Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism for
Building a Disease Free Life and World



The Countering Covid Campaign


This Campaign was launched to provide Source-Directed Activists with the opportunity to work together to raise the Material Energy that is needed to ensure that those who are in need of the Source Support Miracles described in this Project have the Material Energy to ground these miracles in their lives.


Because many who are ill lack the ability to generate Material Energy for an Energy Exchange and they may also lack the ability to provide Material Energy through a Financial Exchange, it is necessary that other Source-Directed Activists step forward to bridge the gap and ensure that those who need Source Support Miracles are able to receive them.


Instead of waiting for a vaccine, that may be over a year in the future, or a medicine, that may take some time to develop, people need to take action now and start helping those in need to survive and reduce the tragic loss of life that leaves devastated families and communities behind.


The Source Solution Miracles available through this Project can help many to survive if Source-Directed Activists provide the Material Energy to ground them. The Source knows who is in need and sends the miracles to those who are both receptive to Source Support and most in need of the help.


While you can contribute Material Energy to this Campaign through an Energy Exchange, a Financial Exchange will provide both the needed Material Energy and it will provide the funding that is required to educate The Global Community about how to work with the Source to turn around not only this pandemic but to lay the foundation for a Total Abundance Global Community that will provide the context in which humans can have a Disease Free Life and World.


For more information on how to contribute through a Financial Exchange, you can reference the information provided below.



How to Contribute

To contribute to The World that Works Fund, you can enter the amount of your contribution in the form provided below. If the amount you wish to contribute is greater than US $4500, you can contact me for instructions on how to proceed. 



Contribute to The World that Works Fund

I would like to contribute $.00 to The Countering Covid Campaign for The Total Abundance Movement.



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