There are many different types of Webinars that I have worked with over the years. I will provide a brief description of the kinds of Webinars that are listed in The Gateway to Source Support.
The Webinars of a Prototype Intensive are the most powerful kind of Webinar that I provide. To work as a Heaven Agent on a Prototype at full power requires the generation of a tremendous amount of Miracle Power which is what your Suit runs on.
In order for me to produce the amount of Miracle Power that you will need to ground the miracles and experience the transformational energies of the Prototype Work, a more substantial Correct Exchange is required.
The Correct Exchange for a Prototype Webinar is $130. The estimated time of a Webinar of this kind is 3+ hours.
Power of Perfection Webinars teach you how to ride The Power of Perfection Wave into the aspect of The Picture of Perfection to merge into some aspect of the Source-Created Perfection of The Picture. In becoming an embodiment of this Perfection, you advance on your Path to Perfection.
A prerequisite for work in a Power of Perfection Webinar is admission into The Ultimate Spiritual Healing Program. Information on the Six Steps to request admission is given in The Source Solution, a chapter in The Owner's Manual for Your Suit.
The Correct Exchange for a Power of Perfection Webinar is $120/3+hour Webinar.
A Next Step Webinar is designed to provide Heaven Agents with the information and miracles that enables them to understand the Next Step and to begin the process of moving forward on their Journey of Reconnection.
The focus of a Next Step Webinar can vary, covering a wide range of topics that need to be addressed at a particular time.
Each Next Step Webinar is open to the Universal Community so Heaven Agents coming in through the Soul Talk Network from other parts of the Creation can participate.
Next Step Webinars will be the backbone of the work in the New Creation that has arisen as the result of the massive universal changes that have been occurring since May 28th.
The Correct Exchange for a Next Step Webinar will vary according to the Material Energy required to exchange correctly for the miracles that will be available in a particular Webinar.
The duration of a Next Step Webinar is estimated to be about 3 to 3.5 hours. It may vary according to the work at hand.
This kind of Webinar draws on Discussion Technology, a technology that sets the stage for discussions between the Suit and the Heaven Agent – who is the representative of the Soul in the Suit. Formerly such discussions could have led the Heaven Agent to get embroiled in the entangled energies of the Suit in the levels of consciousness that are severely mutated. Now it is possible for the Heaven Agent Identity to talk with the different aspects of the Suit to discover what is happening from the Suit’s perspective with regard to key issues pertinent to the perfection of the Suit. Since Suits are now willing to work with the Source to perfect themselves, having seen the disastrous near end of Life itself that their mistakes almost created, we have a foundation for constructive Suit to Heaven Agent Discussions, using Discussion Technology to hold the Discussion in alignment with Source Law.
In a Suit Talk Webinar you talk with your Suit about its perspective and work out some of the issues of what your Suit needs in order to progress. Other Suits may also come into the Discussion from people you may not know but who are called by the Source to contribute their perspective.
The Correct Exchange for a Suit Talk Webinar is: US$100.
The estimated time for a Webinar of this kind is 3+ hours.
Universal Law Webinars give Heaven Agents an opportunity to discover and understand the new Universal Laws that are being manifested by the Source for the Source Perfected Universe. These Laws define the new Physics of Life and set the parameters for all levels of functioning throughout the Creation.
Unlike the Laws of Life of the Co-Created Universe which could be violated by beings if they chose to do so, the Universal Laws of the Source are self-enforcing. They are what maintain the Standards of Heaven in the Source Perfected Universe. It is, therefore, important that Heaven Agents understand these Laws since they govern life throughout the Creation.
The Correct Exchange for a Universal Law Webinar is: US $130/3+ hour Webinar.
Skill Set Webinars give you an opportunity to understand the core unit of Skill Sets that every Heaven Agent should have. With these basic Skill Sets you can join in the work at the construction site of Heaven.
These Webinars provide training in how to work with the Source on a project of bringing in the miracles that must be welcomed in during the critical time frame when they can manifest in our world.
This series is about understanding the Discovery Process that enables you to attune to Source Guidance to discover the miracles and understandings that make life Heaven.