Source-Directed Spiritual and Social Activism for

Preventing a Covid Infection

Fighting a Covid Infection 

Building a Disease Free Life and World 



Eradicate the Spiritual Root of All Disease


Life Zones & Dead Zones

Life Energies exists in a Life Zone, which is an energy context that has movement structured by Life Rhythms. The movement of Life Energies is what sustains all manifestations on the Spiritual Level and the Physical Level. A Life Zone is the context in which Perfect Health can manifest.


Death and Disease Energies exist in a Dead Zone, which is an energy environment in which there are Stasis Energies that produce stillness with no Life and Inertia Energies that warp Life Rhythms leading to their eventual death. 


Dead Zones inhabited by Stasis and Inertia Energies are the breeding ground of all of the diseases that afflict the mind, emotions, body, spirit, the society, and energy environment in which beings live. They are the Spiritual Root of all diseases.

Eradicating Dead Zones and
restoring Life Zones is the first response of the Source to disease.



The Life Restoration Intervention

The Life Restoration Intervention is a First Step Intervention for eliminating the Spiritual Root of disease, the Dead Zone, to prevent disease, break the power of an existing disease, and build a Disease Free Life and World.

  • The Intervention destroys:
    • Suit Dead Zones that manifest in the Spiritual Energy Body and in its Auric Field and Force Field. These Dead Zones create disease on the Spiritual Level which then manifests as disease on the Physical Level.
    • Social Dead Zones that breed conflict and destroy Life Rhythms in social institutions and traditions.
    • Geographical Dead Zones that are toxic energy environments that short out Suits, rendering them more likely to malfunction mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • It restores life by rebuilding the Life Rhythms so that a Life Zone manifests in the place where the Dead Zone once existed.  Only when an area is restored to being a Life Zone is healing complete.  Only in a Life Zone can the physical level of a disease be effectively eradicated.  


Rather than struggling to contain a disease at the surface level, it is far more efficient to uproot it at the level of its Spiritual Root.  If the Spiritual Root is eliminated the disease can be more effectively eliminated at the surface where it manifests as a disease at The Physical Level of Reality. This is similar to uprooting a blackberry bush rather than cutting it down to the surface and leaving the root to grow another bush.


This Intervention is not only designed to build a Disease Free Life and World.
It is a first line defense to preventing a Covid Infection and
a first line defense for fighting an existing Covid infection.


To learn more about The Life Restoration Intervention and to request it to counter Covid, you can go to:





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