Getting Set Up to Build Heaven



On September 15th at 9:00 pm the Fourth Universal Power Surge began. It built power steadily until it ended on October 15th at 9:00 pm. This Power Surge was designed to bring in the power that enables your Suit to receive the basic formatting for building a Life that Works and a World that Works.


Unlike other Power Surges that involved The Power of Perfection Wave taking you into The Picture of Perfection, this Power Surge did not trigger a Power of Perfection Wave. Instead it was designed to bring in enormous amounts of power that I stored for the work of Building Heaven. When enough power was stored, I ushered in The Build Heaven Era – an Era of miracles beyond the scope of any miracles that have ever been possible since the beginning of the Creation.


One of these miracles is an upgraded version of The Construction Site of Heaven on the Inner Plane to which Heaven Agents can dock to receive the Life Energies that formerly were received through the Lifeline from the Source.  The Lifeline Connection was terminated by the Source during the skirmishes preceeding the launching of The Build Heaven Era due to the infiltration of the Negativity into the Lifeline Connection.  This infiltration threatened the safety of my Manifestation and the manifestations of all beings.


Another miracle was a special Spiritual Gateway that enables those working on The Construction Site in their Conscious Range to enter into the Site with increased power, miracles that are only given to those who enter through this Gateway, and access to Project Workstations and Teleconferences that enable the Universal Community to work with me at The Construction Site.


These miracles have set the stage for the Ongoing Build Heaven Intensives that are now available.


In order to participate in the Ongoing Build Heaven Intensives, it is important to complete The Getting Set Up to Build Heaven Intensive that provides you with the Spiritual Software to Build Heaven in your life.  Without this Software, your Suit will be ineffectual at working alongside me at The Construction Site during the Ongoing Build Heaven Intensives which is where the work of building Lives that Work and a World that Works will get done.



The Heaven Experience Intensive

Part One

The Heaven Experience Source Intervention

This Intervention has two parts:


Building a Life that Works

Since the foundation for a World that Works is the strength of individual Lives that Work, the World that Works Project begins with equipping individuals to build their part of the foundation.


In the Life that Works Intervention, I build the formatting for the Suit that enables it to Build Heaven in your personal life. Without this formatting it lacks the essentials for knowing how to build Heaven. It will fall back on the formatting it has to Build a Story Life that continues the cycle of Disconnection and Suffering.


Building a World that Works

The intent to do good in the world and contribute to building a Love-Based Community is not enough to empower a Heaven Agent to work effectively alongside the Source to build a World that Works. It is necessary for the Suit to have the formatting to function like the DNA of Life itself, intelligently and flawlessly moving into action to do whatever is needed in a project that is far too complex for the Suit to comprehend. Just as the parts of the DNA that form a baby in the womb coordinate with one another, so beings in the Universal Community need to assemble, work as teams, and employ skill sets that are very complex. This miracle of Community is something that requires formatting to achieve. It is through formatting that Suits throughout the Creation will know how to engage in The Dance of Life, flowing with the choreography of the Source.


This formatting can only be given to the Suit by the Source through a Source Intervention. It enables the Suit to have what is essential to the work of Building Heaven in the world. It provides the infrastructure for the Miracle-Based Training that is needed to work with this formatting to bring it to the surface of consciousness and make it a part of the Suit’s set of skills that can be drawn upon in daily life.


Part Two

Activating the Formatting

In two Webinars I activate the formatting you received in the Heaven Experience Interventions and provide training in following the Developmental Sequence for Building Heaven in your life and world that emerges from this formatting.


Part Three

Station Work

Station Work either through the online Source Connection Center Stations or the Stations in the Seattle Ultimate Spiritual Healing Center is needed to provide your Suit with the kind of Source Care that is possible only when you are in the direct presence of the aspect of the Source that manifests in these Spiritual Stations. What kind of Station Work is needed is determined on an individual basis.


Part Four

Campfire Discussion on Building Heaven In Your Life and World

In this Campfire Discussion, which will occur in late September and be posted as a Replay in early October, advanced Heaven Agents will discuss what it means to Build Heaven in their lives and in the world. The Replay of this Discussion will be posted at: Campfire Discussions when it is complete. Others who did not participate in the Discussion can benefit from the work done by these Heaven Agents by listening to the Replay.




General Information Regarding the Upcoming Intensive

Because each Heaven Agent needs a different configuration of the types of Source Support described above to adequately prepare to Build Heaven in their life and world, those interested in the Intensive should email me about their interest and I will email them with the Source Recommendation for their individual advancement.


Those Heaven Agents who are enrolled in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program will receive an emailed Source Guidance Update with information on the Intensive.


For those wishing to work with me during this Intensive, it is important that you enter into The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program. To request admission you need to complete the Six Step Process which you can read about in The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit in the chapter entitled: The Source Solution.


For more information on Heaven Experience Intensives in general you can read the article entitled: Heaven Experience Intensives.




Build Heaven Webinars

This kind of Webinar is an Activation Webinar that activates the formatting given through Source Interventions. Once the Activation occurs, a Developmental Sequence will emerge which will direct an Adventure Process to learn how to work with the new skill sets and abilities given through the formatting.


The Correct Exchange for a Build Heaven Webinar is: $195/3+ hour Webinar.


NOTE: These Webinars are now available by Replay.


Building a Life that Works

In this Webinar we will work on activating the formatting given to you in the Heaven Experience Intervention for Building a Life that Works. As the activation occurs, a Developmental Sequence for working effectively with your new abilities will emerge and we will follow the Adventure that will unfold for working with this Developmental Sequence.


Register for this Webinar


Building a World that Works

In this Webinar we will be working with the Developmental Sequences that emerge when I activate the formatting given to you through the Heaven Experience Intervention for building a World that Works.


Register for this Webinar



Campfire Discussion

This Campfire Discussion will be open to advanced students by invitation. The Replay of the Discussion will become available in October. To check for the Replay you can go to Campfire Discussions, where information concerning how to access it will be available.



General Reading Recommended to Prepare for Building Heaven

I recommend that you begin understanding what it means to Build Heaven by reading the EBook – The Owner’s Manual for Your Suit.


I also recommend that you read the article entitled: Building a World that Works that contains important information on how you can work with the Source to provide the Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracles that build a World that Works. There is new information concerning the Prototype Projects that is now available in this article.