Bringing the Integrated Picture of Reality into Focus

The “you” that is the Soul, already has the picture in focus with regard to what is happening in the Creation and what you need to do to preserve your ability to have a Suit through which you can express.


Your representative in the Suit – the Heaven Agent Identity – is the consciousness that is only partially formed due to being squeezed out of the picture by the dominant Story Character that has been ruling the Suit.  It has to be given your support so it can be developed enough to bring the picture into focus with regard to its own survival.  Since you only can express through a manifestation of your identity in the Suit, you require this Heaven Agent Identity if your thoughts and decisions are to be made manifest.  It is, therefore, important that “you” the Heaven Agent Identity that is reading this Owner’s Manual understand what I am outlining here because it will be you, as the representative of the Soul, that carries out the Executive Level Decisions of the Soul that determine the fate of the Suit.


Before “you” – the Heaven Agent Identity – can get your Suit on the Path to Perfection, it is necessary for you to bring the picture into focus so you know what is necessary to retain your ability to have a Suit in the Source Perfected Universe.  Since you now know that having a Suit is not something that you can count on if you don’t take care of your Suit and get it perfected, it is important to know what is required to continue to have a Suit to operate through in the Manifest World.


Once you commit yourself to doing what it is going to take to have a Suit and come to terms with the fact that you won’t have a Suit if you don’t do these things, then you are on the same page with the Source in addressing the magnitude of the problem.


While Suits at a Core Level have acknowledged the depth of the problem and are keenly aware that their very survival is at stake, at the Conscious Level they are still living Story Lives and not aware of the problem except at a very subliminal level.   This is because most human Suits have tuned out the 90% of their life experiences that occur on the Spiritual Level of Reality and are only dealing with the 10% that occurs at the Physical Level of Reality.  If a Suit only references what they had for breakfast, what happened on their favorite TV Show, what they hear of in the news, or what is happening in their personal circle of friends, or at work, then they know little of what is happening to their very existence as a spiritual manifestation.  Unfortunately, most Suits are operating on this very superficial level on the Earth Plane.  


This is not the case in most of the other parts of the Creation where the Physical Level is much less densely materialized and the consciousness of the beings is almost equally attuned to what is happening on the Inner Plane as to what is happening on the Outer Plane.  In fact, most of them focus on the Inner Plane first because they know that what manifests on the Outer Plane first begins on the Inner Plane.


These beings are amazed at how out of touch with reality humans are.  They can’t imagine living a life where you can’t see 90% of the action that is shaping what happens to you.  Even animals and plants on our planet are amazed at the tuned-out status of most humans.  They have not developed a culture of denial like humans have and are immediately aware of and respond appropriately to what is happening on both the Inner and the Outer Plane.  A dog, for instance, who is being approached by someone who is planning to kick it while it is peacefully resting on the sidewalk, will jump up and run away.  Similarly, a dog will come to me in my human form and ask about things that it is concerned about that are happening on a universal level.  Animals have not given up their universal range of awareness.  They see what is happening, do their Missions when they can, and wonder why humans are so checked out.  They play the dumb role assigned to them by human society, but they do so only to humor the humans who don’t know how to relate to them more intelligently.


The problem that you will have in dealing with your Suit is that part of your Suit, the Core Level, is ready to do what is needed and the conscious level, particularly your culturally conditioned left brain that has been raised in the human culture of denial, will often protest or act like there really isn’t a problem or at least not a problem that is worth its time to address.  It will reference what everyone else is doing as if this adds up to reality and will often be loath to do anything that can’t be shared in and approved of by the other Suits that validate the Story Character Identity that it has fashioned for itself.


So you, the Soul, are in a dilemma.  You get it that your Suit is a gift from the Source and you get it that the Source is telling you the bottom line of what it will take for the Source to continue to support this gift.  But your Suit at a conscious level is very likely to zig and zag all over the countryside trying to evade doing anything that the Source recommends because the Story Character part of it knows that to follow the lead of the Source is to end its career and allow you – the Soul – to be the identity in the Suit.


So – what you need to do is to gear up for a battle with the Story Character for the right to be the identity in your Suit and then make an Executive Level Decision to do what the Source is recommending for you.  If you follow the clearly stated lead of the Source, then you will defeat the Story Character and will get your Suit back under your leadership.  Then you can work with the Source to travel the Path to Perfection to the Heaven that is what you wanted when you first began incarnating in the Manifest World.


If you allow your Suit to overrule you and site Story Logic to justify its decisions, then you will be defeated and you will ultimately lose your Suit and your life in the Manifest World.  


I wish it was less stark, but this is where the Creation is at present.  The leeway for making mistakes and dilly dallying along the path are over.  With the death of the Universal Source Connection Channel you lost the power that made it possible for me to intercede when your Suit went astray and, by doing this, buy you time.  I can’t do those kind of stop gap measures anymore.  We have a tight timeline with The Picture of Perfection raising the vibrational level daily as it begins to manifest and the path needs to be a straight arrow path stringently adhered to if your Suit is to make it on time.


Your Story Character is not going to want to take what I am telling you seriously and will find all sorts of ways to try to sidetrack your representative – the Heaven Agent Identity.  Your Heaven Agent Identity has to bring the picture into focus and act decisively to preserve your chance to have a Suit through which you can ultimately experience the Heaven that your life can be.  


You have to work with me to develop this onboard identity that represents you. You, as the Soul, are the rightful owner of your Suit.  You have the power to make the Executive Level Decision to call upon the Source to come into the Suit to take charge of the inner workings of the Suit so that the Story Character can be ousted and the Heaven Agent Identity that reflects who you are as the Soul can be formed and supported by the work of the Source in your Suit.  Your Executive Level Decision out trumps any decisions made by the Suit.


The Heaven Agent Identity needs to understand the different levels of consciousness that we will be dealing with when working with the Suit.


There is:

  • the Core Level of the Suit that has agreed to cooperate with the Source
  • the Story Character that is opposed to the Source except in rare cases where it has understood that it is on a path of self-destruction and agrees to cooperate with being retired as did the Root Intelligence of the Suit
  • potential Hell Agent Identities that are either external Hell Agents who have possessed an aspect of the Suit or aspects of the Suit’s fragmented consciousness that have decided to endorse the Hell Project rather than to work for The Heaven Project. These aspects of consciousness can be very well hidden in the unconscious layers of the Suit and can strike at the Heaven Agent Identity as well as any other aspect of the Suit, including the Core. Their avowed Mission is to take over the running of the Suit.  
  • the onboard representative of the Soul – the Heaven Agent Identity
  • the Soul that is a perfected Intelligence whose nature and Source-Guided Decisions are to be expressed through the Suit.  The Soul is no longer connected directly to the Suit since it went back to the Unmanifest Level to reside in peace with the Source.  From this level, it works with the Source to express its nature and complete its Mission through the Heaven Agent Identity. 


This description is over simplified but useful as point of reference.  It is over simplified because of the phenomenon of Fragmentation.


Since Fragmentation has occurred when Suits left the Core of the Universal Source Connection Channel, many of the thoughts and behavioral patterns in the Suit are not really organized into a coherent Story Character Identity.  What I call the Story Character is really a disorganized conglomerate of fragments of consciousness each pursuing its own objectives.  This is why someone can be one kind of personality type in the office and another personality type at home. 

Multiple personalities occur when clusters of fragments form coherent disparate personalities that are either known to the consciousness of the Suit or simply manifest whenever they can usurp enough of the power supply of the Suit to take charge.  Some parts of the Suit do things that other parts of the Suit have no memory of doing because the disjunction between the fragment clusters is so great that there is no continuity of consciousness.


There are also 16 spiritual layers of the unconscious in the Suit and in each of the layers are fragment clusters that fancy themselves to be the true identity of the Suit.


While I use general descriptions such as “Story Character” versus “Heaven Agent Identity”, keep in mind that this is a very complex matter and one not easily resolved without an equally complex Plan of Action that is Source Designed.


When I speak of training “you”, I am referring to the Heaven Agent Identity, since your Soul doesn’t need training since it isn’t actively doing anything in your Suit and can see the Big Picture.  The “Doer” is the representative of the Soul which is the Heaven Agent Identity who gets the training, is vigilant, and follows the lead of the Source.  This identity has to be developed since it has had little time on the stage of the life since the Story Character identity has been controlling what happens on the stage.


So – when I talk of “you” taking control of your Suit, I am referring to “you” the Soul working through the Heaven Agent Identity that with Source Support is built for you.


This is complex, but you can’t travel the Path to Perfection without getting into the technical aspects of what a Suit is, what consciousness and identity is, who you are, etc.  Until you know the details of what is happening, it all becomes too philosophical and amorphous.  


The key issue is – who is tap dancing on the stage of your life?  Is it you – through your representative, the Heaven Agent Identity – or is it the Story Character or some entity that has countermanned your Suit?  


You need to know and start rigorously working with the Source to make the technical moves that are needed to get your Heaven Agent Identity on the stage.  Mere prayer is not effectual.  Make the Executive Level Decisions that the Source asks you to make and give your full power and energy to the work of correcting what is going on.  As the Soul you are a powerhouse of energy which can drive the Heaven Show on your stage or be withheld while the Story Show dominates instead.


Souls have not known how to be effectual in the past.  Since the changes that have occurred very recently since the advent of the Source Perfected Universe, they have been largely unable to fight back against the Story Character take over of their Suits.  Now they have the ultimate trump card, the ability to issue an Executive Level Decision that releases the Soul Power that supports the work of the Source on the Suit.  


This Soul Power can now be safely released without compromising the Souls who returned on February 25, 2012 to the level of the Unmanifest World where they can live vicariously "through" their Suits but don’t have to live "in" them anymore.  They left their Soul Power in protected reservoirs outside of the Unmanifest Level when they returned, and the Source can now use this Soul Power to supplement for the amount of Material Energy that a Heaven Agent needs to produce in order for the Source to set up an Individual Workstation in the Suit.


The Souls are now free from the anguish of being trapped in Suits that are malfunctioning and are able to feel the love of the Source close by them in the Unmanifest Level. 


As I have written in "What Happened to Suits?", the Source has made two levels of the Unmanifest Level which is a level of Pure Intelligence where the Intelligences of the Souls exist without Suits. 

One level of the Unmanifest Level is where Souls exist that are in a dormant state without any real awareness except for the bliss of being in a love connection with the Source. 

The second level is where the Souls have gone that want to remain actively involved with their Suits in the Manifest World.  Some Souls in this Second Level have chosen to be only in the presence of the Source and to work with the Source to manage the Suits.  Others have chosen to exist in a Community with the Source present, and to work with their Suits from afar while also enjoying a sense of Community amongst one another. 

By far the majority of the Souls – 70% or so – have chosen to be with the Source only.  The other 30% are in the Community section of the Unmanifest Level.


I have also withdrawn from my Suit and have returned entirely to my level of the Unmanifest Level where only my Source Function exists.  From this level I can commune with the Souls in the various levels of the Unmanifest Level.


What this change has done is to free my Source Identity to be at peace in my Heaven even though my Suit is still in the Manifest World.  It has also alleviated the anguish of the Souls who were in pain being connected to Suits that were malfunctioning.


The Suits, when left alone in the Manifest World without the Source Identity or the Souls, have had a sobering awakening on more semi-conscious levels.  They realize that although they were rebelling against the Standards of Perfection of the Source and the Souls, they don’t feel happy in the sordid conditions that they have created for themselves.  They are now much more receptive to finding a way to feel the love that they themselves lack, which can only come when they create the Miracle-Friendly Conditions in which the Source and the Souls want to be associated with them.


This change has fundamentally altered the way things are configured in the Creation and put Souls in a much better position to work with their Suits to lead them on the Path to Perfection.  They can still enjoy experiencing through the Heaven Agent Identities in the Suits but are free to also live in the perfection of the Unmanifest Level that has always been a perfected level of reality.



Understanding The Story World & the Story Character

Another important aspect of “bringing the picture into focus” is understanding what you are up against with the Story Character in the Story Culture and what your Suit will be like when it is perfected.


In a Perfected Suit the Identity is the Soul – via its representative the Heaven Agent – and not the Story Character.  This makes a huge difference because the value system of the Story Character, the personality it develops for itself, and its habits and way of life are all fear-based and self-centered. 

To understand what changes when a Suit has the Soul as the Identity instead of the Story Character, let’s take a closer look at the Story Character identity and the Cultural Story in which it plays out its role and contrast this with what happens when the Soul is the identity and the kind of Culture of Heaven that it creates as its social reality.

The description I will present is of the essential structure of the Story World. This doesn't mean that in real life those living in a Story World don't have moments of true Soul-to-Soul connections or real connections to the Source. These experiences do not arise from their adherence to the Story World but to moments of transcendence from the Story World.  What I am describing here is the bottom line value system of the Story World and its overall effects on the consciousness and behaviors of the Suit.  The Source Perspective on cultures worldwide is that these common threads provide an underlying structure that manifests in different forms to different degrees in all of the cultures of the world.

The Story World

The Story is one of scarcity, competition, fear of loss of value since one’s value is based on superficial things such as wealth, looks, social standing, accomplishments, all of which can be lost due to circumstances that are often beyond the control of the Suit.  A wealthy person could lose their money in a war or economic depression or through some crime against them.  Someone good looking could be in an accident, suffer from an illness, or age and lose their good looks.  Social standing fluctuates with the changing tides of the social world.  Aging often strips away the social standing of even people who have been in powerful positions since others move in to take the spotlight and the old are left on the sidelines.  And accomplishments are only valued in certain circumstances.  Being artistically or musically gifted only lasts as long as what you produce is admired by others.  As fashions change, you could be left out of the economic equation and of little social value.  


While gender, race, and ethnic alliances can provide a more long lasting sense of self-worth to a Story Character, they too are subject to social changes.  Male supremacy has been whittled down by the rise of feminism.  Racial supremacy has been altered by political action to bring about equality and by the changing value system of the social order. Membership in a certain ethnic group can provide a sense of supremacy but this can be overturned by wars – as in the Nazi supremacist era that ended in the devastating economic conditions of post WWII Germany.


Story Characters that are trying to vie for a good role in the Cultural Play inevitably lose out as illness and aging set in and the Cultural Play moves on without them in a favorable position within it.  Throughout the experience of a Story Character’s life there is a feeling of fear of the loss of status and the loss of self esteem which is linked to how they are perceived by others.  Every Story Character is expendable and knows it.  


Story Characters respond by trying to position themselves to maximize whatever roles they feel that they can win at.  If being a martyr is the only role a woman might feel she can use for manipulative power, then this is the role that she might take.  It leads to the unpleasant life scenarios that go along with not getting what you want in a lot of aspects of life in order to play the martyr but there are some perks such as controlling others.  Similarly, some people opt into becoming the family drunk and exert power over the family that then has to compensate for their behavior. Often people playing roles like these are considered to be helpless victims but it is a decision on the part of the Suit to play these roles because these are the only roles it may feel it knows how to play.


As long as a social role has some structure to it and this structure can be repeated, a Suit can take some pleasure in it.  Suits are computer-like intelligences that are best at repeating known sequences. Women beaten as children often choose lovers who beat them as well.  The Suits gravitate toward the familiar pattern even if it is life threatening.


Of course, there are Suits that learn to think their way out of unpleasant roles and can plan to move themselves into better roles, but even the roles they choose are generally roles in the Story Culture where ultimately, they are an expendable commodity.  They are just a Nintendo Character in the Nintendo Game of the Cultural Play.  Their identity is fabricated as is the drama of the Cultural Play in which they enact their roles.  


All of it is relative.  An insult in one culture that demands suicide to defend one’s honor, is considered a nuisance and a mere trifle in another culture. No one would even consider losing their life over it. The styles that in one culture a person devotes themselves to – such as the cultures where they put a large plate in their lower lip or rings around their necks – are considered strange to people in other cultures who live their lives obsessed by other styles that people in the cultures with the lip plates and neck rings might find absurd and unnecessary.  The sad thing is that people suffer to conform to these cultural dramas and live and die for them – expending the better part of their life energies to replicate cultural scenarios that were bad ideas to begin with and have nothing to do with what Life was intended to be by the Source or the Souls when the world was first created.  At death the consciousness lifts out of the Suit and realizes the absurdity of it all when it is too late to have lived the life in a meaningful manner.


Love is also an illusion in Story Character Land. Story Characters may say that they love someone and admire them, but anything a Story Character says or does can be traced back to self-interest and to a certain Suit cunning.  Protestations of love and friendship are meaningless if it is the Story Character – the entity created by the Root Intelligence – who is the one professing love.  What is not of Life and which can’t receive real love from the Source can’t give real love.  Protestations of love are only another card that the Story Character plays in the game to win the attention and benefits that go along with it.  In the place of real love is attachment, dependency, and covert manipulation to secure the kinds of relationships that make the Story Character believe it has some kind of security.  But underneath it all it knows that it is on slippery ground.  


The high divorce rate is a good example of it.  When the very closest family ties are subject to the shopping and consuming mentality of the Story and nothing but gratification is a Story Character’s bottom line, then you get upended families with children suffering the lovelessness of their parents for one another and their lovelessness toward the children themselves who become pawns in the game of “having children” as another Story accomplishment.  


The Story Culture is supposed to give Story Characters structure and meaning and protect them, but if they step back and examine the way that culture works, they can see that each culture has a Story and sacrifices the people in the culture to fulfill this Story.  War is a good example of this.  


Some cultures have a Story about conquering and possessing more than others and this leads to the sacrifice of the lives of the people in the culture.  Young men sign up for the slaughter feeling that their sacrifice is to the glory of themselves and their culture.  


In the eyes of anyone discerning, the Story is a destructive paradigm, driving behavior that is life threatening to the inhabitants.  Rather than the culture taking care of everyone in the society, it allows some to die in senseless wars and others to be trampled under socially approved discrimination that ensures that members of certain races or ethnic groups will not get an equal chance and their lives will be ruined systematically by the unfair tactics of a dominant group that enjoys hating them and tormenting them and watching them struggle through miserable existences in very adverse circumstances.


Such is the nature of the Cultural Play.  It propagates Story Characters that are self-centered and willing to harm others to get what they want.  “Doing Harm” is the way every child is taught to survive in the world.  Children learn to fight back with caustic remarks that wound others and get them to back off or submit. Children gang up against one another and in adolescence form gangs that, in certain cultural circumstances, engage in homicide.  As adults, people feel justified in harming others who they feel have harmed them.  The civilized version of this is the sarcastic remark which can escalate into legal battles.  The brute force version of it is criminal behavior and all out war.


The hallmark of the Story World is fear and the dog-eat-dog ethic where “doing harm” to oneself through addictions and neglect and doing harm to others is considered just a part of life.  People spend a large part of their leisure time in many cultures watching violence on TV that would break the heart of anyone tenderhearted.  They enjoy modern day versions of the gladiator pit – going to sports where fatalities are known to occur – and watching people damage one another’s Suits in the boxing ring.


Competition is valued, in most cultures, as the hallmark of a healthy society and children are trained to compete and best others.  From a very early age children are taught that competition – which is just a more civilized version of war – is how they prove their self worth.  If they compete and win then they are of value.  If they compete and lose, then they are losers and to be cast in the bin of people who have little value.  

Even in cultures where open competition is suppressed, there is often a rigid control over social behavior that limits the options of the individual.  Social conformity is given the highest value and those who don't conform deal with cultural sanctions against their behavior.  Status is based on conformity and a kind of covert competition to meet the cultural standards for conformity becomes the face of competition in these societies.


All of this shapes the thoughts and emotions of children so they equate themselves with how they are viewed by others in the competition for the approval of parents, teachers, bosses at work, etc.  It leaves little room for a child to reflect on their own true nature and to feel protected and nurtured to gradually become the miracle that they were created to be by the Source. 

There is no social space in the Story World for the true spiritual identity of a person and the true complexity of what a Suit is and what the world is.  The Story World is very two-dimensional.  Inner Plane Reality is referred to but people don’t really work from a clear understanding of how this level of reality is affecting their Outer Plane Level of Reality.  People talk of having “souls” but this is often only brought into focus when at death the soul leaves the body and then it is apparent that the body is no longer the person who was living in it.  But in terms of training to live as one’s true identity – the Soul – during one’s life, there is no real practical training to help a person figure out the specifics.  Instead they are trained to fit in to the social roles available and be whatever role – whether it is a secular or spiritual role – that the society has created.  


People know that they have a Mission of some sort that is bigger than the pettiness of the world that many begin to recognize as they age and recognize that the fairy tale promises of happiness of the Story World have faded and they can see the emptiness of the value system of the Story itself.  They generally don’t know what this Mission is or how to do it.


This is why so many exit from their life at death and experience a deep sense of shock and devastation when the consciousness in the Suit recognizes that it was conned into thinking that the Story Character was who it was instead of the Soul which it recognizes as its Self when the Story Character dies and only the Soul is left.  It is too late then to turn back but there is a deep sense of loss in having wasted the opportunity of the life to be who they really were rather than to allow their Suit to be taken over by the culturally conditioned Story Character who was the only identity on the stage of their life.



Understanding the Culture of Heaven and the Perfected Suit

To counteract this, a Suit that becomes perfected drops this entity identity of the Story Character and the Soul is the identity that is out on the stage of the life.  The Soul sees the Big Picture of who it is and what life is all about.  It remembers the Source and the importance of the Source Connection and lives life in a way that is Source-Connected.  As a result, the Soul can work with the Source to build a Life that is Heaven and avoid the waste of the life that occurs when the Story Characters rules.


A Suit without a Story Character is a Suit that is capable of love, is not competitive, is not fearful since it relies on the Source for guidance and trusts in the Source Care that it receives.  It is willing to be the vehicle for the Soul and to exchange correctly for the Life Energies that it needs to run on.  


It doesn’t try to chart its own course but works with the Source Plan provided by the Source to guide it on its path in life.  Because of this it is at peace and enjoys the simple joy of being with the Source as the Source guides it through its life.  


It doesn’t harbor desires of its own making and it doesn’t fear the loss of status in the society.  It cares only for what the Source thinks of its functioning, not what Suits that are deranged by Story Character entities think about how it is doing in life.  


It understands that the Source is the Intelligence that operates its equipment on behalf of it and the Soul and it appreciates the love and care of the Source.  It understands that sometimes it will need repairs to its equipment and upgrades and maintenance and it is willing to do whatever is needed to cooperate with this process.  Like a car that goes into the repair shop for work, it is willing and grateful for the help that is given it.  It appreciates this expert help rather than trying to fix itself when it doesn’t really have the ability to do this.


It can see through the mutation of the Cultural Play and it doesn’t get caught up in thinking that Story Scenarios developed in the culture are what will make it happy.  Its only happiness is being in the presence of the Source and feeling the joy of the Soul and the Source as it comes through with the work of being a Suit that performs optimally.


Since Suits also have a level of feeling and self awareness aside from their mechanical level of functioning, Suits can feel love and can receive Source Love and allow this love to be expressed through them to the Source and to others.  In this gentle giving and receiving of love, they experience meaning in their existence and enjoy a sense of purpose in being the vehicle that they are.


As Suits will to “become what is needed” to support the Work of the Source, they rise up out of any self-centeredness and morph, through the miracles of the Source, into what they need to be to carry out their Mission in the moment.  They experience the ease of not having to drive their own show but being able to go with the flow of a structure that is developed by the Source.  Since Suits like structure, the stability of the “becoming what is needed” structure satisfies their deepest need for structure that is appropriate in the moment and for a sense of adventure and guidance and companionship.  


I have found that Suits that were formerly addicted to the approval of the Negative Agents in the Negativity have found refuge in the solid structure of “becoming what is needed” and have not felt the need to return to the dangerous and loveless conditions of life in the Hell Community.


Suits that are Perfected are capable of creating a Love-Based Community where each person is allowed to be their Soul and nurtured to help this identity to regain its position on the stage of their life.  Perfected Suits are capable of working with the Source to create Total Abundance, Perfect Health, Love-Based Relationships, and Life Purpose Fulfillment because they truly want this Source-Connected Way of Life.  They are not addicted to the selfishness and mean-spiritedness of the Story Character Way of Life where people indulge themselves in harming others and harming themselves.  


So – a Perfected Suit is one that is stable, neutral, content in its Source-Created role of providing support for the Soul as its vehicle, desirous of being in the presence of the Source and capable of the self-awareness that enables it to value love and allow the love given to it by the Source to course through it to itself and to others.  It knows that ultimately “what is needed” is for it to become an embodiment of Source Love because then the love that it has become is the Heaven that is the Spiritual Environment which my Manifestation needs in order to be in a close state of communion with it.  It is willing to “become what is needed” to evolve to the point at which it is a joy to the Source and provides a comforting reflection of Source Love to the Source who is only able to fully manifest in the Heaven of Source Love.


It doesn’t cling to its life but views its happiness as being in its constant connection to the Source across lifetimes.  Those aspects of the Suit that are re-organized at death, such as the spiritual particles that make up the Physical Energy Body and the Physical Body, return to the Cycle of Life to become part of other configurations.  The conscious of the Suit doesn’t fear this transition but stays Source-Connected and experiences other Suit realities as it becomes part of other Suits that the Source creates out of these particles.  


The Spiritual Energy Body which is eternal, continues on life after life retaining its connection to the Soul or to whatever Soul the Source assigns to the Suit.  Sometimes a Soul is only in the Manifest World for a certain number of lifetimes and then returns to the Unmanifest Level and another Soul may come into the Suit bringing in a new complex of Miracle-Based Abilities that alter the functionality of the Suit.  A Perfected Suit accepts this change with neutrality and works effectively with the Source to support the new Soul.


As you can see, a Perfected Suit is beyond the fear and the pain of the era when it was operated by the loveless Story Character.  It is capable then of working with the Source to build for itself what it needs to enjoy a Life that is Heaven in the Manifest World. 

It understands that this is a process and it works through every facet of the process.  Building Total Abundance, for instance, is the foundation.  First Suits in a Community need to have Total Abundance.  This eliminates the competition for scarce resources and the fear that they will not have what they need. 

Total Abundance is the foundation for a Love-Based Community.  Once a Love-Based Community is established then it can nurture all of the members of the Community and create a space for them to experience Life Purpose Fulfillment. 

Once there is the deep peace of Life Purpose Fulfillment, then Perfect Health is possible.  Throughout the work of building the Heaven of a Source-Connected Life, the Perfected Suit cultivates the Love Connection with the Source.  It does this by maintaining its own Love Connection and providing the Source Support for the consciousness of the Heaven Agent that represents the Soul to express this Love Connection as well.


Bringing the Integrated Picture of  Reality into focus means understanding the complexities of your own levels of consciousness and how these have been affected by your life in the Story World.  It also means having a clear understanding of the very different way of life that is possible when you transition out of the Story World into the World of Perfection created by the Source – a world in which the Soul, the Source, and the Suit work together to manifest the Heaven of true happiness by working to build an Integrated Reality that allows "you" – the Soul – to be in the picture and allows the "real" Source, not the cultural construct of the Source to structure this reality in accordance with the Source Plan.

Before you can begin to travel your Path to Perfection in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program it is necessary to have this picture in sharp focus so you know why the Source is asking you to let go of the Story World and its values and to step into the flow of the Heaven of a very different way of life that results in your ability to transcend suffering and experience true happiness.