The Root Cause of Scarcity


In our continuing work on examining what is behind our current Global Financial Crisis, it is pertinent to take a look at scarcity itself – what it is, what causes it, and the Next Step out of scarcity to abundance.  


The Source Perspective

Everywhere you look in the world today you see humans experiencing scarcity.  For some this scarcity is a lack of the basic necessities of life – such as food, clothing, and shelter.  For others it is a lack of luxury items that are perceived to be essential to a happy life as defined by the culture in which the person is living.  Not having a TV or a cell phone might be considered a condition of scarcity to some whereas to others, not having enough food might be the focus  of their experience of scarcity.


The wealthy have demonstrated that you can even experience scarcity with a superabundance of money in the bank, houses around the world, and luxury items beyond the reach of most of the world’s population.  The wealthy are often the ones who experience the fear of scarcity most intensively as they fearfully guard their money and seek to amass more even through using methods that create suffering for others.   In fact, it is common knowledge that the more people have the more they fear the loss of what they have.  It is more common to see the poor sharing what they have with one another rather than the rich who often jealousy guard their riches even from fellow family members.  


The fear of scarcity leads to the greed for the things that assuage this fear.   


Those who are possessed by Greed run a Greed Current that contracts their Spiritual Intelligence.  It impairs their ability to think of long term solutions and prompts them to grasp at short term solutions that create problems in the time ahead.


Once a person’s “Suit” (body/mind) is running a Greed Current, they become like a Neanderthal with club upraised to clobber anyone who threatens what they perceive to be their self-interest.  Many a Neanderthal dressed in a three piece suit, is ruling the economic institutions of our global community.


Once someone’s Spiritual Intelligence has been shriveled up by the Greed Current, it is next to impossible to reason with this person to see a bigger picture.  They not only lack the ability to see a picture that includes the self-interests of others as well as their own but to imagine a world in which their self worth is not based on having more than others.  To them, sharing and helping everyone to have what they need is a loss of personal self worth and is to be avoided at all costs.


The Source Solution to the dementia that occurs when beings run the Greed Current is for those who are still capable of seeing the Truth to step back and understand that behind greed is the fear of scarcity.  They then need to step back further and ask where the fear of scarcity came from and how they can get rid of it.  When the fear of scarcity is removed, greed vanishes, the Greed Current stops running through a Suit, the Spiritual Intelligence expands again, and the person becomes capable of Big Picture Thinking that enables them to comprehend the importance of taking care of the needs of others, not just their own personal needs and the needs of those closest to them, and to work with others to transition out of scarcity in its entirety.


Getting rid of the fear of scarcity is the first step toward getting rid of scarcity itself.


Those who free themselves from this fear, help those who are most fearful – who are generally the ones who are oppressing them economically – to escape as well.  This works in the following way.


Most beings in the Material World live in a Spiritual Space that has become contracted by the Greed Current that has been run through it by beings throughout the Creation.  Greed has turned life into a circus and collapsed the circus tent on all of the participants in the greed/fear, shopping, and consuming way of life.  When some of those caught in the darkness of the collapsed circus tent free themselves from the Greed Current, they are able to stand up straight and begin to lift the tent.  Then others who may still be hunkering in fear and greed in the tent, begin to stand up straight and expand their perspective.  When enough beings lift the tent up completely, they will be able to find their way out of the tent and into the light of day.  Outside the tent is the possibility of a life that is Heaven – a life of Total Abundance.  Inside the tent there is only the endless circus of life exploited for what it can give. 


The path out of the fear of scarcity begins with understanding the root cause of the experience of scarcity.  


So – let’s take a look at how scarcity came about in the world.


The Source created a world that was designed to ensure Total Abundance for all beings.  The goal of the Creation was to replicate in a Material World the kind of joy that existed in the Heaven that the Source resides in at the Unmanifest Level and which all beings enjoyed in the Immaterial Level just prior to their entrance into the Material World where they donned their first physical forms.


Beings agreed to follow the lead of the Source when they incarnated in the Material World so the Source could help them set things up for the Total Abundance that was to be a natural part of their life experience.


Instead of following the lead of the Source when they incarnated, beings began to become attached to the pleasures of the physical world into which they incarnated and fearful of the painful experiences of this world.  Instead of connecting correctly to the Source, they used the energies given them by the Source to form the Source Connection which was to be their Lifeline for Total Abundance, to connect directly to the things of the world that they desired.


This caused a Disconnection from the Source and the abundance that the Source was prepared to provide for them.  They soon discovered that when they connected to the things of the world directly, bypassing the power of the Source to secure for them what they needed, they couldn’t really secure it by themselves.  This was the beginning of scarcity and the competition for scarce resources.  Everyone became a potential opponent in the scramble to survive once the abundance that should have been theirs was no longer possible because of the Disconnection from the Source.


The only way out of this dilemma, is to Reconnect to the Source and understand the way the world has to function if Total Abundance is to be everyone’s reality.


The Next Step

The Next Step is to understand the Spiritual Science of Correct Exchange that enables you to have Total Abundance.  


Total Abundance manifests through a simple set of Correct Exchanges with the Source.


Step One 

The being uses the Source Love Energies in their heart chakra to connect to the Source and not directly to anything in the world around them.


Step Two

The being sends the Material Energies that they naturally generate in their Suits to the Source.  


Step Three

The Source adds to these Material Energies, Source Power.


Step Four

The Source sends Source Power out into the world to connect to the people and things needed by the being.  It also sends Source Power to the being so they have the ability to do what is theirs to do to respond to the opportunities that the Source orchestrates for them.  These opportunities enable them to connect to these resources and work with them to build Heaven in their life and in their world.


Step Five

The being follows Source Guidance to locate the resources that are theirs to have – the resources that are the building blocks of their Heaven – and successfully builds a life that is Heaven for themselves and others.



If this simple process is followed, two things happen:

  1. A being moves out of feeling alone and afraid.  They know the Source is helping them to have what they need and that all they have to do is to cooperate with the process.
  2. Instead of craving what others have and referencing the value system of a world gone mad with greed and fear, they ask to be shown what they need to fulfill the Mission they chose for themselves when they first incarnated.  Content in living a life that fulfills this Mission, they free themselves from comparing what they have with what others have and thereby, experiencing a socially-induced sense of scarcity.


When you follow the lead of the Source you never feel deprived because you know that your life makes sense and your actions add up to the experience of Heaven that you chose for yourself when you incarnated in your life.


While understanding the Five Steps of the Spiritual Science of Correct Exchange is important, living them is what really counts.  In order to learn how to implement these Five Steps in your life, you need to do what the members of the Prototype Communities did.  They learned from me how to do each of the Steps.  


In the Next Step Communications you will get some idea of how to work with these Steps and in the Basic Training of The Miracle School where I can coach you one-on-one, you will be able to master them.  It is then that you will become a part of a Core Group of Heaven Agents at the forefront of transitioning life on the planet out of the scarcity and suffering of the world today into the Heaven of Total Abundance.


Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.

Director of The Miracle School