Sharing “The Miracle”
It is important to share with others the news that the Source is here and ready to work with them to build a life and a world that is Heaven.
The opportunity to work with me in person in this my last lifetime is an opportunity that will never come again.
Many beings who have trained with me in previous lifetimes to become Heaven Agents, have incarnated on the Earth at this time in order to meet up with me again and work with me to build a Universal Made in Heaven Community while I am here to help them establish it. Their desire is to find me and make the connections that they need to make between their past life understandings and their understandings in this life so they can pick up where they left off and continue their work of building Heaven in the world.
There are over 70 million people with whom I am in contact on the Inner Plane who are asking me to send out my message into the world so they can find me and come forward to fulfill their desire to become a part of the Grassroots Movement to build Heaven in the world.
You may be one of the 70 million and some of the people you know may be in this group as well. The only way to reach the 70 million is for everyone who has heard of “The Miracle” that is making it possible to make Heaven Happen Now to spread the word. Our goal is to reach everyone in the 70 million who are the ones who are most prepared to begin this work and also to reach everyone else who is tired of the suffering in the world and wants to work with us to build a world that is Heaven.
A simple email can reach many. You can send an email to your list or to someone you know who is spiritually inclined. If this person is in a position to reach many others, then this spreads the word faster. Providing a link to the web site is all that is needed.
The important thing to keep in mind is that there are many who have come into this life specifically to work with us on this project of building Heaven in the world. The faster we find them and they begin helping us, the faster we will build the Heaven of a World that Works – a world that is abundant, in which every life is nurtured and fulfilled.
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