The Source Perspective on Covid-19
Part One

Diseases are Not Source Creations 

Diseases Arise from Mutated Spiritual Genetic Code

Diseases are not Source Creations. They are the result of the mutations of matter that have occurred when beings used their ability to work with Spiritual Genetic Code to create Mutated Spiritual Code. 


All forms of life are manifested from Spiritual Genetic Code which determines the spiritual and physical properties of a form/Suit. The Soul is beyond Code but requires a Suit/body that is made from Code. The Code enables the Suit to function in a Material World.


The Source created Essential Spiritual Genetic Code for all Suits when The Manifest World was first created.  It gave the Soul the opportunity to work with Spiritual Genetic Code to create Optional Code that could add to the Essential Code which the Source provided.  Souls were to work with this Code through working through their Suits that were given Spiritual Intelligence and the ability to work with Code on behalf of the Soul.


In the beginning of the Creation, Suits decided to use their onboard Code capabilities to create Code that they thought favored their Self Interest, which they defined as different from the objectives of the Soul and the Source. From the Mutated Code which they created, arose the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit that have led to The World of Suffering that exists today.  Instead of the Heaven of True Happiness which the Source was prepared to help Suits build in the world, Suits have built a free-for-all in which war, crime, exploitation, sexual abuse, torture, disease, and scarcity exist and very few beings live at peace in any part of the Creation.


From Mutated Spiritual Code diseases such as Covid-19 have arisen. This virus is made from the natural elements of the Earth Plane that have been assembled by Mutated Code to form a virus that is designed to kill. 


The Negativity 

The negative intelligences that design Killer Viruses, such as Covid-19, form a group that I call the Negativity.  The Negativity is composed of Suits that have broken their Source Connection and, therefore, lack the Life Energies given by the Source to Suits with a Source Connection. These Life Energies are essential to the survival of the Suit. 


The members of the Negativity have lost their Souls, which became unlinked from the Suit when the Source Connection was broken. These Empty Suits live by stealing the Life Energies of Suits that still retain a Soul and a Source Connection. The have banded together to form a Universal Harvesting Operation which breaks down Source-Connected Suits for the harvest by damaging them. They damage the Suit through influencing Suits that are in pursuit of their happiness to war on one another, damage themselves through addictions, and engage in dangerous pursuits which lead to accidents and injury.  This all adds up to better harvesting for the Negativity.


The Negativity exists primarily in Energy Suits on The Spiritual Level of Reality, which is also called the Inner Plane.  They devote their time to working with Spiritual Code to develop the Spiritual Technologies that advance their Harvesting Operation. They are extremely motivated because their lives are hanging in the balance.


They are completely devoid of any compassion for those who suffer as they are broken down for the harvest. They have as much compassion as someone cracking a walnut shell to get at the walnut inside. Their technologies are designed to crack the walnut shell of Suits, which is their protective energies, and preferably to get them to crack it themselves and leave themselves open to an easy harvest by the Negativity. They prefer to motivate Suits to damage their own mental, physical, spiritual, and social health in order to render themselves easy prey.  This methodology has been working well since the Negativity first began its attempts to lure Suits out of their alignment with the Source so that they would diminish their Source Connection enough to be harvested but retain just enough Source Connection to run the Life Energies that the Negativity is harvesting.  


At this point in history, however, the Negativity is going for broke and is willing to destroy the Source Connection of the Suit completely in order to have a one time harvest of all of its Life Energies.  I speak to this change in their tactics in Part Two.


In Part Three you can get some insight into some of the technologies that they have engineered.  While it takes a great deal of knowledge of how things work in the Creation to understand the technical descriptions that I will provide, the essence of my message is that this group of desperate Suits is dangerous and has to be countered intelligently or they will continue on their mission of Death and Destruction.


Video Resources 

I refer you to Next Step Videos such as The Work of the Source for an overview of the history of the Creation which includes how the Negativity evolved and how they work in the world today.  If what I have described thus far is difficult for you to comprehend, you may need to study The Source Perspective in greater detail to make sense of this Source Communication. I am, in this article on Covid-19, referencing a body of knowledge that it is difficult to summarize in an abbreviated manner if the reader lacks the background information that is needed to fully understand what I am conveying.


In order to watch this video and the others in The Next Step Video series, you can sign up for Connecting, a gifted membership that will enable you to access all of the Gifted Source-Directed Activism Training Materials. It will also provide emailed Source News Updates that keep you abreast of The Work of the Source to counter the war being waged on life by the Negativity and to help beings learn how to build the Heaven that life was meant to be.  To sign up for Connecting, you can go to Connecting Signup.



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