The Trick and the Treat

October 31, 2011



The Source Perspective

Halloween is a very mixed cultural tradition. It contains a Treat and also a Trick.

The Treat

The Treat is the element of the harvest festival symbolized by the pumpkins and the hay stacks and the celebration parties. The tradition of children dressing up as Cinderella and Superman is an enactment of the Story of the culture that is relatively benign in nature. The tradition of the community giving children candy as they go door to door dressed up in their costumes obviously predates the knowledge of how detrimental sugar candy is for children, but is, in itself, a community-wide gesture of Good Will to the children of the community.


The Trick

The Trick is the opening to the Negativity – the criminal element that operates on the Spiritual Level of Reality – that is created when people dress up as devils, monsters, Dracula, and the ghouls of the graveyard.


Most people think that these characters that they portray are just part of a cultural fiction. From the Source Perspective, this is far from the truth. The Inner Plane is full of characters that correspond directly to the characters depicted in the fiction of the culture. The myths and stories of the culture are an expression of the knowledge of the exploits of the Negativity that people have at some level of their consciousness and which they have repressed at the level of their conscious minds.


For example, Dracula is a fictive character, but energy vampires exist in everyday life. They can syphon off the spiritual life blood of their victim and cause serious illness and even death. These characters exist as entities which exist only in energy forms and they also exist as the Dark Side of ordinary looking people who have lost control of their energy bodies on the Inner Plane. Some of these energy bodies may be syphoning off the energies of others when the person at a conscious mind level has no idea that this is happening.


Most people on the Earth have been culturally conditioned to tune out the 90% of their life that occurs on the Spiritual Level of Reality. As a result, the Inner Plane has become a lawless and ungoverned terrain which law abiding citizens on the Outer Plane know nothing about and do nothing to referee.


When people dress up as the murderous and vile characters of the Inner Plane, they accept the energy of the character they are impersonating. They don’t realize that in doing so, they are throwing out the drawbridge to the castle of their body/mind for the Negativity to cross over into their now unprotected spiritual space.


In the most extreme cases, possession can occur when some opportunistic entity or being from the Negativity manages to take control over their “Suit” (body/mind) while the person is pretending to be this character. In less extreme cases, the Negativity gains a foothold in the person’s energy field and can begin syphoning off their spiritual energies to gain more control at a later point in time.


I’ll give you a few examples.


One Halloween, I went to my local bank and discovered there that the Tellers had dressed up in costumes for the occasion. One young man who I had noted on previous occasions was very withdrawn and depressed, was dressed up as a Demon of some sort. I had observed that he had a connection to an entity from the Dark Side who would stand behind him on the Inner Plane and seemed to be influencing him in some way. When he donned the costume of this aggressive demonic character, he dropped his usual personality and became the role he played – only it wasn’t an act. He had allowed himself to become possessed by the entity who I had seen standing behind him on other occasions.


When I looked into his eyes I saw the hate and the viciousness of this entity looking back at me. When he handed me the receipt for my transaction, a current of Hell Energy (the energy of Ill Will) transferred to me from the paper.


It was clear that after such a wholesale possession, this man would be sending Hell Currents through the bank to everything and everyone he touched. This could compromise the integrity of the energy fields of others and enable this entity to possess them as well. I stepped in and broke the possession, driving out the entity from the Suit of the young man and bringing his Soul back into the Suit.


While this was the end of the career of this particular entity, if the young man does nothing about his underlying fear of expressing himself, he could inevitably partner up with another vicious entity who he would allow to come through his Suit so he could feel that he could command and damage others – expressing through the actions of the entity his suppressed rage at being unable to feel in control and powerful in his life.


In another incident, I opened the door of my house in response to Trick or Treater coming for candy. There on my porch was an assortment of children dressed as fairy tale characters, pumpkins, and other fanciful characters. But also on my porch was a young boy, about 5 years of age. His parents had painted his face the grey color of death, and drawn realistic looking gashes on his cheeks. Not only was this a shocking and appalling sight, but around this child was a host of demonic entities that were attracted to the blood and gore of what this costume represented. I immediately chased off the entities and shored up a protective field of energy around the child. But again, this was not a permanent solution to the problem if his parents continue to open the door to the Negativity in this child’s life.


What this child’s parents didn’t realize is that visualizing illness, death, and injury for one’s child and enacting it, and having the impressionable imagination of the child enact it, is a powerful visualization that sets into motion energies that draw accidents and death into a child’s life. Depending on how strong the visualization is, it can manifest a macabre outcome.


For the child, it is also very damaging to participate in an unhealthy experience of death, seeing it as some grisly and to-be-feared transition that is full of horror. In cultures, such as many pockets of American culture, where very little training is given to anyone about how to think about death and dying and what happens to you at death, this horror movie style enactment of death is a very negative and damaging cultural message to a child about what death is.


From the Source Perspective death should be a correct transition out of your life when your Mission in life is complete. It should be a transition that is surrounded by the energies of the Source who chaperones you safely into an interim state between lives and then into your next life. Graveyard ghouls have no place in this and should be kept out of the spiritual space of someone who is transitioning by members of a Source-Connected Community.


And, more than the damaging effects of a negative visualization on the part of the parents and the child, and the twisted value system about how to understand death and dying, is the fact that when people accept horror as a component of death, then they open the door to the real ghouls of the dying process that do exist and which should be kept out of a person’s life at all costs. Once these demonic entities get into a life, they can cause disease and accidents that lead to untimely death. They do so by connecting to the energies of the person who has entertained their presence and accepted them as a part of life. With the life energies of the person, they manipulate the spiritual physics of the world to cause disease and accidents to occur. The person who opens the door to them is providing the horsepower they need to cause tragedy to occur in their life.


When I started the 14 Prototype Communities, one of the first things I taught them was that they had to say “No” to the Negativity in every aspect of their life. They too had Halloween-type traditions and a host of violent and perverse cultural traditions that celebrated their taste for the Dark Side of themselves that reflected the more extreme elements of the Negativity that operate on the Inner Plane.


I taught them that if they were to have the Heaven of Total Abundance, a disease, accident, and aging free life, and love in their relationships with one another, they had to get the Negativity out of the picture.


I told them that Halloween-type festivals which celebrate the expression of Ill-Will at its most macabre levels, were really just attempts on their part to deal with their fears of the Negativity, to give themselves license to act out their own Dark Sides, and to propitiate the Negativity in hopes of buying some leniency from their incessant attacks on them.


Their festivals that honored Good Will – festivals that are the counterpart of traditions such as Christmas on the Earth – were attempts to express their desire to connect to the Source, to give themselves the opportunity to act from their Good Sides that wanted to nurture others, and to get in good with the Source in the hope of getting favors from the Source because of their show of support for the value system of love and community responsibility for nurturing others.


The problem with this system of dual Celebrations, is that they were not choosing one value system or the other. These festivals were like an insurance policy for the communities. If the Negativity won, then they would have already put in time celebrating them. If the Forces of Good won, then they would have celebrated on this end of the spectrum as well.


What this system of tolerance for the Negativity does, is to keep the vibrational level of the community low enough so that the only way of life they can know is a way of life that is full of scarcity, suffering, crime, war, disease, and lovelessness.


I taught them that if they wanted to have the Total Abundance, Perfect Health, and Love-Based Community that was possible to them, they had to draw a line on the Negativity. Only then could they get their vibrational field up to the levels of vibration required for the miracles to land that would transform their life into Heaven.


I call this high vibrational field a Miracle-Friendly Environment. I created this Miracle-Friendly Environment for them, manifested miracles in it, and they saw for themselves what was possible.


Then I told them that I was prepared to give them a miracle that would enable them to determine for themselves what traditions in their way of life were conducive to a Miracle-Friendly Environment and what ones were not. They could then work with Source Guidance to change the ones that were not – perhaps keeping some of the aspects of a tradition, but weeding out the elements that were destructive and dropped the vibrational level into the Miracle Un-Friendly Zone.


They opted for the miracle and I created The Miracle-Friendly Meter. It was an Inner Plane Miracle Tool that they could hold in their hand on the Inner Plane. They would think of a cultural tradition or even a personal behavioral pattern and ask the Meter to give them a read on a 1 - 10 scale of whether it was generating a Miracle-Friendly Environment or not.


A tradition, thought pattern or behavior pattern creates a Miracle-Friendly Environment when the Meter reading is at a 10. Everything below that is creating varying degrees of a Miracle Un-Friendly Environment.


They could then check with Source Guidance with regard to how to change the tradition, or personal behavioral pattern.


In today’s world, we are faced with the same dilemma as the Prototype Communities. We live in a world that has been increasingly overrun by the Negativity. It has dominated the Inner Plane and gained control over the thoughts and emotions of the people so they enact macabre Ill Will scenarios in their life at Halloween, and then proceed to enact them out in real life through acts of Ill Will toward one another that lead to crime, discrimination, child abuse, domestic violence, and wars. We live in a world where the sadistic element has touched every life. It is hard to listen to the news without learning about some new enactment of cruelty.


What a Community tolerates on the Inner Plane, will be what manifests on the Outer Plane. A resounding “NO” to all expressions of Ill Will – which is the essence of anything negative – needs to be the response of the Community as a whole. Only then will the Negativity be purged out of them and their lives on the Inner and Outer Plane. They will then achieve the Miracle-Friendly Environment that is needed to transition into a Miracle-Based Way of Life that is Love-Based, peaceful, and abundant.


The Next Step

The Next Step is for you to take a look at the traditions you support in your everyday life, and open to the Source Perspective on what is good in these traditions and can be salvaged, and what is destructive in these traditions and needs to be terminated.


Then work with the Source to figure out a way to turn these traditions in a positive direction if there is anything that is of value in them.


Halloween is a tradition that could very easily be kept within the range of a harvest festival with a costume party element in which the costumes are not endorsing and, thereby, opening the door to the Negativity.


It is especially important that children see adults setting a boundary on anything that is of Ill Will and dealing with the issue of death in a responsible way that reflects the way that death needs to be dealt with if the Community is to draw the line on the entities that otherwise rush in to attack the person who is dying and those who are vulnerable because they are in a state of bereavement.


It is also important that you move beyond any denial of or ignorance of what is happening on the Inner Plane. It is only on the Earth that humans are in such denial of the reality of what is happening on the Inner Plane. In all other parts of the Creation, beings can track in their conscious minds what they can see of what is happening on the Inner Plane just as clearly as they can track what is happening on the Outer Plane. They don’t deny that the Inner Plane is real, even though they don’t have a complete understanding of how things work on the Inner Plane.


This is in part due to the fact that on the Earth, humans have become very dense and slow vibrationally because of the very material human physical forms that they have. This has led them to be more involved with what is happening on the Outer Plane which is the Physical Level of Reality than with what is happening on the Inner Plane which requires a higher speed vibration to perceive. Beings outside the Earth Plane have more immaterial Suits and operate at higher speeds of vibration. Seeing the Inner Plane is as natural to them as seeing the Outer Plane.


Although humans obviously know that spirits leave at death and demonic entities exist, and have ways of dealing with them in their various religious traditions, in everyday life most people haven’t a clue about what is happening on the Inner Plane. They, therefore, leave themselves very unprotected from the maneuvers of the Negativity. They then respond to disease, accidents, and untimely death as if it was just something that happened on the Outer Plane instead of seeing the sequence of events and circumstances on the Inner Plane that led up to the tragic outcome on the Outer Plane.


It is a matter of maturation to be willing to learn about how things really work and to question the wisdom of one’s human culture regarding its theories about the nature of reality. Not too long ago humans, the most educated of their time, thought that the earth was flat and that you could fall off the edge if you sailed too far on the ocean.


Today we scoff at such an idea but entertain ideas that are equally erroneous and shortsighted. The main one of which is that humans can, with their test tubes and computers, master life at every level by simply dealing with life as it appears on the Outer Plane. Such an idea has made humans the laughingstock of many in the Creation who can’t believe that beings could be so deluded. And yet educated humans continue to pontificate on this topic, as certain as were their forefathers who believed that the Earth was flat, that they are sane, accurate, and will rule the world with their amazing grasp of the physics of reality.


Halloween is a symptom and expression of a vast ignorance on the part of the human population of how the Inner Plane works and how it impacts the Outer Plane. If people were tracking the true chain of causal events that led to what happens to them on the Outer Plane, they would not be willing to take on the energies of the Dark Side through impersonating them on Halloween because they could see how dangerous this is and how low their vibrational levels are once they have done such a thing.


While saying “NO” to the Negativity and opening your eyes to the way that they work in the world so you can take an ultimate stand against them is an important Next Step, it is also important to begin to invest in building the Miracle-Friendly Environment in which the miracles of Heaven can land.


If you attune to Source Guidance, you can ask for information on how you are doing in creating a Miracle-Friendly Environment in your life. If you would like a Miracle-Friendly Meter, I have created this Miracle Tool in a form that is adapted to our modern times. If you would like one you will need to provide the Correct Exchange that enables me to materialize it at the Spiritual Level where you reside. You can then begin accurately assessing your progress in creating a Miracle-Friendly Environment for Heaven in your life.



Sherry Daniel

Director of The Miracle School