The worldwide financial crisis has brought ordinary citizens out to protest the greed and exploitation that is ruling the financial world.
Putting the spotlight on the problem is a First Step. The Next Step is to find a solution that is equitable for both the Haves and the Have Nots.
The Source Perspective is that scarcity is a problem that the Global Community should work with the Source to eliminate entirely – 100%. Any attempt to ameliorate the situation without eradicating the problem entirely is not a solution but just a prolongation of the problem.
Scarcity is a disease that needs to be eliminated, not accepted as an inevitable aspect of life.
The problem is that people have only tried to eliminate scarcity for themselves or their communities, and have tolerated the scarcity that is blighting the lives of others in the global community. Partial solutions do not address the problem adequately. What is needed is a Complete Solution which is the end of all scarcity for all beings.
The Standard of Heaven is Total Abundance which means that every member of the Global and Universal Community should have what they need to fulfill the Mission they chose when they incarnated into their life.
In its general parameters this Mission is to build Heaven – the highest level of happiness – in their own life and in the world. The specific aspects of the Mission determine what kind of Heaven they are building and what resources they need to build it.
Total Abundance, therefore, isn’t having as many possessions as it is possible to accumulate. It is having only those material resources, interpersonal connections, and opportunities that are appropriate – that enable you to complete your Mission in life and to, thereby, fulfill the desire of your Soul – which is who you really are.
When a Community begins following the lead of the Source to create Total Abundance, they re-orient themselves to what matters most to them in life – to the true desire of their Souls to achieve life purpose fulfillment and to live a life that is Source-Connected and blessed with the abundance that comes from that Connection.
When both the Haves and the Have Nots work together to produce the true abundance that is possible for both of them, there is a joyful end to the long-standing bitterness and strife between them. There is no competition and no false pride in acquiring more than someone else. Everyone is assisted by the Community in securing every resource that they need to do their Mission and in doing their Mission they contribute not only to their own happiness but to the happiness of the Community as a whole.
This kind of transcendence of old economic rivalries takes place through a series of evolutionary stages.
First people recognize that they need the help of the Source.
Second, they turn to the Source for assistance and no longer experience the fear of not being able to provide for themselves.
Third, they learn how to transform their Brute Force Economy into one that has some Heaven in it. This happens when they help one another and work with the Source to manifest miracles that are connected to the material possessions that they already produce – such as the food they farm and the clothing, housing, and other material possessions they manufacture. As they experience the expansive energies of Heaven in their lives through working with these objects that have been transformed into miracles, they begin to become capable of working on a more complex level with spiritual energies.
Fourth, they transcend the need for farming and manufacturing by learning The Spiritual Science of Correct Exchange that enables them to materialize what they need for food, clothing, shelter and all other material objects from the Spiritual Level of Reality directly to the Physical Level of Reality. This means that their food, clothing, shelter, etc. appears to materialize out of thin air. In fact, it is transported through a series of levels of the Spiritual Level of Reality to the Physical Level of Reality by those skilled in working with the true physics of the Material World.
It is only at this stage that they experience Total Abundance because then the Source can give to them precisely what each one of them needs without any shortages because the material possession needed was not being manufactured by the society or the person couldn’t afford it.
It is also a kind of abundance that goes beyond the experience of having the right kind of material resources when they are needed. Because things materialized directly from the Spiritual Level to the Physical Level are aspects of Heaven fully materialized, any contact with them uplifts the person who receives them and enables them to experience the resonating joy of Heaven itself. In this way, people become far richer than the sum total of the material possessions they have. They become rich in the beauty, solace, and pleasure of a quality of life that is far finer, more exquisite, and more comforting than anything that they could have experienced with any number of ordinary material possessions.
To understand what it is like to travel this path and achieve Total Abundance, you can find out more about the 14 Prototype Communities that I established many thousands of years ago in different parts of the universe. I have described them in three videos that you will find in The Journey of Discovery. They have pioneered what it is like to leave behind the greed and fear of the Brute Force Economy to travel the Journey of Reconnection that has brought them not only Total Abundance but Perfect Health, Love-Based Communities that nurtures all of their own, and an amazing level of individual life purpose fulfillment the like of which doesn’t exist in the world as we know it today.
They moved into this Miracle-Based Way of Life because they grasped the essential concept that the Source knew more than they did about the physics of life and that it made sense to follow the lead of the Source out of their troubled way of life into the Heaven of a Source-Directed, Miracle-Based Way of Life.
We are now at a critical point in the history of life on the Earth, when Man-Made Strategies for running the world have taken us to the brink of destruction through nuclear, chemical, and germ warfare, caused critical levels of damage to the environment, and now are threatening to collapse the fragile house of cards of our global economic system.
It is a time when people can turn this dangerous situation around by following in the footsteps of the Prototype Communities. If they turn to the leadership of the Source, they can find their way out of the troubles of the world into the safety of a Life that is Heaven – a life of Total Abundance for all.
All it takes to start that transition is to be open to the concept that a Complete Solution that is backed up by the power and wisdom of the Source is far better than the Partial Solutions that are backed up by different factions operating from Man-Made Strategies, motivated by fear and greed.
The Source doesn’t have a greed motive. It created the world so that beings within it could experience a Heaven that is like the Heaven that It enjoys at the Unmanifest Level. Its only motive is that beings be able to build this kind of Heaven, which was their wish when they first began incarnating in the Material World at the beginning of the Creation.
The Next Step is for people to begin listening to the guidance of the Source. Through following the upcoming Next Step Communications, you will be given information on how to take your Next Steps in transitioning out of scarcity into Total Abundance.
Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Miracle School