June 22nd, 2014

Your Help Is Urgently Needed

Filed in What's Happening


Thus far Heaven Agent Support has brought in the equivalent of $45,000 in Material Energy for The Spiritual Healing Power Station Project.  Most of this amount was contributed through Energy Exchanges.  


With this Material Energy I was able to bring The Power Station into alignment with the Earth so that it is now functioning to provide the spiritual energies needed for its defense.  Since there have been considerable efforts on the part of the Negativity to stop my work on The Power Station, this defense energy has been critical to the work on the Project.


Without the additional $115,000 in Material Energy needed to complete the grounding of the Power Station and to activate it so that it can begin distributing Healing Energies to the population, the Project will not be complete and the Power Station will be recalled to the Unmanifest Level from which it has come.


We only have until June 30th
to provide this additional Material Energy.


It is of urgent importance that you step forward to do what is yours to do to support this Project.  This Power Station is an essential Puzzle Piece needed to assemble The Picture of the Heaven of Perfect Health on the Earth and in the Creation as a whole.


Those residing on the Earth need to step forward to help not only themselves and their loved ones and others on the Earth but to enable this miracle to become available to others living in other parts of the Creation.


If this Power Station is not able to become fully grounded and activated on the Earth, the most material level in the Creation, it will not be available to beings in the less material environments outside of the Earth Plane.


This means that humans have a responsibility to the rest of the Universal Community to Become Love in Action and step forward to do their parts to enable this miracle to come into the Manifest World.  



The Source Call to Action

For billions of years beings have been crying out to the Source to free them from the suffering caused by disease and injuries and to enable them to experience the joy of living in healthy bodies until the end of their incarnations.


The Source has responded by Prototyping the Path to Perfect Health in the 14 Prototype Communities.  The Source has then created miracles such as The Spiritual Healing Power Station that can replicate, in the Miracle-Unfriendly Environments outside of the protected Spiritual Space of a Prototype Community, the miracle of Perfect Health that is enjoyed by the Prototype Communities.


Now, at this critical historical moment, it is necessary for people on the Earth to provide the Material Energy for this miracle to ground and fulfill its Mission of Mercy for all beings throughout the Creation who do not live in Prototype Communities.


Step forward and contribute the Material Energy for this miracle to become a part of your reality.  


Say “No” to the suffering of illness.
Say “Yes” to Perfect Health.


Contribute what is yours to contribute. 

This is an essential part of the Correct Exchange
that enables the Source to sustain your incarnation.

Find out how to contribute at:


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