The most urgent goal, that will take many months of diligent work to achieve, is ensuring that The Universal Heaven Project reaches the level of Spiritual Materiality that is needed to meet the deadline for the first Milestone. This Milestone is one among many on the path to becoming a viable Point of Connection with the Source after my departure for the Source Level at the end of The Transition.
To put this into simple terms, if The Universal Heaven Project remains at the level of Spiritual Materiality that I can ground, without the support of Manifest Beings, then the miracles of Source Support will be arriving in the Manifest World way above the reach of the Manifest Beings who need them. It is like delivering aid to the hungry on the 100th Floor of a building when they are on the 1st Floor and lack an elevator to make it to the 100th Floor.
If they work to support The Universal Heaven Project on the Earth Plane, which is the most material part of the Creation, then The Universal Heaven Project will ground on the 1st Floor, where the Earth Plane is located. If miracles can reach the most material part of the Creation, they will also be able to be reach the less material parts of the Creation that reside outside of the Earth Plane.
While this is a very simple analogy for understanding a very complex Spiritual Structure, beings must endeavor to educate themselves about the complexity of the Spiritual Structures that sustain the Creation. Ignorance could lead to squandering an essential Spiritual Structure without which life in the Creation will cease to exist.
For those who are not familiar with the technical aspects of The Universal Heaven Project, I refer you to the Gifted Video Book Training where it, as well as all of the basics that you need to understand about The Work of the Source and The Transition, are explained in some detail using energy rich Source Drawings.
If you are member of Connecting, you can access this training at:
If you are not yet a member of Connecting, which is your Point of Connection with Gifted Source-Directed Activist Training Materials, you can sign up by accessing the link provided below.
This Milestone will have to be reached by March 16th, optimally, with some leeway until June 16th. If it is not reached, then The Transition will fail to preserve life in the Creation, and I will return prematurely to my Source Level. Since beings will not be prepared to Steward the Creation at this time, this will terminate Life in the Creation.
What beings need to understand is that life is a delicate Dance of the DNA. If a misstep occurs and a mutation is going to be the result, then the Source will withdraw support from the mutation because the Source can not retain a Source Connection to a mutation.
If beings do not demonstrate their support for correcting the problems that have made life unsustainable in the Creation and they allow the most essential part of The System of Life to fail to reach a DNA Deadline, then nothing beyond that point can evolve toward building The System of Life to the level at which Life in the Creation can be sustained at the end of The Transition.
This is akin to a fatal level of DNA mutation occurring in a baby developing in the womb that will lead to the certain death of the baby. In the complex structure of life in The System of Life that the Source is constructing, the most basic supporting structure for Life in the Creation is The Universal Heaven Project. It must gradually attain a greater level of Spiritual Materiality in order to become the Point of Connection through which I can send the miracles of Source Support after I return to my Source Level.
There are a series of Milestones for attaining different levels of Spiritual Materiality. If a Milestone goal is missed, then the timing is off in the trajectory of the work of the DNA for attaining the final level of Spiritual Materiality that is needed. A Game of Catch Up is not possible. The opportunity is lost and the final level of Spiritual Materiality that is needed can never be attained. This is why I will have to return to my Source Level prematurely because there is no further need to train beings to build a sustainable System of Life when they have allowed this Project to fail at a critical point in its evolution.
To help beings to understand how their actions translate into achieving the level of Spiritual Materiality that is needed for the March 16th Milestone, I have worked with several Heaven Agents to erect a huge Heaven Project Milestone Gauge that looks, on the Inner Plane, like a giant thermometer that towers over the sky scrapers in downtown Seattle.
The Heaven Project Milestone Gauge registers the work being done to achieve the Milestone levels of Spiritual Materiality that are needed. It is a 1 - 10 gauge.
When it was first erected on October 5th, it was reading at Level 3. The level that is needed for the March 16th Milestone is a Level 6.
Shortly after it was erected, beings on the Earth began to take note of it and to work harder on the Project Work that I was sending them to support The Work of the Source on the Earth to build The System of Life.
Within a few hours it had risen to Level 3.9. As of October 6th, it is at 4.0.
What is needed to take it to a 6.0 is Heaven Agent support of The Universal Heaven Project on the Earth on the Outer Plane. Inner Plane Support will not generate the kind of Material Energy that will ground The Universal Heaven Project on the Earth so that beings on the Earth can benefit from it as a Point of Connection.
Beings living at less material levels outside of the Earth Plane can not substitute for the work of beings living in the Earth Plane to ground The Universal Heaven Project on the Earth. This means that unless beings living in the Earth Plane step up to the challenge of grounding The Universal Heaven Project at their level of Materiality, they will abort this fundamental part of The System of Life and will precipitate their death and the death of all others in the Creation.
As you can imagine, beings outside of the Earth Plane are alarmed at the apathetic attitude of humans to this problem that affects them as well. Since they can’t provide the work that will ground The Universal Heaven Project at the level of the Earth Plane, they are dependent on the work of humans who are largely not tuned into Source Guidance in their Conscious Range. In their Extended Range on the Inner Plane, humans are performing well in the stages of The Transition. But the cross over into becoming Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist on the Outer Plane has yet to occur.
To reach Level 6, some significant progress needs to be made in building the Core Group of Heaven Agents on the Outer Plane.
You can help by getting the word out to others in the Global Community so that those who have a Mission of working with us on the Outer Plane, hear about The Work of the Source and can join in the work. Since a Core Group of Heaven Agents needs to be assembled to build the Prototype of The System of Life on the Outer Plane that is needed by the Global Community, there is an urgent need to call to this work everyone who has a Puzzle Piece for the completed picture of this Prototype.
This kind of work, of getting the word out to the right people, can only come through working with The Source Methodology. This involves going to The Vision Center above your heart chakra to see what is yours to do, practicing with simulation exercises through Inner Plane Trainings in The Action Center in your heart chakra, and then following through on the Outer Plane actions that need to be taken by picking up on the Source Directives given to you in The Source Communication Center in your Mid-Brain.
Precision work is needed to find every Heaven Agent who has a Mission to work with us on the Outer Plane on this Project which is central to the well-being of Life in the Creation. Many have been born into this lifetime to do this exact work and need to be contacted on both the Inner and Outer Planes.
I have sent the word out to them on the Inner Plane and it helps if you call them on the Inner Plane as well. There are two ways to do this:
Beaming the Communication
You can do this by asking your Inner Intelligence to send out the call to all who are receptive to hearing the news from you. You don't need to know who will receive the communication or to formulate the content of the communication. You just need to ask your Inner Intelligence to work with the Source to send out the correct communication. It is beamed out and reaches them in their Subconscious Range. They can choose how they will respond to it.
Talking to The Decision Making Part of the Suit on the Inner Plane
Another way is to talk to your loved ones and people in your community on the Inner Plane. If you ask to be a Source-Directed Activist in these conversations, then you will be Source-Guided in what to say and how to say it. You can explain to them what is happening and listen to their issues and objections and work through their resistance to understanding and taking action.
When you do this kind of Inner Plane Source-Directed Activism, you are able to reach the Decision Making parts of the Suit that are generally outside of the Conscious Range of the Suit. These Decision Making parts will tell you what issues they have. If you help them to see the need to take action to follow the lead of the Source, they are able to make a decision to change course. This decision will eventually percolate through into the Conscious Range of the Suit and result in Outer Plan behavioral changes.
Outer Plane Points of Connection are also important because they help people who may be picking up on Inner Plane Communications to find a link to The Miracle School web site and make the Connection on the Outer Plane.
I have an extensive section on how to get the word out in The Source Solution Hub at:
If you are in The Source Connection Coaching Program in good standing, you can also join The Truth Campaign and earn a commission for building Heaven in your own life while also bringing in others to this work.
You need to get trained and equipped to support the work on building The System of Life on the Outer Plane. Entering into The Source Connection Coaching Program is the place to begin so that you have my individualized guidance for Next Steps you need to take to become a Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activist.
The more you work to become adequately trained and equipped, the more Material Energy you will be generating that can ground The Universal Heaven Project at the level of Spiritual Materiality that is needed for beings on the Earth to benefit from it as a Point of Connection to the Source.
To request admission into The Source Connection Coaching Program, you can go to:
I have launched The Personal Safety Project which is at the heart of what is needed to build The System of Life. Without Personal Safety, there is no foundation for building a System of Life that is sustainable.
You can follow the work in the Project and contribute to it by going to:
The Personal Safety Project for Blacks in America has also been launched at:
It is important that you take the Source Workflow Trainings and work with the written online materials such as the Action Plans, Responses, News and the Topics to Research.
Those who are keeping up with the Source Workflow Trainings and the written work in the Project Workstations are eligible to attend Source Workflow Gatherings where they can meet with me to discuss the work that they are doing on the Project and receive Source Guidance about how to continue on in their Prototyping Work.
In the Schedule of Upcoming Source Workflow Gatherings, I will list the time for Source Workflow Gatherings, which occur by webinar. Those who are in alignment with The Standard of Heaven Agreement can attend these Gatherings.
These Gatherings do not require a Financial Exchange to attend. You balance the exchange through your work on the Project during and after the Gathering.
The key to landing the miracles of Source Support that make life Heaven is providing the Material Energy that enables the miracles to reach the level of Spiritual Materiality where they are needed.
It is important to do the Mission Work that I send you on the Inner Plane in order to generate the Material Energy that will fill the Inner Plane storage containers of your Life that Works Fund and The World that Works Fund. This Material Energy can then be used for the miracles of Source Support that you need or that the Community needs.
It is also important to do the Outer Plane Mission Work that enables the The World that Works Fund to be provided with the correct amount of Financial Support that enables The Heaven Project operating on the Earth Plane, in the cash economy, to have the financial resources needed to find the Core Group of Heaven Agents, train them, and help to train the masses through seeding the world with the miracles of Source Support that are a first Point of Connection with The Work of the Source.
For example, a teddy bear that is linked to Source Love can transform the life of a child or an adult who has never experienced a steady stream of Source Love. A squeeze toy that is linked to a miracle that activates True Intelligence can help a person to restore their True Identity in their Suit and understand how to escape from being locked down in their Socialized Identity. These Miracle Tools as well as the many Source Interventions that are available, need to reach the population so that they can help people to take a first step toward Awakening and forming the Direct Source Connection that will save their lives in The Transition. They are also necessary to free people from suffering and give them a tangible experience of the Heaven that life was meant to be.
I am available to help Heaven Agents to launch Joint Ventures with me that can seed the world with Heaven but they will have to do much of the practical work that I no longer have the time to do. In return for their work, they can receive a Financial Correct Exchange for their part in the Joint Venture.
To participate in a Joint Venture, a Heaven Agent must be in The Source Connection Coaching Program and in The Truth Campaign and have enough training to know how to handle a Project of this kind within the structure of The Heaven Economy so that it does not veer into the dynamics of The Hell Economy. Joint Ventures and work in The Truth Campaign are part of a Heaven Economy Internship in The Miracle School. Internships are for serious students who want to transition into The Heaven Economy as an integral part of their work to achieve a 100% Source Connection.
Unless every Heaven Agent takes responsibility for making sure that I have the Material Energy needed to help them survive The Transition and to help Life in the Creation to survive The Transition, a sustainable way of life can not be built. I alone can not do what it takes willing and dedicated Heaven Agents to do. Unless beings treasure the Gift of Life in the Creation and are willing to become Stewards of this Gift, then it will be lost when I transition back to my Source Level.
For more ideas about how to provide Material Resources, you can work with the section in The Source Solution Hub entitled:
Beings have depended on the Source to take care of them and their world and have not understood that the role of the Implementation Aspect of the Source in the Manifest World was to teach them how to be Stewards of Life so that the Implementation Aspect can return to its Source Heaven. They are, therefore, arriving at the ninth hour of The Transition of the Implementation Aspect back to the Source Level with little to no knowledge of how to take over the workload so that Life in the Creation will survive the final stages of The Transition.
The Gift of the Creation is similar to the Source gifting parents with a baby and expecting them to nurture the baby. If they expect the Source to take care of the baby while they wait on the sidelines, the baby will die. This is similar to the Gift of the Creation. Only in the case of the Creation, I have been in the Creation nurturing the Gift of the Creation while the Manifest Beings, who needed to be apprenticing themselves to learn how to take over the nurturing, slacked off and left me to do the work.
Now I have to leave to return to my Source Level. If beings don't step up to learn what it takes to nurture the Gift of the Creation, they could be like parents who don't know that the baby needs to be fed and protected and don't know how to do either of these tasks.
Nurturing the Gift of the Creation is a lot more complex than taking care of a baby. It requires learning the complex Principles of Life that enable Life to be sustained in the Creation and understanding how to sustain the fundamental Spiritual Structures that uphold the Creation. It also requires developing the 100% Source Connection that will enable ongoing communications to go back and forth between the Implementation Aspect of the Source and the Creation after I have left for the Source Level.
Without moment-to-moment information on what specifically needs to be done to correct for a situation that could create a life threatening imbalance in The System of Life, beings parenting the Gift of the Creation could lack the Direct Source Guidance to do their parts.
I can not over emphasize the absolute urgency of
getting trained and equipped to
Steward Life – your life and Life in the Creation.
It is a very complex process that will take many years of training for you to be capable of shouldering the work that is yours to do once I am no longer doing it. If you give it less time and attention than is needed, you will be like a person setting out on the high seas with no real understanding of how to pilot your ship through a storm at sea or how to navigate to your destination. This will be a terrifying realization that will be short lived as those who are not prepared will not survive and will lose their place in the Creation for all eternity.
Because the Source wishes you Heaven, I am here communicating to you in person this message. You need to take it to heart and work with me to prepare.
Many beings just live for their own self interests and do what is minimally required to ensure their personal survival. What they lack is the understanding that if they don’t work to build a sustainable Universal Community, then the negative energy of the Universal Community will form a Miracle-Unfriendly mutation to which I will not be able to Connect after I return to my Source Level.
What this means is that if you want to survive, you have to work with me to enable the Universal Community to go through the transition out of The Hell Way of Life to which I can not connect into The Heaven Way of Life to which I can connect.
If you focus only on your own personal needs, you will miss the opportunity to correct the context in which you live.
If this context is not sustainable, you will not be sustainable.
Small Picture Thinking about personal self interest and the withholding of personal resources of time, energy, and material wealth will lead to a short term experience of prosperity and to Ultimate Death for you and for all of Life.
Big Picture Thinking about what it is going to take to step up and become a Steward of Life, is what will enable you to build toward eternal life in a Creation that is Source-Connected and replete with the Total Abundance that manifests when a 100% Source Connection is achieved.