The Energy Corkscrew Attack

July 4, 2013


July 4, 2013

Two Heaven Agents who come from a galaxy that is close to ours say that they have been considering telling human Heaven Agents about a problem that they see brewing in the Middle East.  They say that repeated attempts to lower an Energy Corkscrew into the mid-brain of the Earth, which is an open channel in that region of the planet, have been occurring.  They say that this could create such grievous anxiety and distress in the Earth as a being that she might become Spiritually Fragmented.


They have worked with other Heaven Agents and with the Source to counter the most recent attempts but they feel that Heaven Agents on the Earth need to be alerted and lend their more material support to defending the Earth.


Four of these Energy Corkscrews have been launched just today and 7 of them were launched yesterday.


Source Response

I have put a filter over the channel to the mid-brain so that any further attempts will send the Corkscrew back on the perpetrators.  This should prevent further attacks from getting through.  Heaven Agents on the Earth were called on to provide the Heaven Happening support for this filter to be put into place.  Without their help the filter would not have been stable enough to have deflected the attacks.


The Earth sends you her thanks for your love and support and is feeling relieved that help has been given when it was most needed.



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