A Source-Connected Life is a life where you build an Inner and Outer Life that enables you to nurture the Source Connection itself. This life is designed to be in keeping with the Source Plan for your Mission in this life.
This Mission will always be the tasks that you as a Soul have most wanted to do. It is not a Mission that is foisted upon you by the Source or the Source Plan. It is the beautiful choreography designed by the Source to give you the most exquisite way in which to express your skill and your beauty and to, in doing so, bring the greatest joy to yourself and others.
Your Mission is like a dance that is choreographed for you specifically that gives you all of the moves and moments that make your heart sing and that give you the context in which to express your highest level of intelligence and ability. It is also a dance that in every move plays an active and vital part in The Dance of Life itself which is like the intricate interactions within the strands of DNA.
When you do your part, then you contribute to the miracle of Life as Heaven that emerges out of what you contribute. Your part is more like one of the complex, organic processes by which a life is created in the womb than the more superficial and ego-based creations of people in the Story World.
Your life is a part of an intricate web of life that is beautifully orchestrated to produce the greatest miracle of all – the miracle of Life as Heaven for you and everyone else in the Creation.
When you do your Mission you are agreeing to release yourself from your culturally conditioned ideas about what a life is and what your life, in particular, is all about and to learn from the Source how to contribute to manifesting the miracle of Life as Heaven.
There are two ways to understand what happens. One is from my perspective watching people become Source-Connected.
The other way is to talk to people who are on the Journey of Reconnection and who are becoming increasingly Source-Connected and are translating this into building a Source-Connected Life.
What I’ll share with you is my observations from my own Source Perspective and what those living a Source-Connected Life have shared with me about their experiences.
You can learn about what Heaven Agents on the Journey of Reconnection are experiencing by reading “Heaven Agents Share Their Experiences”. You can also check out the Heaven Agent to Heaven Agent Broadcast and The Heaven Agent to Heaven Agent Blog.
There are four stages in the development of a Source-Connected Life.
When people traveling their Journey of Reconnection become Source-Connected, they begin to awaken from the dream of the Story World. They begin to realize who they are and why they are here and what life is all about. They begin to see what is happening on the Inner and Outer Plane from the Source Perspective so they see the truth of what is occurring rather than the social renditions of it that make social activities that breed disease and death seem like goodness itself. From this Big Picture Perspective they are able to begin, calmly and wisely, to make good decisions in their life – decisions that enable them to build a life in accordance with the Source Plan rather than in accordance with the Story Plan.
They recognize that the Story Plan has only provisions for them to be Story Characters in the plot of the Cultural Play. They begin to see how the Cultural Play sets them up to participate in the scenes of the Play in which they simply fill in the expected social roles and are never allowed to be themselves – their true spiritual identity. They realize that in the Story Plan it is the Story Character that they have been socialized to be that lives their life and not them. They get in touch with who they really are and feel the pain their Soul feels when it has no say in their life. They feel their Soul’s intense desire to do the Mission that it came in to accomplish.
They commit themselves to working with me to build a life that enables them to be themselves and live their Mission.
Once they have awakened sufficiently to see what their life as Heaven could be, they begin to make changes in their lives to allow the Heaven that is a potential to become their reality. These changes vary according to their life circumstances.
They look at the Source Plan to see what the Source has created for their Made in Heaven Life and they see what is theirs to do to implement this design.
They look at four basic aspects of their life.
They begin to take a look at what is really happening with their health – with the health of their body, mind, and spirit. They access the miracles I provide to begin to build toward Perfect Health that is based on having such a strong Source Connection that illnesses can’t get into the picture of their lives. In this way they build toward what the Prototype Communities achieved – which is Perfect Health.
They understand that inner peace is an important part of health as is fulfillment at a human and spiritual level. They, therefore, track very carefully whether they are fulfilling their Mission. They know that if they do their Mission, then they will feel the highest level of satisfaction and every aspect of them on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level will be fully exercised, as it were, and, therefore, kept at optimal levels of functioning. This is the true secret to Perfect Health.
They check out what is in the Source Plan for their material prosperity and begin to manifest the material prosperity that is theirs to have in this life.
Some people change jobs if they are in a job that is very harsh and demeaning and which doesn’t allow them to evolve. They move into a Source-Directed Job that is more conducive to their well-being.
Others stay in their jobs and learn how to transform them into Source-Directed Jobs that build Heaven in their lives and in the lives of others.
Others may decide to start a Source-Directed Business and run it according to the Source Plan from start to finish. Some of these Source-Directed Businesses are Joint Ventures with me where we work together to bring Heaven into the world through the products and services of the business. In this way we work together to ground the Heaven Economy on the Outer Plane.
Everyone seeks Source Guidance on how to work with the material prosperity that they already have.
The key for them is the idea of Total Abundance which is that the Source Plan provides for the material abundance that they need in order to accomplish their Mission. If they have a Mission that does not require a lot of money to accomplish, then the Source Plan may provide for them without requiring them to spend their lives in the pursuit of money to do their life work. If, however, their Life Adventure calls for a certain amount of money to do their Mission, then a part of their Mission will be to bring in this money in whatever way it is given in the Source Plan.
The key is that the material prosperity has to be in the service of the Mission. To a person whose Mission calls for a simple life in an African village, a life with millions in the bank would be an inappropriate distraction, responsibility, and encumbrance. To someone whose Mission is to mingle with the rich and famous and become influential in such circles, millions may be what is required to work in this setting. In either case, the Source helps them to achieve the material prosperity that is correct given the purpose for which they came into this life.
They look to see what is in their Life Adventure in terms of the key relationships that they will have in their life. They may discover that they incarnated to be with people whose paths they are unlikely to cross unless they put out some effort to find them. They may also discover that certain people who are currently taking up a lot of their time and energies are not the right people to be in their life or that these relationships should take a back seat to new relationships in which they can be themselves and enjoy the pleasure of a real Soul-to-Soul Connection.
In any event, they recognize that old Story Relationships need to transition into Love-Based Relationships. They use their awakened perspective to see what is going on in these relationships on the Inner and Outer Plane and work with the miracles that I provide to transform them into Love-Based Relationships where a Soul-to-Soul Connection is possible.
This is a broad category but it encompasses all of the other aspects of a person’s life. As they begin to bring their whole life into focus, they look at the “Success Factor”. They look at what is in their Mission to achieve and whether they are, in fact, achieving it. They then reassess their goals and work with me to bring about success in every aspect of their life in accordance with this standard.
They understand that success is not just the big accomplishments of their Mission but rather the quality of the Heaven that they live. Heaven is an experience that happens moment to moment. If they aren’t living Heaven in the moments that make up their life, then the big accomplishments don’t really compensate for the lack of Heaven in their daily experiences.
In the Story World, a successful life is a life where you can proudly present your accomplishments and the world will honor them. If you get a high school diploma, then the society salutes you. If you get a college diploma than it accords you greater status. If you make a lot of money then it rewards you with other opportunities and increased social status. If you do something that everyone values, then you can become famous.
What the society acknowledges is not the quality of your life getting to those goals but the actual accomplishment. In the competitive context of the Cultural Story, if you crossed the finish line then you are of more value than someone who didn’t.
This is not how Heaven Agents think about life. They recognize that the quality of their inner experience determines the quality of their life experience as a whole. They, therefore, build Heaven first within themselves through the quality of their Source Connection and then through the strength of their good working relationship with me, build whatever is in the Source Plan for their Life Adventure on the Outer Plane.
They don’t care whether others around them think that they are accomplished or even respect them. They only care that they know who they themselves are and that they are building their lives in accordance with the Source Plan.
Success for them is the Mission accomplished even if others around them don’t know what their Mission is or don’t value it when it is accomplished. They know that when all is said and done, what they take with them at the end of this life is the beauty of what they have created through their good work doing their Mission.
It is enough if it is even just the two of us celebrating the successful completion of their Mission. They don’t require a throng of out-of-focus and confused Story Characters gathering around to do homage to the life they have lived. The only thing that matters to them is that they were true to themselves, to the Source, and to their calling and that they are leaving behind a life that was well worth the effort it took to live it.
As Heaven Agents work to establish Heaven in their own personal lives they also work concurrently with me to establish Heaven in the world they live in. They understand that while they can enjoy the Heaven of a rich inner life, they can’t have a Life that is Heaven on the Outer Plane if they are living in a world that is not Heaven.
They learn that through working strategically with me on the Heaven Projects of The Miracle School, they can help me put the lever under the boulder in just the right place to move the boulder out of way so we can clear the ground for building Heaven.
They understand that they individually are capable of doing extraordinary feats given both their Miracle-Based Abilities and the Source working through them. Through these extraordinary feats Heaven is built.
Instead of waiting around for someone else to step forward to do the work, they realize that what they can do no one else is equipped to do. This is because all beings are unique and were created by the Source to build a particular aspect of Heaven in the world. If they don’t build their part of Heaven, it will never be built by anyone else.
This is a sobering thought. Many in the Story World hang back and wait for others to volunteer or expect a committee to be formed and others to come forward and fund the work.
In the work of building Heaven, each Heaven Agent who steps forward to work with me is the one who is needed to help me in a particular aspect of the work. I, therefore, look to them to do the Mission for which they came into this life.
Together we see what is next on the Source Plan and work to bring it to fruition. Each Heaven Agent contributes what is theirs to contribute and I contribute what is mine to contribute.
It is a very simple and organic way of working together. I understand the process more like I understand the complexity of the organic components that need to go together in the right timeframe for a baby to be formed in the womb and born safely than I do the social conventions for how to “get the job done”. Despite my human form, I think like the Source and follow a Source Logic that is beyond the logic of the Story World. I listen to an inner logic of life itself – what it really takes to create and sustain life as Heaven.
This inner logic guides me in my work and enables me to help them learn how to work in this organic, Source Guided way. As they watch me work with Source Guidance and follow the Adventure Process they learn how to do so as well. Together we move step-by-step toward achieving the goal of establishing a world that works.
There is no Story expertise that can provide us with the knowledge of how to do this. It has to be given from the Source Plan because no human mind, including my own, could possibly keep all of the variables in mind in order to come up with a truly comprehensive design.
They understand this and also understand that they can’t build something on the Spiritual Level and expect it to immediately manifest on the Physical Level. Just as you don’t have a tree that is bearing fruit several minutes after you plant the seed, so the work that we do sometimes takes years to bear fruit.
They also leave aside the habit of judging our work from a Story Perspective based on the “fast return on investment” logic of the Story World and they look to Source Guidance to find out where they are in the project and what else needs to be done.
They learn to think in Source Logic too, keeping to the organic process from which the miracle of life as Heaven can be born.
In so doing, they fulfill their Mission which is to work alongside the Source to build a life and a world that is Heaven.
They stand firm in this Mission and are not swayed by others in the society who don’t know that changes on the Spiritual Level of Reality are what determines what manifests on the Physical Level of Reality.
They go right ahead with working at the level of the project where the work needs to be done, ignoring those who think that if an Outer Plane change is not immediate than nothing has been accomplished. When they themselves need to know how the work is progressing, they look to see what is happening on the Inner Plane as well as what is happening on the Outer Plane to assess where they are in the project and what else is needing to be done. In this way they stay Source-Connected and in the reality of what is really going on.
As they work alongside me, the doors and windows of their life open and they soon expand from their limited human lives into their cosmic - universal lives. They become aware that they are citizens of a complex and interconnected universe. They come into contact with Heaven Agents from different parts of the Creation and learn how to work side-by-side with them on tasks that are pivotal to establishing a Universal Source-Connected Community.
What once passed as excitement and adventure in the Story Lives they have left behind, now pales in comparison to the true excitement and adventure of working with me at the cutting edge of the riveting and history-making events that are shaping the future of the Creation as a whole.
Some of this work involves dealing with the Negativity, the criminal element that operates on the Inner Plane much as it operates on the Outer Plane. Because this is my last lifetime in a physical form, I work intensely to do what I came here to do in this life – which is to stop the Negativity and establish a Universal Source-Connected Community like the Prototype Communities that I have established in the past. This is a tall order and not as easy as starting up a small geographical community. The Negativity is also more prepared to oppose my work since they realize that if I am successful, the entire Creation will escape from their tyranny for all eternity.
Recognizing the limited time that we have to complete what I need to do while I have a human form to work with, Heaven Agents come forward to draw a line on the Negativity and prevent them from interrupting the work that is ongoing. In so doing they travel in the well placed footsteps of the members of the Prototype Communities who secured for themselves a world to live in that is safe from the marauding elements of the Negativity.
Just as any community must keep out the criminal element if they are to have a chance at a peaceful life, so the Universal Community must keep out the criminal element as well.
To ignore the need to stop the violence and the harm done by the Negativity is to ignore the most fundamental principle of Heaven which is that Heaven is a place of no harm.
What Heaven Agents have learned is that it is in the Mission of each Heaven Agent to create a life of no harm and a world of no harm. In so doing they build a stable foundation for Heaven.
This means no harm on both the Inner and Outer Plane. It means that the Story social denial of what happens in interactions between people on the Inner Plane can’t be allowed. There has to be a practice of seeking truth and doing right action as the basis for a life as Heaven.
This is why I have every person who works with me sign The Standard of Heaven Agreement which clearly states the standard that I uphold in my work and which they must uphold if they are to work with me on the Outer Plane. This is because it is only through upholding this Standard of Heaven that we can work together to manifest Heaven in the world.
A Source-Connected Life is an eternal life with many episodes in this life that correspond to the different incarnations that a person has. The final moment in any particular incarnation is the moment when a person crosses over at death. They don’t leave their Source-Connected Life, they just transition to the next phase of it.
What Heaven Agents understand when choosing a Source-Connected Life is the difference between a Source-Connected Life and a Story-Connected Life.
What they understand is that a Source-Connected Life is an integrated life. It is integrated by the focus on the Source Connection and the expression of this Connection in everything a person thinks and does.
They understand that a Story-Connected Life is a life of fragmentation. They understand that those who connect to the Story of their culture are connecting to a composite of fragments that have been stuck together by the glue of social convention. They have observed that as times have changed, this glue has grown old and the fragments have broken apart and been reconfigured. What was a principle of a Story Life for which people lived and died in one generation has become a way of life that is reviled and denigrated in another generation. Many Heaven Agents living in the US have experienced this in the revolution of consciousness that took place in the 60’s. In a matter of years the value system of an entire generation was turned upside down. The changes spun the Cultural Story in an entirely different direction in the years that followed.
They understand that those who connect to the Story Character they are socialized to be soon discover that this too is a composite of fragments glued together by the Story Culture. If the Story Culture changes dramatically, these fragments come unglued and the Story Character melts down.
Heaven Agents in many nations around the world have experienced a very clear example of this. Many women in the US prior to the Feminist Movement of the 60’s were socialized to become Story Characters who would be Stay-at-Home Moms and to be valued as such by their husbands and the society. In the Post 60’s era, the push has been for them to provide additional income through a second job and to make their way in the working world, an environment which many of them, coming out of the culture of the 50’s, were ill-prepared to do. In addition, a new cultural Story has evolved that promotes the ideal of “Super Mom”, a woman who does two full time jobs, raising children and holding down a demanding job, and handles everything perfectly.
Some women adopted the new Super Mom Story or created a new version of the Story for themselves and left behind the Story of the 50’s of being a Stay-at-Home Mom. Others clung to the Story of the 50’s around which their Story Character was built and have struggled to make the adjustment. Many who have not shifted their Story have cracked under the strain of the clash of cultural Stories. Some have had nervous breakdowns, chronic depression, or debilitating illnesses that force them to leave the work force and stay at home, supported by their husbands. In this way they manage to live out their Story but their Story Character is fragmented by the method by which they have made their Story prevail, and they live out their lives in a state of conflict and dysfunctionality.
I watch as people try to patch together different personal Stories for who they are and what their life is about based on what they experience in the changing Story of their culture. Some Stories are better than others in providing some glue for the fragments of the Story Character. But the bottom line, is that all of them are shoring up a Story that is just a conglomerate of fragmented beliefs and strategies for surviving – a Story that has no inherent value. It is not based on the truth about what life is, and what is really virtuous and meritorious. It is based on the changing fads of a collective of fragmented Story Characters who are adding their ideas to the melting pot from which a Cultural Story is fabricated. To live and die for such a Story is to waste The Gift of Life itself and to set yourself up for a rude awakening when you arrive at the threshold of death and realize the absurdity of it and the terrible price that you have paid to participate in this absurdity.
It is only the people who have thought outside of the box of the Story Culture and who have made a genuine Source Connection who arrive at the moment of death knowing how to move gracefully onto the next stage of their Source-Connected Life.
As they have lived their lives in the Light of the Source Connection they transition in this Light, using the opportunity of the transition to get to an even higher level of the Connection.
Death then is experienced like an opportunity to enhance the Source Connection and continue on undisturbed in the adventure of building a Source-Connected Life. It is, like the life that was lived, an experience of integration. From this integration comes a deep sense of well-being, clarity, purpose, and comfort. This integrated understanding provides the ultimate stability and security that every being longs to have. The continuing Source Connection provides the Heaven that a being experiences throughout eternity.
A Source-Connected Life is an aspect of the Heaven that you experience in this life. It is only, however, the backdrop for the real Heaven that you experience through your experience of the Source Connection itself. A Source-Connected Life sets the stage on which you can experience the Source Connection in every aspect of your life.