Sherry Daniel, Ph.D.
Director of The Heaven Project
Founder of The Miracle School
This is the place where you can come to learn about and request the Source Workflow Training – STT1.
What your Suit needs to meet the Standards for the November and December Timelines is miracles that enable it to evolve rapidly toward being able to perform flawless Heaven Agent Work. Flawless Heaven Agent Work can't happen this fast without miracles. Most Suits are only producing Level 1 Heaven Agent Work and that only occasionally. Flawless Heaven Agent Work is a Level 10 on a 1 - 10 scale. Getting to this level can be done but Heaven Agents will have to provide their Suits with the miracles that enable the Suit to achieve this.
This Training was created to give every Heaven Agent who wants to retain their Source Connection during these very challenging Sustainability Timelines the opportunity to connect with the miracles that make this possible.
The Training contains the miracles of:
These miracles are transmitted to you by my voice when I provide you with training on how to understand what Heaven Agent Work is and how to do it, how to work in The Pilot/Co-Pilot Working Relationship, and how to understand the experiences of those working with me in the Prototyping Projects.
You can see the progress being made by the people working in the Prototyping Projects who are working with these miracles. This will help you to learn how to work with them in your own preparations to meet the Standards for these Timelines.
Flawless Heaven Agent Work is not going to be a Standard just in November and December. This is the time when this Standard is becoming established as the norm. After the December 22nd Turning Point Timeline, the Individual Timelines that occur weekly will require that Suits be performing flawless Heaven Agent Work in increasingly more complex and advanced levels. This is because Sustainability is based on building the Heaven that the Suit needs in order to achieve Ultimate Sustainability by the end of The Transition. What is learned and achieved in this Training will be the foundation for the Sustainability Timelines that will be coming up in 2022 and beyond.
To find out what it takes to provide the Correct Exchange that will ground the miracles that are brought in in this Training, you can go to the Request section below.
Miracles are Gifts from the Source that can come into your life and transform it into the Heaven that it was created to be when you provide:
Educating yourself about Source-Created Miracles will help you to understand how to do the Correct Exchange that enables you to receive these Gifts from the Source. Once you understand these Spiritual Principles you will be able to welcome in and work effectively with all of the miracles that manifest the Heaven of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life.
For a brief overview, you can go to the article: What You Need to Know to Bring Miracles into Your Life and World.
For more in-depth training on Source-Created Miracles you can go to the Gifted Source Workflow Training on Source-Created Miracles.
Video explanations of Material Energy and Miracle-Friendly Fields are available in The Miracle You Video Book Training entitled: The Miracle You: How to Manifest the Miracle the Source Created You to Be.
Both of these Gifted Trainings are available through a membership in Connecting. If you are not yet a Connecting member, you can request Gifted Membership at: Connecting Signup.
The first concept is that every miracle is a Source Creation. It is a Source-Created Being, a Perfected Spiritual Intelligence that is sent into the world to perform a Mission. The Mission is to build the specfic aspect of the Heaven of Total Abundance that this being was created to build for itself and others.
Incoming miracles need to land in an Energy Nest/Landing Zone created by the Material Energy provided by Manifest Beings. In this Energy Nest the miracle is brought to life after it arrives in the Nest and is nurtured by the Source until it reaches a State of Full Manifestation. It is then able to leave the Energy Nest to do its Mission.
Miracles coming in as living beings such as humans, do not require this kind of Energy Nest. Source Solution Miracles such as Miracle Tools and Source Interventions require an Energy Nest.
Every miracle is a Gift from the Source that does not require any Material Energy to be created. The Correct Exchange only references the amount of Material Energy needed to build the Energy Nest.
Manifest Beings have an onboard Material Energy Factory in their Suits/Manifestations. This enables them to generate all of the Material Energy to create all of the Energy Nests for all of the miracles that they need to have a Life that is Heaven/Happiness.
If Manifest Beings don't provide the necessary Material Energy, the miracles that they need will not be sent to them by the Source because they could not survive without the Energy Nest.
The Correct Exchange is a Source calculation of how much Material Energy is needed to build the Energy Nest for the miracle.
Energy Exchanges provide the Material Energy that is generated in the onboard Material Energy Factory of the Suit.
Financial Exchanges provide Material Energy that is generated from the labor involved in producing the funds for the exchange.
While the natural way to provide Material Energy is through an Energy Exchange, The Financial Exchange Miracle has enabled a Financial Exchange to substitute for an Energy Exchange in instances in which the being requesting a miracle is not producing enough Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
Due to the Disconnection from the Source, the onboard Material Energy Factory has become impaired in most beings who are producing less than 6% of the 100% Material Energy that they were designed to produce. This is why the Source brought in The Financial Exchange Miracle to enable people to receive the miracles they need to restore the functioning of their Material Energy Factory so they can return to providing Material Energy through an Energy Exchange. Without a Financial Exchange option, most Suits would be unable to receive the miracles that they need to get out of the rut of not producing Material Energy the natural way.
While a Financial Exchange provides only a low level of Material Energy, it is a blessing to those who have not yet healed their Suits enough to generate the Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
A financial equivalent of the amount of Material Energy that is needed is provided here for those who lack the skill to generate the right amount of Material Energy for an Energy Exchange.
The amount of Material Energy needed to bring in all of the miracles that are called into action in this Training is US $250.
You can provide this Correct Exchange by accessing the link provided below.
As with all forms of Source Support, the Source can only deliver miracles to a Suit that is producing an Energy Field in which the miracles can come into its life and assist it. If the Energy Field is below the level at which a particular Miracle can operate, then the Source will not send in the miracle even if the person requesting it has provided enough Material Energy to build the Energy Nest for the miracle. This is because the miracle would be unable to fulfill its Mission if it couldn't work at the level of the person requesting its help.
To learn more about Miracle-Friendly and Miracle-Unfriendly Fields and how they affect the ability of miracles to come into your life, you can read the article: Miracle-Friendly Fields.
This Training can be received in its recorded form for those who have Suits producing a Miracle-Friendly Field of a -39 to +10. It is one of the few Recorded Source Workflow Trainings that have miracles that can operate in this expanded range.
I will not be able to email a link to the Training for those whose Suit is producing below a -6. An explanation of this is provided in he article cited above. I will, therefore, provide the link for the training here and if you provide the Financial Exchange for the Training and have a Suit that is producing an Energy Field within the range at which the miracles can operate, I will grant you access to it. Allow at least 24 hours for me to process your request. You can then use your Connecting login credentials to access the Training.
The link for the Recorded Training is: STT1
If your Suit is producing an Energy Field below -39, I will void the online transaction because I will not be able to deliver the training. The Source is still providing The Pilot/Co-Pilot Working Relationship for Suits below a -39 so this help can still be received. This will help your Suit to start producing a higher level Energy Field that will enable it to qualify for the Training in the future.
If you would like STT1 but need an interest free Payment Plan, you can contact me with information on the amount per month that you can provide, and I can check with The World that Works Fund to see if there is enough Material Energy in the Fund for me to deliver this Training to you now and enable you to reimburse the Fund by your payments over time. (The World that Works Fund contains stored Material Energy donated by Source-Directed Activists. As you reimburse the fund, you free up funds to help other Source-Directed Activists.)
You can enter into The Life that Works Fund the amount of the Financial Exchange that provides the Material Energy needed for your Payment Plan. This is the amount agreed upon in our email discussion about providing the Correct Exchange.
You can access this form below.