There are many forms of Source Support that help your Suit or the Suit of a loved one to fight Covid and rebuild from the damage it does on spiritual and physical levels.
Not everyone suffering from Covid can afford to provide the Material Energy needed to ground the miracles of this Source Support through a single payment Financial Exchange.
For this reason, the following Heaven Economy Options are available:
This method enables you to finance what your Suit needs through a No Interest Payment Plan that can be spaced out with monthly payments that you can afford in a timeframe that is in keeping with what The World that Works Fund can support.
When a Payment Plan is set up I borrow the Material Energy from The World that Works Fund so that I can ground the miracles that you need. The World that Works Fund is an Inner Plane repository for Material Energy. It is given Material Energy by the work of Source-Directed Activists throughout the Creation who are contributing to funding the work of other Source-Directed Activists.
You reimburse the Fund through monthly payments. I have to be sure that The World that Works Fund has the funds to support what you need and that the amount of monthly payment you propose is capable of balancing the exchange correctly.
In cases in which the financial means are not available to fund the Source Support, it is possible to provide Material Energy through an Energy Exchange Payment Plan. I draw the Material Energy from The World that Works Fund to ground the miracles that you need and you reimburse The World that Works Fund by generating Material Energy when you work on Build Heaven Projects.
Your Suit is alerted by the Source about what Projects to work on and how to do the work. This occurs through Inner Plane Source Communications that reach the Extended Range of your Suit's Consciousness. This Range is generally outside of your Conscious Awareness.
Your Suit will need to work on these Projects in accordance with the terms of the Payment Plan, which are negotiated with your Extended Range of Consciousness, which is in touch with the Source and regularly receives Inner Plane coaching and support from the Source through the personal and general Source Communications that are sent to it.
This method is used primarily for those who are working with me on the Inner Plane only where there is no Outer Plane enrollment in The Miracle School but only access to the help given by the Source through the Inner Plane level of The Miracle School.
For those working with me on the Outer Plane, a certain percentage of the Payment Plan must be given through a Financial Exchange in order to support the work of The Heaven Project on the Earth.
Those experiencing financial hardships as a result of the economic crisis that has resulted from the Stay at Home policies can request a mix of a Financial Exchange and an Energy Exchange. This can space out payments in keeping with what is feasible given the ability to make monthly Financial Exchange payments and monthly Energy Exchange contributions of Material Energy.
The Countering Covid Campaign raises Material Energy through Energy Exchanges and Financial Exchanges to help those who need additional support to provide the Material Energy that is needed. Material Energy made available by this Campaign can also be drawn upon if this is needed to help ground Source Support Miracles related to this Campaign.
The Universal Heaven Agent Network also generates Material Energy for Heaven Agents – which is another term for Source-Directed Activists. They can be asked to produce Material Energy for an individual in need. This offers students of The Miracle School a very important back up for their work in getting Trained & Equipped to become Source-Directed Activists. Part of this Training is helping in Campaign Work such as Countering The Covid Attack.
If you would like to receive Source Solution Miracles and lack the Material Energy to ground them, you can request a Gifted Countering Covid Funding Assessment.
To request a Gifted Assessment, you can reference the information provided below for Prerequisites for receiving an Assessment and any form of Source Support.
In the form provided, it is helpful if you provide information on the Source Support Miracles that you would like to fund, what method you think can work for you, and the amount of a monthly payment you feel that you can afford at this time. It is important to provide general information about your financial situation and your need in order for me to research the best Source Solution for your situation.
Since miracles don't manifest if there is an imbalanced exchange, we need to work together to find something that will both balance the exchange and be feasible given your financial situation and the help that you or a loved one needs to counter Covid effectively.
I will communicate with you by email for the Assessment and you can respond by email as we work toward setting up whatever Source Solution will work best for your situation.
At this point in The Transition, every request for a Source Response on the Outer Plane requires that your Suit be maintaining at least a -6 Miracle-Friendly Field of Energy on a scale of -60 to +10. This enables me to contact you by email with my Assessment and to accept a Financial Exchange should you decide to go forward with a form of Source Support that requires Material Energy to ground the miracle.
If your Suit is not maintaining the Miracle-Friendly Field that is needed, then I will be unable to email you but will send whatever Heaven Phase supported Source Support can help your Suit start to produce the necessary level Miracle-Friendly Field. Heaven Phase supported Source Interventions do not require Material Energy to ground and can be given in cases in which I cannot be in Outer Plane contact with a person. (For more information on the technical criteria for landing miracles in Miracle-Friendly Fields, you can reference the article entitled: Miracle-Based Coaching.)