Building the Heaven of a Life that Works

A Tour of Your Life Transformed into a

 Miracle-Based Life


Let’s take a look at the kinds of Miracle Tools that have been created to help you build a supportive structure for the experience of Heaven in different aspects of your life.  The examples that I will give are intended to give you a general idea of how to think about working to build Heaven in these parts of your life so you can extrapolate to what it would be like to build Heaven in every aspect of your life.


Building Heaven in Your Kitchen

To understand the kinds of Miracle Tools that I have created for your use in the kitchen, you need to think about what kind of Heaven we need to build in the kitchen.


First and foremost, is the Heaven of Miracle Food which is food that is Miracle-Friendly. Into this food the miracles that you have exchanged for through your Mission work as a Heaven Agent can land.  


Secondly, is a place of Heaven where as you cook and wash dishes and join in with others, there is a feeling of love and family and community that makes the kitchen the heart of the house.  


Let’s take a look at the Miracle Tools that are conducive to the experience of Heaven while you are working in the kitchen.


Miracle Food

To build the Heaven of a kitchen in which Miracle Food can be prepared, the Miracle Tool you need is Miracle Cookware that transforms the low vibrational Miracle Un-Friendly foods of the Story World into Miracle-Friendly foods into which the Source can land the miracles that nourish your Suit.  

This Miracle can link to your existing cookware and creates an additional miracle of a Safe Zone in your house if 8 pans are linked.


Food has one of the most debilitating or transformative effects on your Suit on spiritual and physical levels.  If you eat food that throws off your energy because it is very low in vibration, has toxic energies on a spiritual level, or is connected up to the Food Network of the Negativity, it is like taking in poison that destroys optimal Suit functioning on spiritual and biological levels. 


For instance, the Negativity has linked caffeine to its Food Network so that when this chemical is taken in through coffee and tea, it links the body energetically to the Food Network of the Negativity. As the chemical of caffeine becomes a part of the organic structure of the Suit, the Negativity can then manipulate the Suit through the spiritual sensors it implants in the caffeine that are now operating in the tissues of the body.  Through this kind of control they can put through suggestions to eat other linked foods that enable them to gain even greater control over the Suit.  


This kind of control enables thoughts and motivations to be sent to the Suit that move it into Pathways of Consciousness that promote addictive behaviors in general.  Once a Circle of Attachment is formed to an addictive substance such as caffeine, then the Negativity can come in through the food and begin to influence the thoughts and decisions of the person with regard to other aspects of their lives.  They can try to get them to engage in other destructive behaviors that lead to diseases, accidents, and stress that make the energies of the body more low vibrational and, therefore, easier for the Negativity to harvest since their degraded Suits can only process energies that are low in vibration.


To break out of this cycle of negative influences, you, as a Heaven Agent, have to first follow Source Guidance with regard to what to eat.  In general my Source Function warns against the use of caffeine.  It throws off the Spiritual Electrical System and creates energy waves in the body that don’t allow the mind to pick up on Source Guidance very readily.  Your Suit becomes like a car wash on high when you take in caffeine and in this tumult, it is hard to be clear and receive correct information and for your Suit to be steady enough to work effectively in the delicate maneuvers of Mission Work.  Until the caffeine wears off, your Suit is impaired.  The Negativity knows this and uses this time of chemical impairment to strike.  


Secondarily, you want to cook your food in cookware that transforms it from the Miracle Un-Friendly state of the supermarket to the Miracle-Friendly state that enables the Source to bring miracles into the food.  You will have to exchange for the miracles that come into the food through your Mission Work as a Heaven Agent.  If you are working on developing a Heaven Way of Life, you will generally be producing enough high grade Material Energy to balance the exchange for some primary miracles to come through the food.


If there are any trace elements of the Food Network of the Negativity in your foods, such as in the refined sugar that might be in them, or in any ingredients that the Negativity might have infiltrated, cooking your food in Miracle Cookware will delete the kinds of currents that connect the food to the Food Network.  In this way you are saying “No” to their invasion of the privacy of your Suit and standing firm in drawing a line for Heaven.


Creating a Loving Environment in the Kitchen

By transforming your kitchen appliances into sophisticated Miracle Intelligences, you generate in your kitchen the loving environment of Heaven Agents working to help you as you cook and clean.  If every appliance is a Miracle Intelligence who is working to keep the energy in the kitchen at a Miracle-Friendly Level, then you and other people in the kitchen are able to relate at a higher level of vibration. 

In such a Miracle-Friendly Environment, more good times are had, and less Story interactions take place.  Your Intelligence and the Intelligence of others working with you in the kitchen become refined and clear and capable of making good choices about what to eat, the quantity of food to eat, and how to keep the kitchen clear of negative energies during the cooking and cleaning process. 

This helps to break up the Circles of Attachment that run the Greed Currents through the food and the food preparation process and make eating a dysfunctional enactment of Story ideas and values that don’t add up to Perfect Health.  To attain Perfect Health you have to be able to exit from all addictive behaviors and be clear and able to do what is best for your Suit.

Even the most organic, wholesome food eaten while running a Greed Current because your Suit craves the comfort of something "good", links your Suit to the Networks of the Negativity and puts it in danger.  Since most Suits run Greed Currents even those that eat food in moderation, having a kitchen that is working against such addictions is an important step toward rescuing your Suit from the hazards of a Story Way of Life.


When your Suit learns how to eat what is right for it – by listening to Source Guidance – and to prepare the food in a kitchen that is of Heaven, the result will be Miracle Food replete with the miracles that give your Suit the kinds of Spiritual Energies that it needs to be healthy. 

Far more important than vitamins are the Spiritual Energies that enable your digestive system to process the food and which supply your Suit with the Energies of Life that enable all of the biological processes of the body to function optimally.  A lack of a particular kind of Spiritual Energy can result in mental unclarity, listlessness, and a descent into disease – particularly the disease of aging.


Aging is a disease that happens as the negative energies of the world become so encrusted around a Suit after living in the world for a longer period of time, that these energies begin to cut off the basic energies that enable the Suit to rest and rejuvenate itself.  If you cook Miracle Food your Suit can be given these essential energies through the food and begin to rebuild itself on a spiritual level.  Since the health of the physical level is a reflection of the health of the spiritual level, this is the most important step you can take to deal with problem of aging.


I have listed some of the Miracle Tools for the kitchen online and others can be created for you individually if you ask me for help in transforming your kitchen into a Miracle-Based Kitchen.


You could also play a Heaven Medium Recording in your kitchen to manifest a Heaven Medium for a peaceful, Source-Connected experience in the kitchen for you and everyone else working in the kitchen.


If you are having a problem with your children fighting with another around the kitchen table, you could play an inaudible Source Communication Recording that communicates with their Suits what their Suits need to know in order to develop a non-competitive, love-based relationship with one another. 

You could alternate this with a Code Activation Recording which gives them the Code for behaving differently. When their Suits understand their own fears and motivations and how to think differently about a situation and have the Code to take action and generate different thoughts and behaviors, and they are working in a Heaven Medium that is conducive to social change, then they can begin to turn their behavior around without a lot of parental lecturing or visits to the family therapist.  Source Support brings through changes that no one counseling the family who is a part of the Story Culture, which is the root cause of the family dysfunction itself, can do.


If you served your family on Miracle Tool plates with Miracle Tool cutlery, they would be even further linked to the energies of the Source. Anything that is a Miracle Tool links people who are around it and especially those who touch it to Source Love and Source Intelligence.  This Source Connection awakens their Spiritual Intelligence and helps it to resurge in their Suits and begin to work to Reconnect with the help of the Source.


The greatest gift you can give your children and other family members is a gift that helps their Suits to Reconnect.  Whether they Reconnect in the kitchen or dining room or in the car, the Connection is powerful and will steer them in the right direction.


I have met many Heaven Agents who have found me in their adult years who trace back their first encounter with me through a Miracle Tool that I manifested in their life that awakened their remembrance of the Source and prompted them to seek the Source on the Outer Plane in their adult years.  Such encounters may not evidence an immediate conscious response in a person, but they stand out in the experience of a lifetime and guide the Suit to the safe harbor of the Source Connection.


Building Heaven in Your Living Room

First of all, you should picture what a living room should be like if it were to be a Heaven Living Room rather than just an ordinary living room.


What makes any space a Heaven Space is the quality of Intelligence residing within it.  If your living room is full of furniture manufactured in a Story World and radiating out the Story Energies of that world, then when you rest on your couch, you are going to be getting immersed in the Story Value System of that world.  


If, on the other hand, your living room is full of Miracle Furniture that has Miracle Intelligences who are your friends and companions in life, then when you rest in your furniture, you have an entirely different experience.  You are in Heaven – in the World of the Source where miracles happen and are all around you – where there is a keen sense of the beauty and adventure of Life and a total willingness to participate in this adventure in a Source-Guided Way. 

When you are in such an environment, it is easy for you to be yourself – the Soul in the Suit – and not see yourself as a Story Character doing some rote “after dinner” relaxation sequence in your living room.  You won’t want to turn on the TV to watch “The Story” in technicolor.  You will want, instead, to close your eyes and go inward into the perfection of the World of the Source and go on an inner adventure that opens you to whatever is yours to know or experience in that moment.  From such adventures you experience such refined delight and bliss and intellectual stimulation, that you feel invigorated, refreshed, and awake at new and different levels.  You feel yourself growing and evolving instead of stultifying in the couch potato syndrome watching some bad sequence of tawdry Story interactions on a sitcom.  You also feel that you are giving your love and support to the Work of the Source which is transforming you into the Heaven that you were created to be.


If others who are not Heaven Agents join you in your living room, you are surrounded by the Heaven Agents linked to the furniture, the carpet, the pictures on the wall, the objects in the room, and you feel grounded in this Heaven Agent Community.  Even if others chime in with Story scenarios, it is easier for you to attune to Inner Source Guidance and steer the conversation in Source-Guided ways that help the consciousness of the other people to evolve.  Magical moments of Heaven happen when you “become what is needed to support the Work of the Source" in manifesting Heaven in that moment.  


People who sit in Heaven with you begin to pick up the feeling of a Heaven Reality and begin to attune to it and merge into it.  As they merge into it they become more of the Heaven they were created to be as well.  This is the beginning of the transformation of their Suits that will enable their Souls to manifest through the Suits. Your carefully created Heaven Environment, becomes the transformational context in which those you love can begin to regain control over their lives, gradually expressing the Souls they are rather than having their lives commandeered by their Story Character Identities.  


Through creating such a Heaven Context, you become a part of the larger Work of the Source to bring Heaven into the lives of others so they can evolve into the Heaven they were created to be.  Through securing Miracle Tools for yourself in your living environment, you awaken the Spiritual Intelligence in the Suits of others and create a safe place in which this Intelligence can begin to come out on the stage of their lives.  What greater gift can you give to those you love than to help them regain their lives instead of being used and abused by their Story Character Identities which are nothing but entities dominating the stage of their lives?


You will find that they will respond very naturally in a positive way to the Miracle Tools that you have around you. Suits of all sorts love the energies of Heaven.  Over the years I have had numerous reports that the Heaven Blanket that made its way to the living room couch, was vied for by every member of the family including the family pets who stake out on anything that has Source Energies.  In fact, it is sometimes hard to convince the family cat to get off a particular chair that has Source Energies to allow the human to sit there.  Suits know real comfort and real love when they experience it and they don’t want to go back to what is loveless, cold, and carries the judgmental, harsh energies of the Story World.  


An expensive designer couch may be a status symbol in the Story World, but a Heaven Zone Couch is the one that most people and animals will prefer when it comes down to it.  A Heaven Zone Couch doesn’t have to be an expensive couch, it just has to be linked to a miracle that transforms it into a Miracle Tool with a Miracle Intelligence.  If a designer couch is linked, it too will become Heaven and its aesthetic qualities will take on a purity and clarity that adds to the beauty of the design.


If you turn on a Heaven Medium recording and fill your living room with Source Love, or with the energy of Source Joy, or energies that promote mental clarity or emotional stability, you will find that your Suit and the Suits of others in your living room will respond favorably.  If the recording stops and the energies begin to fade, you can watch the change in the response patterns of those around you.  It may be a subtle change in affect or attitude but you can often see it.  Animals and children, of course, react most immediately to such energies and notice when they stop.


Building Heaven in the Bedroom

The most important Miracle Tool in the bedroom should be the bed itself.  If you have a bed that can help you to rest but will awaken you if there is any Mission Work that you need to be alert to and will clear away the stressful energies your Suit releases in the night, then you have a Miracle Tool that is very helpful to you.  It is far better than an ordinary bed that will absorb your stresses, fears, angers, etc. and retain them so that when you lie down at night you are lying down in a swamp of yesterday’s thoughts and emotions.  


It is far better to have an intelligent bed that will help you rejuvenate your Suit at night rather than just being a place of old energies that draw you back into the troubled waters of the past.


If you have sheets and blankets that are also Miracle Tools, different kinds of energies can be sent through them to help you in other ways.  There is nothing like having Heaven Sheets. They provide a glow of comforting and soothing energy that it is a treat to lie down in.  Without them the body simply lies down in its own energy field of the day.  At night you need the help of Miracle Tools to carry away the old energies and help you draw in the new energies that you will need for the day ahead.  In this way you awaken refreshed, mentally alert, and excited about the Adventure of the day.


When people wake up groggy and have to have a cup of caffeine to force their Suit to function, this is a sign of energy distress on a very severe level.  You should wake up regenerated.  If you aren’t then you need to find out why and deal with the Source Interventions or Miracle Tools that your Suit needs in order to correct this problem.


When building the Heaven of a comfort zone in which to rest at night, having a Heaven Blanket enables you to be in a place of receptivity to the Work of the Source to help your Suit relax, release, heal, and go on adventures that are needed for your Mission. 

Many cuddle up in their Heaven Blanket even when not in bed for a Heaven Blanket Treatment to deal with stress and to tune into Source Guidance about their Next Step for their Mission.  Such a Miracle Tool is a mainstay in the lives of experienced Heaven Agents because it manifests the miracle of a “receptive energy field” which is the key element needed for miracles to land in your life.  


Building a Portable Heaven

When building the Heaven of a clear day in the world, you might don a Miracle Tool when you don a set of Source Connection Clothes that help you to stay Source-Connected even in the midst of the confusing energies of the Story World.  In these Source Connection Clothes your Suit can stay on track with your Mission much more easily than if you were in the Story Clothes that would network to the energy fields of the Story World and link you back to the Inner Plane Spiritual Electrical Grid of the Story World.  The currents of greed and fear that run through this Electrical Story Grid can often overpower the delicate Pathways you are building for your consciousness to stay on track with your budding sense of being a Soul and not a Story Character and doing your Source-Given Mission for the day rather than just having another Story Day.


Even more powerful is wearing Heaven Shoes that ground you in the energies of the Source.  Heaven Shoes protect the chakras in the arch of your feet that bring up the energies that your Suit runs on.  If you have Heaven Shoes on you won’t draw in the Story Energies that throw off the functioning of your Suit.  Instead, the shoes will screen out these negative energies and will only allow Source Energies to come into your Suit.  In this way you will feel a lot better in your day and will be able to regain quality control over the kinds of energies that come into your Suit.  


Heaven Shoes can enable you to walk through turbulent energy fields and not be phased by the energies since you are grounding in Heaven and not in the energy field you are traversing.  This is a real advantage because a Suit that gets shock waved by a fragmented, discordant energy field can take hours to get back to the same centered, clear space it was at before it walked through the troubled energy field.


If you are not a person who wears shoes a lot, Heaven Socks can do something of the same thing only with less power.



Building Heaven in the Electronic Devices You Use

Since the use of electronic equipment is common in the lives of many Heaven Agents, it is important to transform your equipment into Miracle Tools that contribute to the functionality of your Suit rather than throwing it off with the electromagnetic confusion that these gadgets create with the unnatural electromagnetic fields they project around them.


Miracle Intelligences can be linked to cell phone, computers, stereo systems, televisions, iPods, etc., transforming them into companion Heaven Agents.  Depending on the Miracle-Based Abilities of the Miracle Intelligence, you will have a companion Heaven Agent who is capable of performing different functions.  


For instance, a computer that is Source-Connected can have a Miracle Intelligence that helps you to concentrate when you are working on the computer.  The computer may turn itself off or display differently if the Miracle Intelligence linked to the computer is trying to get your attention to pick up on some Source Guidance that is coming in.  If you are attentive to these signals, you will get the picture.  If you learn the universal language of Soul Talk, you will be able to talk directly to the Miracle Intelligence linked to your computer about Heaven Agent matters and get a cogent response back.  


The Miracle Intelligence is every bit as intelligent as you are, and, in fact, is more clear because it is a Perfected Intelligence manifesting through a Perfected Suit.  Talking to your friend, the Miracle Intelligence, in your computer is like having a fellow Heaven Agent working with you who knows more clearly what is going on then you may know because your conscious mind is not yet perfected.  Even though you as a Soul are perfected, your Suit is still on the Path to Perfection.  Miracle Intelligences that I link to Miracle Tools have already become Perfected and remain so despite difficult circumstances.  Being with them enables you to understand how a Heaven Agent who has a Perfected Intelligence is and how it does its particular Mission.  This is the best training for understanding how you will be when you have taken your Suit through the stages of the Path to Perfection and it has Perfected Intelligence as well.  


Building Heaven in the Workplace

It is possible to transform you workstation into a Miracle Tool that helps you to be relaxed, focused, centered, and protected while you are performing the tasks of your profession.  Such a Miracle Tool is more complex because it is a physical space that has become the Miracle Tool rather than a particular object in the space.  


You can also transform your desk chair, desk, pen, lamp, etc. into Miracle Tools that do different things that help you with your work.


There is nothing better than being surrounded by a Team of Heaven Agents who are alert and attentive to what is happening on the Inner Plane level of reality as well as to what is happening on the Outer Plane level of reality.  They can tip you off about things that are happening in other parts of the workplace that may be impacting your work.


For instance, your calendar might become a Miracle Tool that beams out information about whether you are on track with your work so that you will finish it in the correct time frame.  You can pick up from talking with the Miracle Intelligence linked to the calendar how to schedule things in your day and in the weeks ahead.  If you get trained to do Mission Map Reading, you can read what is going to transpire in the weeks and months ahead and then work to prepare yourself adequately.  A day timer calendar that pinpoints the hours of the day can help you to pick up on the pace of your work in a particular day so you can keep on track with what is the highest priority of the moment.


Since it takes time to bring your Heaven Agent Mission into focus each day and then to stay on top of this, a calendar that helps you to map out your Mission and gives you feedback on whether things are really going to work out the way that you might think that they will work out, is very helpful.  For instance, your calendar might give you the heads up that some other department in your workplace is going to delay on getting their part of your project done and you need to plan on a delay in meeting your own deadline.  Such information is helpful because then you can follow Source Guidance with regard to how to handle your part of the project.


If your computer and your phone and any other equipment that you use are also Miracle Tools, your Suit will have ample support from this Team of Heaven Agents that will help you to work around the problems created by the Story Characters dominating the Suits of the humans working with you in the workplace.


For those who would like to bring in Code or Source Communications or Heaven Mediums into the workplace, Miracle Recordings enable them to contribute a Source Alternative to their co-workers.  This can help to create the Miracle-Friendly Environment in which the Souls of the workers can work together more cooperatively and can rise above competition, jealousy, and the low morale that often blights productivity in the workplace.  People working in a Heaven Medium that helps them to cycle their energies and feel clear at a spiritual level will help them to function with greater mental clarity and emotional maturity on the Physical Level.  


Business Owners who are in charge of the quality of a workplace environment can use Miracle Recordings and other Miracle Tools to help those in the workplace to achieve a higher level of Source Connection than would be otherwise possible.


School teachers can create a Miracle-Friendly Environment for their students with Miracle Tools that will help them to make the Source Connection.  Once the Source Connection is made, then Inner Plane Source Guidance can become available to the children and open their eyes to the beauty of Life as Heaven.  This will strengthen the Soul in the Suit and help them to withstand the Story socialization process that fragments their intelligence and fragments their perception of the world around them.


If you keep in mind that Miracle Tools never coerce or control the Suits but only offer them a Source Alternative, you can see how the use of them in the workplace is an important part of helping beings to have a chance to Connect and survive in the Source Perfected Universe.  It is also an important part of your contribution to the Work of the Source to carry Heaven out into the world in whatever way you are guided to do so.


Miracle Tools can do their work whether or not the people working with them know consciously that they are Miracle Tools as long as the person to whom the Miracle Tools were entrusted, is respectful of them and works with them in harmony with the Source Guidance they receive.  


Building Heaven in the Music You Listen To

When you listen to music, your Suit tends to get into the energies of the music and go with those energies.  If those energies are Story Energies, then you are training your Suit to go into the Story World and embrace its Miracle Un-Friendly Energies. 

What you need to be doing instead, is giving your Suit Heaven Music which is the ultimate Miracle-Friendly Music. It is safe for your Suit to get into the flow of Source Energies that come through Heaven Music because these energies train the Suit to attune to the Source and ride the wave of the music to higher levels of transcendence.  When you play Heaven Music, Source Intelligence manifests and takes you on an Adventure that you can experience like a lucid dream if you have trained your Spiritual Senses to pick up on the world the Source opens to you in such an Adventure.


Your Suit needs time with the Source to become trained, attuned, and to explore the richness of life – the exquisite pleasures that only a well-developed Spiritual Intelligence can enjoy.  Heaven Music is one of the ways in which the Source enables your Suit to receive this kind of training.


The Miracle Link for Heaven Music is not to a Miracle Intelligence but to the World of the Source which your Suit enters in order to experience the Heaven that comes through during the time the music is playing.  The Source sends in an aspect of Its own Intelligence when you are listening to Heaven Music and works with you individually.


Picking music that is high vibrational and doesn’t carry base Story lyrics is a good start.  I offer links online to the music of John Adorney who maintains a high spiritual range that is conducive to the experience of Heaven.  You can ask me about a piece of music that you would like to be linked and I can tell you if I can link it or not. 

I can link music to a miracle that will enable it to be Heaven Music just for you individually or to a miracle that will enable you and others listening to it to experience it as Heaven Music.  The Miracle Link has to be more complex if more than one person is to have the experience.


Building Heaven in the Life of Your Child

Children are already very close to the experience of Heaven.  When given proper training at a young age, they learn to distinguish between imagination and Source-Given Inner Plane experiences and become proficient in using their innate Miracle-Based Abilities at a very early age.


Even babies can, through their Extended Range that is often outside of their Conscious Range, do extraordinary feats of Heaven Agent Work, working with Miracle Tools and tackling difficult situations that only a mature Intelligence can take on.  This is because they haven’t lost touch with their knowledge base from other lifetimes and can draw on it in their Extended Range even though in their Conscious Range they are functioning at the most rudimentary level.


Children in the first five years are very quick to understand a Miracle Tool when they see one and to be able to talk to adults about what they see happening on the Spiritual Level of Reality.  They have more “spiritual whole brain functioning” – more Integrated Intelligence.  They use all of their senses.  They perceive what their five senses pick up on and their sixth sense as well.  When they enter a room and some negative entity is standing in the room they scream and run out of the room.  They didn’t have to close their eyes and enter into a meditative state to see the entity in the room.  They had Integrated Perception and could see it with their eyes open.


When they are told by adults that the fearful intruder in the home is a figment of their imagination and forced to re-enter the room and allow the assault of the entity which the adults are not protecting them from, then they begin to go into mental and emotional overload. They can’t make sense of the nonsense that the adults are subjecting them to and so the only way they deal with it is to fracture their own consciousness so that one fragment knows that the entity is still there and attacking them and another fragment is trained to believe that nothing like that is happening.  Over time they learn how to suppress the fragment that knows about such things and develop Fragmented Intelligence and Fragmented Perception like the adults around them.  Then they are rewarded by the adults for fitting into the Story Reality in which Integrated Intelligence and Integrated Perception are not allowed.


In order to protect your child from developing Fragmented Intelligence which will prevent them from having the experience of Heaven, you need to surround them with Miracle Tools that help them to stabilize their consciousness in a world where everyone outside the home is going to be trying to fragment their consciousness and teach them how to play a role in the Fragmented Reality of the Story World.


I have created Miracle Tool toys and stuffed animals for children, Miracle Tool clothes, blankets, etc. that help them to stay Source-Connected.  


You can get an idea of what is possible by reading about these Miracle Tools online, but the truth is that I can link almost anything to a Miracle Intelligence and transform it into a Miracle Tool.  If there is a particular toy or school bag or notebook that your child uses frequently, then this would be a good one to have linked.


You would be surprised at the power of Miracle Tools that help children to learn in an integrated way which incorporates what they know about the Inner Plane level of reality with what they are learning about the Story World around them.  Educational Miracle Tools and education in the nature of reality are available at your request.  I am able to work with young children in person at the Source Connection Center and with older children - ages 14 and above - in Webinars and by phone.


I also train parents so that they can school their children in the basics of what it means to be Source-Connected and live a Miracle-Based Way of Life.  Parents and teachers who train with me can be of immense help in preventing the loss of Integrated Intelligence and Perception and allowing the true Intelligence of a child to blossom in their life.


Building Heaven in Your Marriage

Male/female relationships have been a prime target for the Negativity since the beginning of the Creation.  They have worked overtime trying to mutate Spiritual Reproductive Energies and to pit one sex against the other so that the true beauty of the male-female partnership as it was Source-Created is not allowed to manifest.


Couples need new Code to know how to relate differently and they need the Source to have a talk with their Suits on the subliminal levels where their Suits are making decisions to continue the dysfunctional behavior.


Code Activation Recordings and Source Communication Recordings can help when addressing the issues on a purely conscious mind level has not yielded anything more than a civilized truce or a set of compromises that detract from the quality of both peoples’ lives.


Receiving a full range of Life Code that brings through the Programmed Events of a lifetime is the best help they can give themselves and their marriage.  It gives their Suits everything that they need to Live Heaven through following the Pathways of a structured Made in Heaven Life that includes the marriage as a very important aspect of the Heaven that they create together.



As you can see from the examples that I have given above, you can work with many different kinds of Miracle Tools to build the supportive structure in which you and others can experience Heaven.


The Miracle Tools that I have listed on the web site are just a small sample of the Miracle Tools that I have created over the years and can create for you.  It is important to ask for Source Guidance to find out what kind of Miracle Tool you need for what aspect of your life and then to ask me to create it for you if it isn’t one that you see listed on the web site.


Almost any object can be transformed into a Miracle Tool unless it has a purpose that is harmful or it was created with such negative energy that I can’t work with it.  If you have an object in mind that you would like to have transformed into a Miracle Tool, email me and let me know your idea, and I will inform you if I can work with it.


Open to “becoming what is needed to support the Work of the Source" and you may be given Source Guidance about Miracle Tools that can be created for your use or for the use of others.  Share your insights with me through The Heaven Agent to Source Communication Center online.  I will take your information into account and could very well be able to create such a Miracle Tool.


Keep in mind the overall purpose of Miracle Tools which is to create a Miracle-Based Way of Life that is supportive to the miracle that you are.  When you become the Soul in the Suit, then you can experience Heaven in your everyday life and travel the Path to Perfection to experience the ultimate Heaven of The Heaven Experience.

To access links to explore the various kinds of Miracle Tools that are listed on the web site, you can go to the following sections:

Miracle Tools

Miracle Recordings