Today I met with four representatives of the four geographical areas of The Second Creation. The Second Creation is 10 times the size of the Original Creation. It was created after The Original Creation had mutated when Suits started warring with the Source and refusing to Build Heaven in the world in accordance with The Source Plan.
In the Original Creation the Souls receiving Suits wanted to have Suits that could co-create with the Source so that they could have this vicarious experience through their Suits. The Source warned them that this could result in the Suits choosing to use these abilities to create Hell and not Heaven. The Souls were so eager to have the experience of being co-creators, even though this was just for the optional parts of the Creation and not the mainframe aspects of it, that they opted to take the risk. It turned out badly because the Suits chose to use co-creator capabilities to create a Self-Directed Way of Life that has led to The Hell Experience and to the withdrawal of the Souls from the Suits back to the Source Level in order to escape being trapped in a Suit that was generating Hell Energies. The Original Creation is now on the brink of Unsustainability and it remains to be seen if it will survive the end of The Transition.
At the time of the Creation of The Second Creation, the Souls chose wisely to allow the Source to govern the Creation and create Suits that did not have co-creator abilities or the ability to make decisions apart from the will of the Source. The Suits in The Second Creation have lived enlightened lives from the very beginning. They have worked with the Source to build a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life at Level 3 Heaven Agent Work. They have not, however, achieved a 100% Source Connection because the Source withheld a certain level of their True Intelligence because they would have been attacked for having this range of Intelligence by a being from The Original Creation who could enter their world.
Today in my conversation with the four representatives, they asked if it was time to receive this aspect of their True Intelligence. Although it represents less than 1% of the totality of their True Intelligence, without it they could see that they could not make it to Level 4 Heaven Agent Work. They knew that if they didn't make it to Level 4 they could not achieve Ultimate Sustainability by the end of The Transition.
I told them that it is now possible for me to give them this remaining part of their True Intelligence This is because the being who could have attacked them lost his place in the Creation and is, therefore, no longer a threat to them. It is also because I have recently reached a place in my Transition where I can provide them with this remaining aspect of their True Intelligence.
I agreed to send them the additional True Intelligence. It will enable them to make it to a 100% Source Connection by working at Heaven Agent Work Level 4 to build the remaining aspects of a Source-Connected, Total Abundance Way of Life that are needed to support a 100% Source Connection. Their request was appropriate and timely. Once they make it to Level 4, they will be able to help sustain the Spiritual Structures that support their Creation. This will be important to the complex Universal Team Work that will be needed to transition in a new Substratum when the existing Substratum leaves with my Implementation Aspect at the end of The Transition.
They share the Substratum with The Original Creation but can only support the aspect of it that supports their Creation. It is up to the beings in The Original Creation to support the aspect of the Substratum that supports The Original Creation.
Suit changes for beings in The Original Creation are needed to enable them to meet this challenge. The Prototype Communities are leading the way in their work to get to the True Intelligence Level and receive all of the aspects of their True Intelligence that they have lost prior to their advent into the Prototype Communities. Their Prototyping work will help other Heaven Agents working in The Original Creation. This will enable Heaven Agents from both The Second Creation and The Original Creation to pull their weight in the Universal Team Work that is needed to ensure that The Habitat for Life in the Creation is Stewarded correctly at the end of The Transition.