Becoming Heaven



This Power Surge is bringing in Source Energies that enable you to receive the Source Support to Become Heaven – to manifest the Heaven/Perfection in your Suit that reflects the Heaven that you already are as a Soul.  


The Power of Perfection Wave will be coming to pick you up and take you into the aspect of The Picture of Perfection where you can merge into the Source-Created Dream of Heaven.  Once you enter into this Source-Created Dream you free yourself from living in the Story Dream that generates the Hell of perpetual suffering – the suffering of scarcity, cruelty, betrayal, crime, greed, disease, war, and all of the other ills of the World of Suffering which the Story Dream has manifested.


Until you enter into the Source-Created Dream you exist in the Story Dream which is a Dream generated by the Negativity.  The Negativity dreams you to be a Nintendo Character in the Nintendo Game that they have created of life – a game where your activities generate energy harvested by them.  This energy is used, in part, to keep you running like a hamster on a hamster wheel – using up your life energies to try to achieve the Story idea of happiness that they dangle before you like a carrot.  You never achieve the happiness desired because in the Story World the cards are stacked against anyone achieving real happiness. Real happiness causes a rise in your vibration and your energies become unusable by the Negativity.  The only energies useful to them are low vibrational energies which are the energies generated by people who are suffering in their lives – experiencing scarcity and loss of one sort or another.  Even the wealthy who appear to be winning in the Story Dream generate energy for the Negativity when they suffer from the diseases of the body, mind, and spirit and from the cycle of greed and fear of loss that often blights  their lives more than it does the lives of the poor who can often be content with very little and shift their attention to the simple joys of life.


Only those who step out of the illusion created by the Story Dream and are no longer being dreamed to be a Nintendo Character by the Negativity are able to Become Heaven.  To help you get up to the right speed and have the right momentum to exit from the Story Dream, the Source will send you the Power of Perfection Wave which will carry you into a place in The Picture of Perfection where you can experience what it is like to awaken from the nightmare of the Story Dream into the Heaven of the Source-Created Dream.  You can then decide to “become what is needed to support the Work of the Source through my Manifestation”.  Once you make this decision, then I can take you out of the Story Dream into the Source-Created Dream where my Source Function will dream you to be the Heaven that you were meant to be.  Once you are in this Source-Created Dream, you are in a different reality altogether.  The Source dreams this reality and is capable of dreaming the Developmental Sequences that you need to evolve out of the false identity of the Story Character/Nintendo Character into the Heaven Agent Identity that expresses the perfection of your Soul.


Since working effectively with the Power of Perfection Wave requires skills that most Heaven Agents have not yet developed, I am offering you additional Source Support through a Heaven Experience Intensive.  

This Intensive can be done At-a-Distance through Webinars, Online Source Connection Center Stations, Miracle Tools, Inner Plane Session Work, and Source Interventions.

The Seven Parts of the Intensive

Entry into The River of Source Love

Those entering into the Source-Created Dream can enter into the River of Source Love.  When they enter into the River, the negative elements in the Suit greedily seek the power supply of Source Love to continue their negative activities.  When they fill up on Source Love, the integrated energy of Source Love dissolves the pseudo-integration that maintains the negative structure.    This frees the Suit of these negative elements. The good elements in the Suit are then free to expand into the space formerly occupied by the negative elements.  Like puzzle pieces, the good elements can be guided into position to complete the Picture of Heaven that the Suit is to become when it Becomes Heaven.

Session Work that I describe below is the form of Source Support that is offered to help a Heaven Agent successfully make these transitions.



There are three kinds of Webinars that provide you with the Outer Plane Training that is needed to know how to work with the Power Surge to advance in your work of Becoming Heaven.  These Webinars are now available by Replay.  


Becoming Heaven Webinars

This type of Webinar provides you with the Code and Catalyst Energy to understand the Developmental Sequence created for you by the Source and to begin working effectively to advance through the Developmental Stages.


The Correct Exchange for a Becoming Heaven Webinar is $160/4 hour Webinar.


Activating the Developmental Sequence for Becoming Heaven

In this Webinar we will look at the overview of the Development Sequence that all beings must go through in order to Become Heaven and then will begin to work with the Developmental Sequence for you individually as it activates.




Fast Forwarding Webinars

This kind of Webinar gives you the power to Fast Forward through a Developmental Sequence, enabling you to keep up with the rapid Universal changes that are bringing in the Source Perfected Universe.  Fast Forwarding requires a lot of Material Energy backing up the process as well as skill development in working with the Fast Forwarding Process.


The Correct Exchange for a Fast Forwarding Webinar is $220/4 hour Webinar.


Fast Forwarding




Tailgating Webinars

These Webinars teach Heaven Agents how to follow my lead like one car tailgating another car as we race through the pathways of a Universal Developmental Sequence.  As this Sequence is followed, a trail is left behind that enables those less skilled to follow.


Heaven Agents helping to blaze the trail generate Material Energy that is helpful in keeping them at the forefront of future Universal Developmental Sequences.  As they achieve what is possible in these Universal Developmental Sequences they advance in their work of building a Love-Based Community that will be their refuge in the time ahead.


The Correct Exchange for this Webinar is $220/4 hour Webinar.







The Heaven Experience Intervention 

This Intervention is administered in two parts. 

Part One

In Part One, I delete the Developmental Sequence installed in your Suit by the Negativity that causes your Suit to become the Nintendo Character anxiously chasing the carrot on the hamster wheel.  This Developmental Sequence is a powerful force that has, for most Suits, effectively overridden the Source-Created Developmental Sequence given to them. Most beings rush down the path of life repeating the Story of their culture and not following the unique path of their true Mission in life.  It is only at death when they die to the Story Dream that they awaken to the trick that has been played on them by the Negativity that has caused them to waste their life by living the Story Dream which only served the self interests of the Negativity and squandered them in the process.


Trying to avoid being influenced by this Developmental Sequence while still retaining it as an energy structure in your Suit has proven to be impossible for even the most advanced Heaven Agents.  In moments of fatigue, illness, trauma, or confusion the Negative Developmental Sequence seizes the energies of the root chakra and the reproductive system and fires up another episode of the Negative Developmental Sequence. The Story Character gets a shot in the arm and comes out on the stage of the life and ousts the Heaven Agent Identity and the Suit backslides into episodes of Story Thinking and living that are the opposite of the careful Heaven Agent Life that it was avidly pursuing prior to this take over.


The only cure for this problem is to eliminate this energy structure so the Suit can’t be possessed by it.

The Correct Exchange for Part One is US $400.



Part Two

In Part Two I create a new Source-Created Developmental Sequence for you for the Source Perfected Universe.  The old Source-Created Developmental Sequence is now outdated and will not provide the kind of structure that is needed to achieve Perfection in the Source Perfected Universe.  A new Developmental Sequence is needed.  


With the new Developmental Sequence a Suit is able to feel the joy of moving from one stage of development to another much as a child learns to talk and walk and explore the physical and social world.  The essential feeling of a Source-Created Developmental Sequence is joy, playfulness, and adventure.  The ultimate Developmental Sequence that takes a Suit all the way to Becoming Heaven is the most exciting and challenging Developmental Sequence that the Source creates for the Suit.  It is what the Suit needs to feel confident in traveling the Path to Perfection to Become Heaven.

The Correct Exchange for Part Two is US $460.


Online Source Connection Center Station Work 

For the sake of this Intensive, I send through the Code Connection Station the Code that is needed to understand the Story Dream and the Source-Created Dream and its Developmental Sequences.  Four hours in this Station which runs energies at a much higher level of power for this Intensive, impart the Code and the understanding of the Code to your Suit at a subliminal level.  This Code is then the foundation for the Coaching Sessions that are done on the Inner Plane and any Outer Plane Consultation/Coaching Work that you might elect to do as you travel your Path to Perfection.

The Correct Exchange for this Station Work is included in the exchange for the Heaven Experience Intervention.

When you register for the Intensive, I will send you links that enable you to go to the Online Code Connection Station.  The four hours of work does not have to be done in one sitting.  You can check in for a Session of whatever length you need, following Inner Plane Source Guidance to determine the times when you need to work in the Station.


Inner Plane Sessions 

There are two kinds of Inner Plane Sessions in this Intensive.

Becoming Heaven Sessions

Becoming Heaven Sessions provide the detailed Source Support needed for your Suit to keep pace with the Developmental Sequence that the Source is dreaming for you.  Without this kind of Source Support, it is not possible for your Suit to keep up with the Developmental Sequence Work and never miss any aspect of it or any of the critical deadlines that enable the DNA of these Developmental Sequences to play out correctly.

Coaching Sessions

Coaching Sessions  provide an Inner Plane dialogue between myself in my Extended Range and the various aspects of your Suit that are making the decisions that surface in your Conscious Range as ideas to be pursued to completion.  Since most of the work behind any decision goes on in the Unconscious Range, it is necessary for the Source to meet with the different aspects of your Suit that are making the critical level of the decision.  It is these Unconscious Aspects that determine how the Conscious Range decides which direction to go.  While it may appear that the Conscious Range is the final decision maker, it always reflects what has already been decided by the Unconscious Range.  

While most of this Inner Plane Coaching occurs beyond the level of your awareness, it is possible to seek Source Guidance to track what is being discussed and to bring your Conscious Range into the discussion as well.  Those skilled at attuning to Source Guidance can participate in these discussions and profit from the insights that come to them in their Conscious Range.  Through a Consultation on the Outer Plane I can also assist you in participating in the discussion in your Conscious Range and in developing the skills that enable you to pick up on this kind of Coaching Work in your Conscious Range.

NOTE: Both kinds of Sessions help you to enter into the Source-Created Dream and into The River of Source Love.

The Correct Exchange for Session Work varies from person to person.  You can email me for information regarding the amount and exchange for the Session Work that your Suit will need.  


The Becoming Heaven Manifestation Ring

When I gave members of the Prototype Communities the Source-Created Dream for their Community, I also gave each of them a Manifestation Ring that  created a Spiritual Space in which they could evolve into the Heaven that the Dream was capable of manifesting. While the Dream did not include Becoming Heaven at the highest level which wasn’t possible at that time, it did enable them to connect to the Dream for their Made in Heaven Way of Life so completely and easily that everyone in the Community was able to achieve a Miracle-Based Way of Life that was abundant and love-based.


Now I am prepared to give individuals an Inner Plane Becoming Heaven Manifestation Ring which has the sole function of holding the spiritual space for them to Become the Heaven they were created to be.  Without a space held in the world for you to become who you were created to be, it is not possible, even with a Source-Created Developmental Sequence to Become Heaven.  A Source-Created Developmental Sequence will cause the expansion of your Intelligence and your Suit on the Inner Plane.  If there is no space in which to expand, you will be unable to complete the Developmental Sequence. 


Only a Manifestation Ring of this kind can hold the Spiritual Space for you.  Well wishers in the Community are not able to hold the Spiritual Space and defend it from the forces that contract Spiritual Space so that only the Story Character, which can survive in a very contracted space, can manifest.

The Correct Exchange for a Becoming Heaven Manifestation Ring, which is an Inner Plane Miracle Tool, is US $550.




The Campfire Discussion 

The seventh part of the Intensive is a Campfire Discussion that reflects on the work of Becoming Heaven.  I invite Heaven Agents to participate in the Discussion who are advanced enough to work together to develop the understandings that develop the Secondary Code that is helpful to other Heaven Agents.  I then make a recording of the Discussion available to others who would like to benefit from the Code and the understandings that have been developed during the Discussion.


These Campfire Discussion will become available by Replay to those who would like to work with me through the transformational energies that come through a Replay of this kind.


I will post the Replay information at: Campfire Discussions when it is available.


More Information


To find out more about Heaven Experience Intensives you can read the article entitled: Heaven Experience Intensives.

To receive information on the Correct Exchange for the Source Support that you individually will need to do the Intensive, you can email me and I will respond by email.  Because Suits are at varying levels of advancement, the Correct Exchange varies and has to be determined by Source Guidance.

NOTE:  It is a prerequisite that you be enrolled in The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program to do work in an Intensive of this sort.  If you complete the Six Step Process for requesting admission into The Program, I will email you and let you know if your Suit is ready to begin work.  To find out about the Six Step Process you can read the chapter entitled: The Source Solution in The Owner's Manual for Your Suit.