The Build Heaven Intensive










Sherry Daniel, Ph.D. - Founder of The Miracle School

Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School


This is the place where you can come to work on The Build Heaven Intensive, an Intensive that provides you with the essential Source Solution Code and Energy Reserve to work on Build Heaven Projects. 


NOTE: This Intensive is open to Heaven Agents admitted into a Miracle-Based Coaching Program. If you would like to take the Intensive and are not in a Coaching Program, you can request a Gifted Miracle-Based Coaching Assessment to determine if your Suit is producing the Level 6+ Miracle-Friendly Field that will enable you to receive the miracles that are needed for this Intensive.  To find out more about Miracle-Based Coaching, you can go to:



You can reference The Action Plan Overview below to find the Actions that you need to take in order to achieve the objectives of this Intensive. You can then request entry into the Intensive by filling out the request form below.


It is possible to work with the Intensive in stages over time or to supply your Suit with all of the Source Support that is in the Action Plan and start out full equipped.  The key element is the coaching feedback that helps you to know when you are on track with your work of Building Heaven or veering off course into building a Story version of Heaven.



You can reference The Action Plan Overview below to find the Actions that you need to take in order to achieve the objectives of this Intensive. 



The Action Plan for The Build Heaven Intensive


The Source Objective for The Build Heaven Intensive

Building Heaven is the essential work that is needed to build Sustainability.  A Suit that is actively Building Heaven is doing its work of Stewarding The Miracle of Life for itself as well as for its habitat, which is the Creation.  


At present the Suit is living in a world built under the covert influence of the Negativity.  This world was built by the Negativity with the specific intent of damaging the Source Connection of the Suit so that it would be weakened and more easily ravaged by their Harvesting Operation.  The Suit has been sold on the pleasures of this world and is loath to see that these pleasures are the bait and that when it bites the bait it is reeled into the Harvesting nets of the Negativity. 


The Build Heaven Intensive was created to provide the Suit with the structure and Source Direction to build an alternative way of life – a Heaven Way of Life – where the pleasures are pure and Source sent and lead only to the well being, happiness, and sustainability of the Suit instead of to its undoing.


Without the structure of the Source Solution Code that rolls out the ongoing Miracle-Based Adventure that keeps the Suit on track with the work of Building Heaven and the Energy Reserve that enables the Suit to have the energy to do the work of the Intensive, the True Self will not be able to attain the Lead Position in the Suit at the 100% Mark and sustain this lead.  The True Self requires a Source-Given Mission that has a stronger structure and greater power than the Story Mission assigned by the Negativity to the Story Self.  This Story Mission is a front for the vicious Hell Mission of the Negativity that works the Story Self  like a puppeteer works a puppet.


The Intensive provides the basic structure through the Source Solution Code and the power through through the Energy Reserve.  What builds on this basic structure is the specific Code and Trainings that are a part of the Master Build Heaven Projects and the Structuring Build Heaven Projects that are part of The Build Heaven Project as a whole.


Because everyone's path to Building Heaven in their life is unique, the Source Solution Code for the Intensive covers the work of Building Heaven that is not addressed directly through one of the Build Heaven Projects developed online.  This ensures that everyone gets the full support that they need to build the unique aspect of Heaven that it is theirs to build in their lifetime.  Since building this aspect of Heaven is the focus of the Mission of every being who incarnates in The Manifest World, obtaining the Code to do this is essential to the success of their Mission.




Work with the Actions in The Action Plan start with requesting the Source Solution Code for this Intensive.  This Code will go with you life to life, enabling you to Build Heaven in each of your upcoming lifetimes.


A Next Step is to request the Energy Reserve that will give your Suit the energy to work with the Code.  If you have already requested a Build Heaven Power Station, then you will only need to request the Build Heaven Energy Reserve for this Intensive.


The Energy Reserve that you can request is what your Suit will need in this lifetime. When you enter into future lifetimes you will need to request the Energy Reserve required to work with the Source Solution Code in that life time.  Your True Self will be able to work with the Source to generate the Material Energy needed for this through an Energy Exchange.


The essential trainings needed for this Intensive are the Master Action Plan Trainings created to date and any Structuring Build Heaven Project trainings that will be created in the future.  These trainings provide Basic Code through Gifted Trainings that enable you to read the transcript of the Session or read a Reality Based Training. They also come with Seed Code which requires that you supply the Material Energy for the Seed Code.  Since your Suit doesn't benefit completely from working with only the Basic Code, I recommend that you request Seed Code as well to ensure that your Suit is able to gain the full benefit of all of the Trainings.


The Trainings contain many layers of embedded Core Code that is needed by your Suit to understand not only the concepts and skill sets referenced in the Training but to work with other levels of understanding about the nature of Source Reality and how to work with the Source. These layers of Code are sent to you individually. They contain information that I will not be able to impart to you in any other format besides these Seed Codes.  For this reason, I recommend the Seed Codes because they are Inner Plane Trainings for your Suit that your Suit needs to become sustainable.


I will check in on your work and give you feedback when I do my periodic Source Guidance Updates. If you want more individualized coaching, you can request Online Coaching by accessing the link provided below.




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 Request Build Heaven Source Solution Code


About Source Solution Code 

What makes a Build Heaven Intensive powerful is the upgraded version of Source Solution Code that is now possible. This Code is Core Code that can replace Negative Code and what has manifested from it at the most material level within the Source Range.  Previously Core Code could not replace Negative Code at the physical level.  Now it is able to drive out all Negative Code that is operating within the Source Range.


Since Suits sank well below the Source Range after leaving their Heaven Habitat – The Source Connection Field – the miracles of healing that the Source could provide were not able to correct the Suit when it existed in The Mutation Level that was outside the Source Range.  This is why faith healing has been so important because it is only in instances when the Suit strengthens its Source Connection by its faith in the Creator that the Suit could rise temporarily into the Source Range where healing could occur. Generally the Suit that experienced the healing would sink back into The Mutation Level after the healing and continued to suffer from other diseases and illness.


Since the June 12, 2019 Transition, Suits that survived have risen to a higher vibrational level which is enabling them to get most if not all of their physical Suit out of The Mutation Level.  Now most of the physical functioning of the Suit is within the Source Range.  This has made it possible for the Source to send in an upgraded version of Source Solution Code that can reach the Suit at the Physical Level within the Source Range. 


The significance of this breakthrough is that it is now possible for Core Code to replace the Negative Code that causes diseases and injuries, aging, and all forms of mental and emotional debilitation. While replacing the Negative Code does not dematerialize the disease or injury that had already been materialized from the Code, it deprives the materialized illness of power and it can be more readily cleared when the Heaven Agent follows the Source Directives administered through the Source Solution Code.



The Source Solution Code for The Build Heaven Intensive 

The Source Solution Code for The Build Heaven Intensive gives you the Code that your Suit needs to build the unique aspect of the Heaven of Total Abundance that you were created to build.  This Code will enable you to work on all of the online Build Heaven Projects which are part of your Mission to Build Heaven in the world. It will also enable you to work on your own Life Work Build Heaven Project which will necessarily entail the need for Code that is not generic but is specific to your personal Life Mission.


Empowered with this Source Solution Code, your True Self will have the specific Code Support from the Source that it will need to overpower the Story Self and The Negative Identity Complex that created it and sustains it. This will enable your True Self to gain the Lead Position in the Suit – an achievement that is necessary to meet the Standard for Survival at this point in the Transition. 


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy that is needed to ground the miracle of Build Heaven Source Solution Code for this lifetime and all of your lifetimes to come is US $850.  


To request Build Heaven Source Solution Code you can access the link provided below.




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Request a Personal Build Heaven Power Station

The Next Step is to supply your Suit with the Energy Reserve that it will need to work with the Source Solution Code.  This energy has to be set aside in your personal Build Heaven Power Station which is capable of safely storing energy needed for any of your Build Heaven Projects.  Without this Energy Reserve your Suit will have to draw on the Life Energies sent to it by the Source. This will drain down Life Energies needed to preserve the health of your Suit.  Additional energy is, therefore, needed to ensure that you have what it takes to work at the level of intensity that The Source Truth Intensive will require.


Once you have built an individual Build Heaven Power Station, it can be used to store Energy Reserves for any number of Build Heaven Projects.  It is a Station that will travel with you from life to life, ensuring that you have safe storage for the Energy Reserves needed to handle whatever Build Heaven Projects you may engage in in this life and in lifetimes to come.


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy needed to ground the miracle of a Personal Build Heaven Power Station is US $900.


To request a Personal Build Heaven Power Station, you can access the link provided below.




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Request an Energy Reserve for the Intensive

Once I have built a Build Heaven Power Station for you, you need to provide the Material Energy needed for The Build Heaven Intensive. This will be stored in the Station and metered to you in accordance with the precise requirements set forth from your Build Heaven Source Solution Code.


Correct Exchange

The amount of Material Energy needed to ground enough energy for the Energy Reserve for the Intensive in this lifetime is US $1950.


To request the Energy Reserve for The Build Heaven Intensive, you can access the link provided below.




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Work with the Source Workflow Trainings
for The Build Heaven Project

This Intensive will draw on the Source Workflow Trainings for The Build Heaven Project. These include:

  • The Master Action Plan Trainings
  • The Structuring Action Plan Trainings 


The Source Workflow Trainings include:

  • Source Workflow Sessions with Heaven Agents
  • Reality Based Trainings which are fictional stories based on what is actually occurring in the lives of many beings throughout the Creation
  • Source Response Trainings which are mini-Sessions with Heaven Agents who ask questions and receive a Source Response to their questions
Most of the Source Workflow Sessions are with Heaven Agents who are coming in via The Soul Talk Network on the Inner Plane.  
To access these Trainings you can go to:



The Master Action Plan Trainings are in The Master Foundation Building Project: Building The Culture of Heaven. The other Trainings can be found in the Primary and Building Block Trainings in the Action Plans.  Implementation Projects list Trainings associated with them in the Project Workstations.


You can also reference Trainings in The Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Training Hub.




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