health. Without this personal information, you are lacking an individualized range of Source Truth that is essential to your baseline understanding of Source Truth.


To request an Assessment for whether you are ready to enter into a Miracle-Based Coaching Program you can go to:




Action #2

Work with Source Workflow Trainings on Source Truth


The Levels of Source Workflow Trainings

There are two levels of Training given in the Source Workflow Trainings on Source Truth.


The Gifted Training with Basic Code 

This Project sponsors Gifted Source Workflow Trainings that focus on working with The Celebrating Source Truth Practice. Written transcripts of these Trainings can be accessed by members of Connecting. These Gifted Trainings come with Basic Code that helps the Suit to incorporate what is learned in the training into its daily life.  

The Full Power Training with Seed Code

Full Power Trainings provide Seed Code. Seed Code is Spiritual Code that provides the Suit with everything that it needs in order to carry out the full range of skills associated with the topic of the training. The Code is individualized and continues to support the work of the Suit to implement what it learned in the training. Seed Code is accessible to those in a Miracle-Based Coaching Program.


These Trainings will be ongoing, focusing on whatever aspect of Source Truth needs to be revealed to help beings meet the rigorous Standard for Sustainability that correspond to the Transition Points on The Sustainability Timeline.

The Five Types of Source Workflow Trainings

Instructional Trainings

These are Trainings that provide instructions for how to develop Skill Sets for working with Source Truth.

Source Workflow Sessions

These Trainings focus on Source Workflow Sessions with Heaven Agents coming in through The Correct Exchange Network on the Inner Plane.

Reality-Based Trainings

Reality-Based Trainings are stories about situations that many beings experience in real life.  They convey Source Truths that are not surfacing in the Source Workflow Sessions.


Source Response Trainings

These Trainings provide Heaven Agents on the Inner and Outer Planes an opportunity to ask a question and receive a Source Response. These often are like mini Sessions.  Heaven Agents on the Outer Plane can complete the Heaven Agent Report Form in the Workstation to ask a question. 

Source Truth Building Block Trainings

Source Truth Building Block Trainings focus on exploring a particular Source Truth that is needed to build some aspect of The Source Truth Structure of Understanding. 


NOTE: Because this Project is just being launched, not all of these types of Source Workflow Trainings will be represented at this time.  Others will be added as they are created.


To access these Source Workflow Trainings you can go to The Celebrating Source Truth Project Workstation at: 




Action #3

Practice Receiving, Interpreting, and
Implementing Source Truth Communications


After you have built some basic understanding from the Source Workflow Trainings about how to work with The Celebrating Source Truth Practice, you can start asking to receive Source Truth directly from the Source.


It is important to follow the instructions given for how to work with Source Truth Communications in the Source Workflow Trainings.  Source Workflow Training – ST1 is an instructional Training that explains how to initiate The Celebrating Source Truth Practice.


An important part of the process is keeping a Source Truth Journal so that you can remember what you received and what you thought that you understood from it and can later review this understanding as you receive other Source Truths and expand your knowledge base.


Working with individualized Miracle-Based Coaching during this part of your process is invaluable to your ability to ensure that you are, in fact, receiving Source Truth and that you are interpreting it correctly,  and understanding how to work with the Source Truth to achieve Perfect Health. Since Source Truth is often sent through images and dreamlike episodes, it takes some skill to understand what it means and to determine what direction it is guiding you to take in your life.




Action #4

Share the Source Truths that You Have Received


The Celebrating Source Truth Practice is a discovery process that is designed to bring to light Source Truths that will help to build a Total Abundance Community founded on Source Truth.  Sharing the Source Truths that you are receiving is central to how this Practice helps to build Community.


There are several ways you can share the Source Truths that you are receiving.


The Heaven Agent Report Form

Heaven Agent Report Forms are a part of most of the Heaven Projects on the website. In addition, The Celebrating Source Truth Project has its own Heaven Agent Report Form which you can access through going to the Workstation for the Project. 


In the Report Form you can enter the images or insights that you have received. If you don’t understand the Source Truth that you received, you can share your best guess or simply present the imagery and I will be able to interpret it if it is Source Sent.  


I may respond to it in an upcoming Source Workflow Training called a Source Response Training.  In this Training, you remain anonymous and I paraphrase your entry or speak to its essential content in the course of providing the Source Response.


Your efforts to communicate the Source Truths that you are working to receive is important to training your Suit to work with The Celebrating Source Truth Practice.  The more you become a responsible citizen of The Universal Community, working to share the Source Truths that are given to you by the Source to share, the more your Suit advances toward a state of Ultimate Sustainability.  


Online Miracle-Based Coaching

Another way to share the Source Truths you receive is in the Miracle-Based Coaching Program where you enter them into either an Online Coaching Station or into your Source Reality Station.  These entries will be responded to when it is in my Source Workflow to respond.  I respond with feedback on how you are doing in working with The Celebrating Source Truth Practice.


Individual Correct Exchange Sessions

In Individual Correct Exchange Sessions you can practice getting Source Truth Communications while I am there, in person, by phone, online meeting, or in the Seattle Source Connection Center, to give you feedback on how you are doing. This is the most efficient way to learn about working with Source Truth Communications.  In a private Session I can fill in many aspects of your Structure of Understanding that will not be filled in outside of this kind of individualized setting.


Group Correct Exchange Sessions

In Group Correct Exchange Sessions by webinar or in the Source Connection Center you can practice getting Source Truth Communications as a part of a group effort to work on a project.  This is training for the Team Work that will be essential to Stewarding The Miracle of Life when I am no longer in The Manifest World providing the Stewarding Work for the Implementation Aspect.






Source Truth liberates the Suit from the Story Untruths that have trapped it in Story Realities that have rendered it increasingly unsustainable.


Because the Suit needs a well built Structure of Understanding in order to function in the world and the Story Structure of Understanding provides this, the Suit is often loath to leave the Story Structure to build The Source Truth Structure of Understanding that it needs to replace it.  For this reason, it is important that you take the lead in guiding your Suit to safety by being persistent in seeking Source Truth and building The Source Truth Structure of Understanding that will one day provide it with an alternative to the Story Structure that now structures its sense of reality.


While your Suit is likely to resist Source Truths that challenge its Story Structure and can readily quote chapter and verse of its Story Truths to defend against any Source Truth, it is up to you to weigh in against this and keep your Suit on track with discovering the Source Truths that will set it on the path to survival.


Nothing short of your true dedication to achieving the Perfect Health of Ultimate Sustainability will enable you and your Suit to retain your place in the Creation at this point in The Transition.




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