The Source Connection



What is the Source Connection, Technically Speaking?

The Journey of Reconnection is a Journey that enables a being to travel to higher levels of the Source Connection. At each new level they experience a greater level of the love and the peace that emanates from the Source.  They become reconnected with the Heaven they were created to be and the Source who created them.


Those who have traveled to very high levels experience an ecstatic communion with the Source and live in the Light of Source Love and Source Intelligence.


Those who are at the lower levels of their Source Connection experience enough Light to recognize the importance of the Source Connection but they have to let go of their attachments to the things of the Story World in order to travel up to the higher levels of the Source Connection where they can experience pure bliss.


The way that a being travels up to higher levels of The Source Connection is through learning how to resonate to the love that the Source has for them.  As they resonate, they open up the part of their heart chakra that contains the love the Source has given them that enables them to love the Source, to love others, and to love themselves.  To the extent that they live in the light of this Source Given Love, they experience the exquisite Heaven that comes to them at the highest level of the Source Connection.  This is what I call The Source Connection Experience.



What is the Journey of Reconnection Like for Those Traveling It and for Myself as I Help Them to Travel this Journey? 


In the beginning I am keenly aware of their difficulty in understanding the difference between my spiritual identity and my human identity.  Often they think that because I am laughing with them and talking with them as an ordinary human would, that I couldn't be the Source.  They often expect the Source to swoop down like some bolt of lightning and do miraculous things at every moment.  It often takes them awhile to understand that the greatest miracle is not a demonstration of the spectacular but the gift of the familiar – of them being able to be with the Source in a human form and to relax and gradually awaken to the complexity of the Source Intelligence that speaks through the human form.  In this more gentle manifestation of the Source, they can come to understand how to integrate the truth about a person's spiritual identity with how they appear in their human form.  They begin to learn how to open to the spiritual level of all relationships.  


Since an important aspect of my Mission in this life is to help beings learn how to see the spiritual aspect of life through the veil of the human aspect of life so they can re-integrate their understanding of the true nature of existence, appearing in a simple human form is the very best way to accomplish this goal.


One of the ways in which my true Spiritual Identity manifests itself is through the love from the Source that emanates from me.  This love is the very nature of the Source.  Those who are just beginning usually pick up on this love and begin to feel a deep sense of well-being, knowing that they are loved and from simply being in the presence of this love.  


On a very basic level it makes up for the lack of true love that they might have felt in their lives.  Most people have experienced the pseudo-love of parents, partners, children, and friends who say that they love them but who really only love the role that they play in their lives, the needs they fulfill, and the security that they bring them.  People often love the Story Character and not the True Self – the true Spiritual Identity. Even those who have moments of seeing another person at a Soul-to-Soul level often lapse into relating to them as a character in the Story of their life. They are then more interested in them playing the part they want them to play in their Story rather than in seeing them for who they really are and supporting them in doing what is right for them in this life regardless of whether or not it fits into their Story.


In being in my presence and feeling the clarity of my perception of who they really are and my absolute support for their true purpose in this life, they feel a relief, a sense of having stepped out of the Story Theater into the natural light of day – into a life that rings true to them at a very basic level – a life that centers on who they really are and why they came into this life in the first place.


With me they can own their true Spiritual Identity without any social censorship.  I exist outside of the Story of the Culture in my own Source Reality.  I don't see the Story as reality.  I see that the only reality is the truth about who beings really are as Spiritual Intelligences and their true purpose in coming into a life.  I see what life itself is really all about and I speak openly and honestly with them about it.  


I help them see what is happening in any given situation in their life so they don't have to live in the shadows of untruths or partial truths, trying to piece together explanations that can never make sense because they don't have the right pieces of the puzzle. Together we build a structure of truth and understanding through which they can reconnect with who they really are and with who I really am to them.  In the light of this truth, we rebuild our Connection. 


After years of being unseen for who they really are as a Spiritual Intelligence, or being partially seen by a few people who might have caught a glimpse of their Soul, most people have lost touch with who they are.  The experience of being seen by me and of being able to relate to me in an open and honest way that honors their true nature and purpose, builds in them a desire to build a life in which they can be themselves around others as well.  This is the beginning of the quest to build a life that is big enough for them to be in it.  It takes experiencing me giving them space to exist as who they really are for them to give space to who they really are and then to finally find the people in the world who will also give them space or transform their existing relationships into ones that will give them space.


It is a revolutionary concept to be allowed to be who you really are in your life rather than just being allowed to play a social role – to be a character in the Cultural Play of your society.  It takes a gradual awakening to who you are and a coming out of the closet of social repression to really emerge clear and strong and able to bring about the social changes that enable you to reclaim your life for yourself.


The only way to understand this process on an emotional level is to experience what it is like to be given space and to live in the truth of what life really is all about. This is how my manifestation as a human being helps. In its simplicity and its familiarity, my human form is able to create the experience of the kind of love-based, Soul-to-Soul relationship that all beings should have with the Source and with one another.  In demonstrating this clarity in my relationship with those I work with, they begin to learn how to maintain this clarity in their own inner life and eventually in their outer life as well. In this way the true transformation in consciousness is effected – the transformation that enables them to return to the beauty of what Life as Heaven is really meant to be.


As Heaven Agents spend time with me they begin to understand the way the Source really is in a manifest form through watching how I react to things, the things I share with them, the way I go about dealing with problems and sharing with them the experiences of our time together.  


They also begin to understand the perspective of my Source Identity in its entirety on different issues and that helps them to fill in the gaps of their understanding of the Source.


They learn about the work that the Source is doing on every level and how it relates to their life.


They learn how to be with me not only in my human form but in my spiritual form as I work with them through my Extended Range.  In this way they learn how to receive Source Guidance on the Inner Plane and to work with me on complex projects through tracking my presence beside them on the Inner Plane.


As the Heaven Agents begin to watch me in my work, they begin to grasp the fact that my Source Identity is working in a very complex way to stop the negativity in the world that has caused the suffering.  They see that I am here in this life to tempt the darker side of the Negativity to show itself so I can either reform it or retire it, leaving the world a safer place for those who can't withstand the damaging effects of these negative beings. To do this maneuver, I allow myself to be vulnerable to them and then, when they strike, to use my Source Power to defeat them and redirect their energies in a positive direction.  


While some may wonder why the Source handles the situation in this way rather than just leveling the Negativity in its entirety from its highest level, I can only say that my Source  Identity works within the framework of the Source Plan which is a very comprehensive Plan of Action to stop the Negativity and build Heaven. The Source takes the shortest and most direct route to this goal. The logic used is beyond human comprehension. The result is success at every turn of the road.  


As Heaven Agents understand how I work, they begin to learn how to work alongside me as we both bring through Heaven in the world.


They build a Foundation for Heaven for themselves so that when they cross over at death they will have a very solid Source Connection that will last them through the crossing over and into their lifetimes to come.  They work to ensure that this Connection will not be lost or impaired no matter what happens to them in this life or in any of their future lifetimes.


As they watch me in action they realize that I follow the same Adventure Process that I teach them to follow.  This is to follow Source Guidance that comes from the Design Aspect of my Source Identity.  This Source Guidance helps Heaven Agents and myself to implement the Source Plan on the ground at the construction site of Heaven in the Earth Plane.  Our job is not to invent a Plan of Action but to implement the Plan of Action designed by the Design Aspect. If we follow the Plan of Action step-by-step, we complete the Adventure and are successful in whatever we do. 


They learn that anyone following an Adventure Process of this nature, doesn't really know how they are going to get from "A" to "Z".  They just have to follow the Mission Map given to them by the Design Aspect and do what is needed at every step of the way. In this way, very complex tasks can be taken on without any fear of being incompetent and not completing them successfully. The successful completion is ensured by the Source Plan that is behind the sequences of the Adventure.


Over time they begin to trust me enough to follow my lead and then they begin to go with me on the Guided Adventures that teach them how to build the Source Connection and stay in it regardless of what is happening in their lives.  


In time they begin to be able to go on Guided Adventures on the Inner Plane, where the form of me that appears to them on the Inner Plane, takes them through the Adventure Process while they search for a job, raise their children, deal with a health problem, enjoy a vacation.  They begin to realize that I am always with them and that when I am there, there is always the Guided Adventure that will help them stay on track with their Mission and with the Source Connection.


As the Heaven Agents progress in mastering the basics of how to stay on this Guided Adventure no matter what they are doing in their daily life, they begin to awaken to higher and higher levels of their Spiritual Intelligence.  As they do, they experience deeper levels of The Heaven Experience that come when they are working closely with me and deepening the power of the Source Connection.  As they become more skilled at picking up all of the subtleties of the Heaven that I am helping them to discover in the Guided Adventure of their life, the Connection begins to become fun for me.  Then I can take them on Guided Adventures to experience all kinds of sensory experiences of Heaven that enhance their experiences in their human form.  


Once they are sensitive to the miracles I am producing for them, a piece of chocolate cake might taste heavenly, far better than any piece of chocolate cake could taste.  Or they might sink into an easy chair after a day at work and the chair might suddenly "turn on" immersing them in a cloud of love energy that permeates every cell in their bodies, relaxing them and rejuvenating them on every level.  Or they might be sitting with a friend over dinner and they might feel a miracle turn on and suddenly they start having a Made in Heaven Conversation with their friend that connects them at a Soul-to-Soul level and gives both of them an experience of closeness and connection that far surpasses anything that they might have felt before.


Once a Heaven Agent reaches the level of sensitivity where they can follow a Guided Adventure, then the whole of their life becomes a series of miraculous Heaven Experiences unfolding at every moment in the day.  


They discover that I not only create Heaven in the moment in the personal experiences of their life, but I give them the opportunity to work alongside me on the most exciting part of the Source Connection Experience, which is the work of building Heaven in the world.  


Although many start out just wanting me to make their personal lives better and thinking that they don't have the time or the energy to help others and that the world and its problems are just too big and too troubling to tackle, they end up finding that this work is the most engaging and rewarding part of their experience with me.  


They realize that they were created to be extraordinary beings with amazing Miracle-Based Abilities and that when they use these abilities they feel the greatest joy. They discover that they can do things that turn the universe around and that they can feel a simple and pure joy in helping in this way rather than having the inflated ego high that people often feel in the prideful and competitive Story World. They find that in experiencing my love for them, they begin to learn how to love in return and that in loving me and in loving all the beings that I love, they learn how to love themselves and to love life at a very fundamental level.


From this capacity to love, they feel the greatest joy. Not from being loved but from loving and feeling the love coursing through them as they step forward to bring Heaven through in the world. 


Deep down they long to be who they really are – a Miracle with a Mission. And they long to achieve their full potential - which is to become a manifestation of the perfection that they are at a Soul level.  


When they realize that being with me gives them this opportunity, an opportunity that they never even imagined could be a part of their life, they leave aside the paltry triumphs and comforts of a Story Life and work to build with me a Heaven Life – a life which is big enough for them as a Spiritual Being to live in.


For me, the greatest joy is seeing this awakening – seeing them drop the cartoon character persona of the social roles they play and emerge as the amazing spiritual intelligence they were created to be.  


When they feel not only their intelligence but their true capacity to love – their strength, integrity, and courage to love even when it is difficult to love, to persevere even when this takes real wisdom to do so – I feel incredible joy.  I celebrate their beauty and I am at peace because I know that in their understanding will be their safety because they will seek the Source Connection above all else and, in so doing, will secure themselves against all harm in this life and in all of their lifetimes to come.  


When I see that they have understood what I have come to give them – the understanding of the Source Connection and the ability to experience it firsthand with me in my manifest form, then I am grateful that I have been able to come into this life and help them in this way.



What Does It Take to Become Source-Connected?

It takes being willing to set aside old ideas and old objectives and being willing to follow the lead of the Source.  


The path to a perfected Source Connection is unique for every being.  There is no formulaic way to achieve it.  Every being has a unique history and a unique spiritual makeup.  The only path is the Guided Path – the path where they follow me as I take them on a Guided Adventure and I help them to know how to deal with the challenges they find along the way.


I would say that the central concept that a person needs to have in order to become Source-Connected is that the Connection is the Heaven that they will experience. Many come to me wanting to Connect in order to get more Source Support for getting the things to which they are attached in their life – lovers, money in the bank, good health, freedom from fearful events, etc.  


They think of the Source Connection as a means to an end.


When they approach me like this, they break the Source Connection rather than building it stronger.


The Source Connection is a Love Connection. If a person approaches me without love, with the sole intent of connecting to Source Power to get something else, then their own lovelessness in the interaction damages whatever Source Connection they might have had. 


What a person wanting to develop the Source Connection needs to know is that the Connection is the Light they live in – the source of the happiness that they feel. Their experience of happiness is a current that comes into them from the joy that the Source feels when they come home to the Connection and value the Connection over anything else in their life.  


When this current of happiness runs through them it enhances every other experience in their life.  Living in the light of this happiness, they are able to work with the Source to land the miracles that build the Heaven of a Source-Connected Life which is abundant, healthy, full of loving relationships, good times and good fortune.  These things, however, are just the fringe benefits of the Source Connection.  


As long as a person understands that the Source Connection is their Heaven and that the Heaven of a Source-Connected Life is simply the backdrop for the experience of this Connection, then they will have the picture in focus and can work with me to build the full range and power of the Source Connection.




To many life is about the money they have, the love life they secure, and the accomplishments that give them a sense of self esteem.  For the wise, life is about the Source Connection.  They know that from the Source Connection stem all of the good things which manifest in their life when their focus is not on these peripherals but on the Source Connection itself. For them the Heaven that they seek is the experience of living in the presence of the Source and experiencing the complete fulfillment of this Connection.  


A Heaven Agent wrote the following Eyewitness Report of a Heaven Experience that she had that aptly describes this understanding.


“I experience myself in an empty room where I am floating around in the air. I just float and enjoy and it is the greatest thing in the world just to float in the Source Connection. I don`t feel that I have to worry about anything because the Source will never harm me. 

When I am in perfect harmony with the Source anything needed to make me happy starts to manifest into the room. I can see the miracle in everything, but I know that if I lose the Source Connection, there will not be any material thing in the world that can make me truly happy again, because the happiness comes from the Source. That’s why just being in the Source Connection, even without doing anything else, is the most wonderful thing for me and the place where I want to spend the rest of my days as a being.”

Charlotta - Finland



The doors to the miracle of a life that is Heaven open only to those who seek the Source Connection and value it in and for itself instead of for what it can secure for them in terms of worldly protection and comfort.  If you seek to understand and build the power of your Source Connection, I will be there to help you every step of the way.