Total Abundance Way of Life Projects

The Source Perspective Project


 Source Workflow Session

Achieving a Continuous Heaven Experience

January 26. 2017


Twelve of the most advanced communities in The Second Creation have signaled me of their willingness to take on a Mission that they consider to be an impossible task given their current situation.  They discovered this Mission when they used Total Abundance Technology to ask for the Total Abundance that I needed to help them advance toward a 100% Source Connection.  What surfaced from the Inner Plane Source Guidance that they received was a task of transforming their way of life into one which could support The Heaven Experiencebecoming a continuing experience in every moment of their lives.


Although they have experienced The Heaven Experience at peak moments, they do not know how to create a way of life that would enable them to experience it in every moment of their lives.  They are open to trying but are admitting that it seems to them, from where they are now, that it is an impossible task to accomplish in the short term. Long term, over generations, they can see that it is not impossible, but short term it seems to them to be beyond their skill sets for achieving such an outcome.


They said that when they researched what it would take to have a continuous Heaven Experience, I told them on the Inner Plane that they would have to give up looking forward to things and savoring the outcomes that they anticipated. Even if these outcomes were Source-Given, the mental act of boxing the outcome and anticipating it and desiring it, took away from the absolute neutrality that enables a person to achieve a neverending Heaven Experience.


I explained to them, through Inner Plane Source Guidance, that the path to a continuing Heaven Experience is a path in which the Heaven Agent is open to whatever is Next without expectation – which activates desire and attachment – or dread – which activates fear and aversion.  Heaven Agents have to be focused on their Love Connection with the Source so completely that the pleasures of the world do not motivate them. Neither are they motivated by the fear of loss of these pleasures.


They said that they thought that they were missing Programming in their Suits to do this and they asked me if I could look into the matter for them.


Source Response

I agreed with them that there is vital equipment that enables beings to attain The Heaven Experience at the highest level that is missing in the Suits. The Negativity prevented this equipment from reaching beings in The First Creation and The Second Creation because they wanted the Suits to Disconnect from the Source by attaching to the beings and things that they desired.


Just today I have managed to get an upgraded Third Creation version of this equipment through to beings throughout the Creation. This Third Creation Equipment enables them to move smoothly with my Source Workflow without a focus on their own agendas.  When they are focused on Helping the Source and moving with what is next on my Source Workflow, then they don’t develop Stories about what will make them happy and attach to these Stories and then get off the flow because of an attachment to a Story.


Beings in The Second Creation do not aspire for anything that is not Source-Given so their attachment to the Heaven that I tell them is available is not attachment of the sort that beings engage in in The First Creation.  In The First Creation beings pursue what they desire and often cut the Source out of the picture altogether.  This kind of attachment is very low in vibration and linked directly to the Negativity.


In The Second Creation, the level of attachment is like a very subtle mental construct that comes in the way of the flow of consciousness that is needed for a being to keep up with my Source Workflow and experience being in the moment instead of being focused on a future outcome.


Their Response

They say that they got the Third Creation equipment but they still feel like their mental constructs are interrupting The Heaven Experience.


Source Response

I looked more closely at how their Suits are functioning with the new Third Creation Equipment and modified it so it cycles faster, keeping better pace with their faster paced Intelligence.  In The First Creation the same Third Creation Equipment needs to cycle slower since beings have yet to access their True Intelligence and need to process information at a much slower pace.


Their Response

They are reporting in that this correction has made it possible for them to have The Heaven Experience continuously.  They say that their Suits are just not focusing on outcomes but on the Source Workflow instead.  As they focus on my Source Workflow they say that they are staying in alignment with me and doing their Missions at 100%.  As they do their Missions at 100%, they are activating The Heaven Experience Frequency which is manifesting a Heaven Experience that is continuous.  


They say that their Heaven Experience Medium is growing in diameter and they feel that this Medium may soon help others in The First Creation since both First and Second Creations are now residing in The Third Creation World.


Source Response

I took a look at the expansion of the Heaven Experience Medium and could see that it is flowing outward toward others in The Third Creation World but because it is too high speed for beings in The First Creation to bear, I have cordoned it off so that it will not spill over into the area where First Creation Beings are residing.


I had separated out the Spiritual Space of The First Creation and The Second Creation after they entered into The Third Creation World to enable them to function at different levels of speed and retain energies that are not similar but essential to their very different ways of life.


Although The Heaven Experience Medium of The Second Creation is not directly helping beings in The First Creation, it is lifting the vibration of The Third Creation World considerably. Those who can rise with this higher vibrational energy are lifting up to new levels which are more conducive to The Heaven Experience.  Those who are full of Hell Experience energies are rising but not at the same rate. Those who are most Source-Connected are now in a  more peaceful environment.


Those being left behind in the lower vibrational energies are working harder to get to higher levels where the energies are more conducive to The Heaven Experience. This is helping them to let go of the attachments that lead to The Hell Experience.


Their Response

They expressed their gratitude for the Source Support that has made this seemingly impossible task, possible. They said that without the correct equipment it was impossible but with the correct equipment it is happening for them already.


Source Response

I expressed to them my joy in seeing them make it to this highest level of Total Abundance. The Prototype they develop will help others to follow in their footsteps.


Those in The First Creation have a longer way to go to be ready to work with this equipment to get to this level because they have to first wean themselves off of running after Self-Chosen ideas of happiness and abundance and turn to the Source for the Total Abundance that the Source has created for them. Only Source-Given Total Abundance adds up to True Happiness.  


The beings in The Second Creation have been choosing only Source-Given Total Abundance from the beginning of their world. They, therefore, had an easy transition into living in The Manifest World and have worked together as a Love-Based Community throughout their history.  The minor adjustment of getting their minds to not focus on future Source-Given happiness in eager anticipation was the remaining challenge for helping them to move into a continuous Heaven Experience. Now they can focus on their Mission of Helping the Source exclusively. This enables them to hit the 100% Mark in doing their Mission which is what unleashes The Heaven Experience Frequency which is what triggers The Heaven Experience.  


Since The Heaven Experience makes all life experiences richer, fuller, and more exquisite, this focus on their Mission does not take away from the Heaven that they experience in the world.  Instead, it is the means by which Life becomes an experience of Heaven at the highest level.


The Principles

The principle is that those who focus on what they want, divert energy from their connection with the Source.  The vein of diverted energy is a medium which the Negativity can tap into to Harvest these energies and use them to create suffering in their life.  The Negativity wants Suits to suffer because then they drop in vibration and become more suited to the Harvest since the Negativity can only ingest low vibrational energies that come from suffering.


Those who focus 100% on Helping the Source and remain neutral about whatever Mission the Source sends them are the ones who activate Heaven Experience Technology which floods their lives with the delicious experience of Heaven Energies that transform even simple moments into moments of pure enjoyment that is beyond anything that anyone can achieve by pursuing a desired outcome directly.


The Importance of Team Work

Another aspect of this Session that I would also like to bring to your attention, is that these beings from The Second Creation needed to alert me that they had gone as far as they could go in their Inner Plane research on the Total Abundance that I needed in order to help them achieve a continuous Heaven Experience.  I had directed them to approach me directly on the Outer Plane so that whatever stumbling blocks might still be in the way could come to my attention and I could bring Direct Source Work to bear on finding a Source Solution.


This is why they contacted me and why it was on my Source Workflow to do this Session with them.  I then discovered that although The Third Creation Equipment that I was still working to get out to beings in the Creation had reached them, it needed a modification, which was an increase in speed.  Although I could have discovered this later by noticing that they weren’t functioning at their highest level, I chose to send them Inner Plane Source Guidance to alert me to their dilemma in person so that an immediate Source Solution could be brought through for this problem.


This is a good example of how I use Team Work to discover problems, troubleshoot, and bring in new Source Solution Miracles. Heaven Agents who follow Inner Plane Source Guidance to alert me if they are guided to do so, will help themselves and others to transition more rapidly and smoothly into The Total Abundance Way of Life that is needed by all beings if Life in the Creation is to survive.



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